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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Identify prepositional phrases in text and analyze their function;

2. Identify the role of adjectival phrases in modifying nouns/pronouns;
3. Determine and construct adverbial phrases to modify verbs/adjectives/adverbs.


1. Topic: Prepositional Phrases

2. Year Level: Grade 9
3. Reference:
 Grammar and Composition pp. 94-95
 Malnik J. (2022, March 7). Prepositional phrases: what they are and
examples. Writer. Retrieved February 12, 2023, from
 YouTube. (2021, January 15). Prepositional phrases: Adverbial and
adjectival | lesson presentation. YouTube. Retrieved February 12, 2023, from
4. Teaching Materials: PowerPointpresentation


A. Learning Objectives

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

A. Daily Routine
1. Opening Prayer and Greetings

“Please stand up and let us pray”

“Could someone please lead the prayer?” (One student will lead the prayer.)
“Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you for
today. Thank you for ways in which you
provide for us all. For Your protection and love
we thank you. Help us to focus our hearts and
minds now on what we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and
write. Guide us by your eternal light as we
discover more about the world around us. We
"Good morning, class!” ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”
"Before you take your seats, please align your “Good morning, Sir Guk-ong!”
chairs and pick up any pieces of paper under
2. Checking Attendance

"Who is the class secretary? Could you please (The class secretary will check the attendance
check the attendance and give it to me after and give it later to the professor.)

3. Review

“Before we proceed to our discussion for

today, let us recall what you learned in high
school, specifically about nouns and verbs.”

“Nouns are words that represent a person,

place, thing, or idea. On the other hand, verb
is a word that expresses an action, occurrence,
or state of being.”

“Could someone please give me an example of

a noun and a verb?” (Students will give their answers.)

“Great! So now let’s begin with our new


“Before we move on to our discussion, I have

prepared a simple activity that could give you
an idea about what my discussion is all about.
Are you ready?” “Yes, we are Sir!”

B. Motivation

The professor will show pictures through a

PowerPoint presentation, and the students will (Students will answer orally if they are called
describe the position of each picture presented. by the professor.)

Possible answers:

1. under the table

2. on the chair
3. beside the house
4. inside the box
5. above the table

"Very good, class! Thank you for your

cooperation. This activity will be connected to
the topic I am going to discuss today.”
C. Lesson Proper

“Our topic for today is all about

prepositional phrases. But before I discuss
what prepositional phrases are, let us first
define preposition and phrase.”

“Could someone please read what a

preposition is?” (A student will read the definition.)

“Thank you, so preposition is a word or group

of words used before a noun, pronoun, or
noun phrase to show direction, time, place,
location, spatial relationships, or to introduce
an object.”

“These are examples of prepositions. They are

commonly used in English grammar.”

“Could someone, please, read?”

(A student will read the examples of
“So, now let’s talk about what phrases are.”

“Could someone please read the definition and

(One student will read the definition and
examples of phrases?”
“Thank you! Phrases can be categorized into
several types, such as noun phrases, verb
phrases, adjective phrases, adverb phrases,
prepositional phrases, etc. A phrase adds
meaning to a sentence, but it is not a complete
sentence by itself.”

“Do you understand, class?”

“Yes, we understand, Sir!”
“Great! Now you know what prepositions and
phrases are, let’s move on to our main topic
prepositional phrases.”

“Could someone please read what a

(A student will read the definition.)
prepositional phrase is?”

“Thank you! Now let’s talk about the

components of a prepositional phrase. These
are (Preposition + Modifier + Object of the
Preposition). A preposition is used to connect
words or phrase to other words in a sentence.
Next, a modifier describes or tells something
about the object of the preposition, which
could be an adjective or an adverb. Lastly,
object of the preposition could be a noun
(place, person, thing, animal or event) or
pronoun (him, her, it, them, they, me, you or

“Now that you know the components of a

prepositional phrase, here are some sentences
that contain prepositional phrases.”

“Could someone please read the examples?” (One student will read the sentences.)

First example:
Angelito is hiding behind the tall tree.

“As you can see in the first sentence, the word

“behind” is the preposition, the word “tree” is
the object of the preposition, and the word
“tall” is an adjective that modifies the word
“tree”, which is the object of the preposition. So
the prepositional phrase in this sentence is
“behind the tall tree”.”

“Do you understand, class?” “Yes, Sir!”

“Very good! Now let’s proceed to the second


Second example:
Angelo placed the glass on the round table.

“Could someone underline the prepositional (One student will underline the prepositional
phrase in this sentence?” phrase on the board.)

“But remember, children, not all prepositional

phrases consist of a preposition, a modifier
and an object of the preposition. It could be
only a preposition and an object of the
preposition, just like in the third example.”

Third example:
It annoys me when people talk during movies.

