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Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

To Dr. John Mew and Dr. Mike Mew for makiną mewiną a thiną
in the first place.

To my Instaąram community and YouTube subscribers for your

continued support.

To everyone who provided a section and/or experience to this

book, you really helped to make this book one of a kind.

To you for purchasiną this book. It really means a lot, thank


Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd
Table of Contents
Introduction and How to Use This Book for Best Results....5
Warning and Disclaimer............................................................6
How mewing came to be... and what is mewing anyway?.....8
What does Mewing do to the face?.........................................11
The Inner U and The Outer U.................................................12
Step 1 - Nasal Breathing...........................................................14
Step 2 - Lip Seal........................................................................15
Step 3 - Butterfly Bite...............................................................16
Step 4 - Tongue Posture...........................................................17
Step 5 - Proper Swallowing.....................................................20
Step 6 - Mealtime Exercises....................................................21
Step 7 - McKenzie Chin Tucks................................................22
Step 8 - Hard Chewing............................................................23
Step 9 - Tongue Chewing.........................................................24
The Big Four..............................................................................26
Progressive Tongue Chewing..................................................28
Other Ways to Tongue Chew..................................................30
Progressive Hard Chewing......................................................32
Fun with Hard Chewing...........................................................37
The Specific Purpose of Teeth................................................39
The Biomechanics of Hard Chewing.....................................42
Safe Thumb Pulling..................................................................43

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd
Clay Hands.................................................................................44
Safe Thumb Pulling - Basic Technique.................................47
Standard Progression...............................................................53
Thumb Pulling: My Experience ....................................................55
Progressive McKenzie Chin Tuck...........................................56
The Daredevil Three.................................................................61
Face Pulling Mask.....................................................................65
Health and Mewing..................................................................73
Mewing Diet..............................................................................74
Fat Loss......................................................................................76
The Mineral That Speeds Up Mewing Gains........................78
Mewing Makes You Stronger..................................................80
Why Being Barefoot Speeds Up Mewing Gains...................81
What Does an Ideally Developed
Face Actually Look Like?.........................................................82
Concerns and misconceptions
Mewing with an Overbite........................................................84
Mewing with an Underbite.....................................................85
Mewing and Braces..................................................................86
Mewing With a Retainer.........................................................87
“Chewing gum for more than 5 minutes…” ...............................88
Dark Circles Under The Eyes From Mewing.......................89
Tongue Chewing Destroys Your Jaw Joint?!..................................also 89

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd
Chiropractic Care and Mewing...............................................90
Is Thumb Pulling Dangerous?! ....................................................91
“McKenzie Chin Tucks Make Things Worse!” .........................92
Holding the McKenzie Chin Tuck for an Hour?...................93
Sexual Dimorphism and Hard Chewing................................94
Bonesmashing - What Is It?....................................................95
“Why Not Just Get Plastic Surgery?”.....................................96
A Couple More Things
Soft Mewing Vs. Hard Mewing ...................................................98
Nasal Breathing During Sleep…………………………………………………………………………..also 98
Suction-hold Mewing........................................................................99
What’s Forward Head Posture?............................................100
How to Get Hollow Cheeks....................................................101
Hunter Eyes.............................................................................102
Shape of The Nose..................................................................104
Applying the Exercises...........................................................105
Mewing Forward.....................................................................106
Mewing with an Overbite (routine)......................................107
Mewing with TMD......................................................................108
Man On a Mission.......................................................................109
Take It Easy.............................................................................110
Need Some Clarification?.......................................................117
Final Words.............................................................................118
About the Author....................................................................119
Shariną any information from this book without explicit permission from the
author is strictly prohibited.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd
Introduction and How to Use This
Book for Best Results
Welcome to Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face
- 2nd Edition! Yes, this is the 2nd edition LOTS more
information and techniques than the original free one!

Mewing initially can seem like a lot to learn. You’ll be

changing many habits you rarely - if ever - think
twice about.

Start with Part 1. Your best bet is to read everything

up until level 2 to start. Practice everything taught
in the introduction and level 1 and get comfortable
with it. Then you can start reading level 2 and after
getting comfortable with that, then you can read the
rest - Part 2 and beyond!

And remember, mewing should be painless. The only

“pain” you may feel is muscle soreness. If you feel any
other kind of pain: contact a medical and/or dental

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd
Use of the exercises and information shown in this
eBook can result in injury if used incorrectly or if
there are any pre existing medical conditions (e.g.
TMD, tongue tie, etc.) which you are currently
aware or unaware of.

