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presente simple con el verbo "wear":

1. She wear a beautiful dress to the party.

2. He wear a blue suit to work every day.

3. The students wear uniforms to school.

4. I wear my favorite hat on sunny days.

5. The baby wear cute little shoes.

6. My brother wear a tie for special occasions.

7. The athletes wear comfortable sneakers for the game.

8. The nurse wear scrubs at the hospital.

9. The professor wear glasses when reading.

10. The model wear elegant evening gowns for the fashion show.

11. The workers wear safety helmets at the construction site.

12. The police officers wear bulletproof vests on duty.

13. The bride wear a white wedding dress.

14. The guitarist wears a leather jacket on stage.

15. The doctor wears a stethoscope around his neck.

16. The hiker wear sturdy boots for the mountain hike.

17. The chef wear a traditional white coat in the kitchen.

18. The news anchor wear a professional suit for the broadcast.

19. The lifeguard wear a red swimsuit on duty.

20. The actor wear a costume for the movie scene.

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