“As you can see in this sentence, we only have

a preposition and an object of the preposition.
This sentence doesn’t have a modifier. The
word “during” is a preposition and the word
“movies” is the object of the preposition.
Therefore, the prepositional phrase here is
“during movies”.”
“A prepositional phrase can either be an
adjectival or adverbial. It is an adjectival if it
modifies the noun or pronoun in a sentence.
However, it is adverbial if it modifies the

“First let’s talk about adjectival phrases.”

“Could someone please read the definition?”

(One student will read the definition.)
“Thank you, adjectival phrases modify nouns
or pronouns and provide additional
information about their characteristics,
qualities, or features.”

“Just take a look at the first example.”

First example:
The book on the shelf is my favorite.

“The phrase “on the shelf” tells us where the

book is located. This modifies the noun “book”
and gives us more information about it,
making it an adjectival phrase.”

Second example:
The girl in the red dress is my sister.

“As you can see in this sentence, the phrase “in

the red dress” describes which girl is being
talked about, making it an adjectival phrase.”

“Do you understand, class?” “Yes, we got it”

“Very good! Now let’s move on to the third


Third example:
The school bus picked up the children at the

“As you can see in this sentence, the phrase “at

the corner” tells us where the children were
picked up, providing more information about
the noun “children”. Therefore, “at the corner”
is an adjectival phrase.”
“Now let’s move on to adverbial phrases.”

“Could someone please read the definition and (One student will read the definition and
examples?” examples.)

“Thank you, adverbial phrases modify verbs,

adjectives, or other adverbs and provide
additional information about time, manner,
place, purpose, cause, degree, and more.

First example:
She walked slowly towards the finish line.

“As you can in this sentence, “towards the

finish line” is the adverbial phrase which tells
us the direction in which she walked. It
provides additional details about the action
and modifies the verb “walked”.”

“Do you understand, class?” “Yes, Sir!”

Second example:
The children played happily in the park.

“In this sentence, “in the park” is the adverbial

phrase which indicates the place where the
children played. It modifies the verb “played”
and gives more information about the setting
of the action.”

“So now let’s move on the third example.”

Third example:
The balloon drifted up the stairs.

“As you can see in this sentence, “up the stairs”

is the adverbial phrase which modifies the
verb “drifted”.”

“Do you understand, class?” “Yes, we understand, Sir!”

D. Generalization

“Very good! Now let’s recall what

prepositional phrases are and the functions of
a prepositional phrase as an adjective or
adverb which are an adjectival phrase and an
adverbial phrase.”
“A prepositional phrase is a group of words
consisting of a preposition, its object and any
words that modify the object. However,
remember that there are instances where it
could be only a preposition and its object. The
modifier is just an option to add information
about the object of the preposition.”

“Next is the adjectival phrase, which modifies

nouns or pronouns and provide additional
information about their characteristics,
qualities, or features.”

“Lastly, adverbial phrases which modify

verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs and
provide additional information about time,
manner, place, purpose, cause, degree, and

“Is it clear, class?” “Yes, we are Sir!”

E. Analysis

“Now let us determine the prepositional

phrase in each sentence. You will simply (The students will be going to underline the
determine the prepositional phrase in each prepositional phrase in each sentence on the
sentence and write it on the board.” board.)

1. The cat in the hat is always up for some

2. The book on the shelf is the one I was
looking for.
3. The man with the glasses is my boss.
4. The pizza was delivered to our house in
30 minutes.
5. The cat slept on the window all day.

F. Application

The class will be divided into four groups. Each (The students will perform the given activity
group will choose a person to act out a and the teacher will give the evaluation based
prepositional phrase I will be giving to you on the performance of each group.)
without speaking, while the other group
members try to guess what it is. You will have
three (3) minutes to guess. The group who will
guess it with a fastest time will have a prize.

“To determine if you really learned from our

lesson, I will give these papers to you. All you
have to do is underline the prepositional
phrase in each sentence and determine (Students will answer.)
whether it is an adjectival phrase or an
adverbial phrase. This will serve as your quiz
for this lesson, and it will be recorded. You
have only 10 minutes to answer. Is it clear,

1. The pizza with extra cheese is my
2. The flowers on the table are wilting.
3. The bird on the tree branch is singing
4. The restaurant across the street serves
great food.
5. The dog under the table is sleeping.
6. The man walked with a cane.
7. The cat climbed up the tree to catch a
8. They traveled across the country in a
9. The dog runs in the park every
10. They cooked dinner on the grill outside.


“Class, is there any question about our lesson

for today?” “None, Sir.”

“If there is none, I will give you an


Construct 20 sentences with prepositional
phrase. Underline the prepositional phrase in
your sentences and write down if it is an
adjectival or adverbial phrase.

“Alright, that was all for today’s discussion, I “Good bye and thank you, Sir Guk-ong! See you
hope you learned something. Good bye, class!” tomorrow.”

Prepared by:
Class dismissed Guk-ong, John Harold B.

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