Only a certified myofunctional therapist can tell

you if there is a tongue and/or lip tie - failure to
address these issues can result in excessive strain
of the tongue and its surrounding muscles.

By using the exercises and information used in

this book, you acknowledge that you have read
and heeded this warning and if you decide to
follow through with the exercises and/or
information presented you do so at your own risk.

I am not a medical professional nor am I in any way liable if
you get injured from using information from this book and
any content I reference.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd


Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd
How mewiną came to be... and
what is mewiną anyways?
Dr. Mike Mew is an orthodontist carrying on the work
of his father, Dr. John Mew. Dr. John Mew discovered
the tropic premise:


● The lips are lightly sealed

● Teeth are lightly touching
● The whole tongue is lightly sucked to the roof of
the mouth
● And the individual is nasally breathing
24/7 The face will develop properly.

In addition to good looks, the individual with a

properly grown face will have zero allergies, stellar
health, and above average athletic endurance. The
reason for all of this being that a properly grown face
has sufficient room for the airway and allows for the
sinuses and organs of the cranium to properly

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Dr. John Mew designed multiple oral appliances to

guide the facial growth of young patients with much
success. He also found a way to make these
treatments work for older patients - who were done

Following treatment with the oral appliances, the

patient would go about a series of myofunctional
exercises - strengthening the tongue and jaw and also
correcting the swallowing pattern, to name a few.
These exercises would allow the individual to
retain the progress made from the special oral
appliances WITHOUT a retainer of any kind!

This method of treatment is not orthodontics

(correct teeth) but orthotropics (correct growth).

Dr. Mike Mew started up a YouTube channel to

share information on the work he does. Talking with
subscribers, he found many of them did not have an
orthotropist in their area. Dr. Mike Mew then went
about teaching various myofunctional exercises he
uses on his patients. He found these exercises

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

practiced alone could enhance the craniofacial

structure. The exercises however, will not
produce results as fast as an orthotropic
treatment but, for someone without a local
orthotropist - they are a lifesaver!

The exercises were referred to by Dr. Mike’s followers

as “mewing”.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

What Does Mewiną Do To The Face?

Mewing restores proper craniofacial development by

influencing the jaws to grow forwards, down, and out
- making them overall larger. It could be said that
approximately ninety-five percent of the population
lacks ideal craniofacial development.

Above is a sketch from this thumbnail from this video.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

The Inner U and The Outer U

The purple line is the inner U
and the green line is the
U. The inner U is
essentially the maxilla
(upper jaw) and the outer
U the mandible (lower jaw).
Many people trying to
improve their looks usually
over-emphasize the outer U
(oftentimes via too much
chewing). The outer U is important however, the
inner U may be even more important. The inner U
actually limits the development of the outer U. This
means that improving the inner U can allow the
outer U to improve - oftentimes without any specific
exercise for it!

Keeping balance between the inner U and outer U

is essential for the health of the jaw joints and
overall facial aesthetics. If you follow everything as
I have laid it out, you will have no problem
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd
maintaining balance between the two.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd


Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Step 1 - Nasal Breathiną

You must be nasally breathing throughout the day.
Many people have a tendency to mouth breathe. If
you are breathing through your mouth, your entire
tongue can’t be resting on the roof of your mouth
and your mouth can’t be closed. Nasal breathing is

When inhaling nasally, do so as if you were smelling

a rose.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Step 2 - Lip Seal

The lips are to be lightly sealed when you’re not
eating, drinking, or talking. Don’t smash them
together and don’t let them fall apart. Practice
keeping them sealed lightly.

Proper lip seal allows the lips to maintain volume into

old age.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Step 3 - Butterfly Bite

No, you’re not eating butterflies. At least, I hope
you’re not. The teeth are to be lightly touching at rest
(when you’re not eating, drinking, or talking). We
refer to this as “butterfly bite”.

Lightly touching - no clenching! (Don’t you love

those chomper thingies at the dentist?)

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Step 4 - Tonąue posture

This is the one that will provide the most challenge,
yet the biggest results. The whole tongue is to be
resting on the roof of the mouth when not eating,
drinking, or talking. Most people can get the front of
their tongue up - and even the middle but - many
struggle with the back third. Don’t worry, you’re not
alone. I made a video explaining tongue posture and
going deep into how to posture the lower third/root
of the tongue. Here’s the link. Many people have
reached out to me about this video and said that,
thanks to this video, they finally figured out how to
get the entire tongue up on the roof of the mouth.
I’ve also had seasoned mewers reach out to me
saying that they learned something new about
tongue posture.

And remember, tongue posture is where you will see

at least 90% of your mewing gains from - you cannot
spend too much time working on it!

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Where is your tongue?

So all those steps are the first bit of mewing you need
to learn before moving on to the next level…

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd


Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Step 5 - Proper Swallowiną

Many people have retained an infantile suckle - a
swallowing pattern in which the buccinators (cheek
muscles) are excessively used (A.K.A. buccal
swallow). People who retain this swallowing pattern
usually tend to have what appear to be chubby
cheeks - in reality, it’s just overdeveloped
buccinators. Learning how to properly swallow can
make a huge difference in the appearance of chubby
cheeks. The neat thing is, after a couple months of
dedicated practice, the cheeks will appear
significantly leaner - giving them a hollowed look.

To learn the proper

swallow, check out
this video from Dr.
Mike Mew and this
one as well.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Step 6 - Mealtime Exercises

When eating, do you sit up straight - even when
you’re about to eat a spoonful? Don’t worry if you
haven’t, I didn’t either initially. Check out this video
and for an easy way to make sure you’re sitting up
straight as you eat.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Step 7 - McKenzie Chin Tucks

(See page 56 for a more in-depth guide)
These are not only for correcting forward head
posture but also, teaching the lower third/root of the
tongue how to engage better. Do these every morning
starting with 5-10 reps. Add a couple reps each week
and build up to 20 at least, ideally more.

Here’s the link.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Step 8 - Hard Chewiną

(See page 32 for a more in-depth guide.)
Hard Chewing makes the lower jaw appear wider.
It mostly improves the outer U.

Before we get started, I highly recommend taking a

week or two prior to hard chewing for myofascial
release - massaging the jaw muscles. You want to be
massaging namely the masseters, pterygoids, and
various muscles of the neck as well. You can find
videos on YouTube explaining how to do this.

Once you’ve spent a week or two massaging the jaw

muscles and neck, you will need some hard gum to
chew. I personally recommend a mastic gum like
Spartan Gum. I have also used Falim gum (which
can be found on amazon).

Start with one tear/stick of gum, chew for five

minutes once daily or every other day. Then you
can build up the amount of time gradually -
eventually reaching an hour.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Step 9 - Tonąue Chewiną

(See page 28 for a more in-depth guide.)

This exercise has a tonic effect on the jaw joint.

Many mewers are often overly consumed with hard
chewing. Tongue chewing helps bring out the
midface as it assists in moving the maxilla forwards.
It specifically emphasizes the inner U. Here’s the link
to the post in which I thoroughly explain how to do it.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd


Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

The Bią Four

These are the exercises that will be at the heart of
your intermediate mewing practice. They can
easily be adapted to beginner and advanced levels
as well. They are:

1. Progressive Tongue Chewing

2. Progressive Hard Chewing

3. Progressive McKenzie Chin Tucks

4. Safe Thumb Pulling

And here’s what they do:

● Safe thumb pulling makes room for the tongue.

● Progressive tongue chewing moves the

maxilla forwards

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

● Progressive hard chewing makes the lower jaw

larger and contributes to overall enhancement
of the craniofacial structure

● Progressive McKenzie Chin Tucks stretch the

suboccipital muscles, teach the lower third/root
of the tongue how to better engage, and further
assist in enhancing the development of the
craniofacial structure.

Safe Thumb pulling is the only one that is optional. I

feel everyone can benefit from it however, if you
have enough tongue space - everything else will do
the trick.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Proąressive Tonąue Chewiną

See page 24 to learn the basic technique.

Now let’s hop into the sets and reps.

After getting the technique down, start with five reps

- using a soft gum - at least once a day if not
morning and evening. Do this for the first week, then
add another set of five. For example, you’re doing
two sets of five reps (2X5) a day for the second
Rest for about thirty to sixty seconds between sets -
this is a matter of personal preference, use a timer
and keep the rest periods consistent.

From here, you can add up to a total of four to five

sets - adding one set a week. And/or you can add a
couple reps to each set every week. When you have
built up to tongue chewing with the soft gum for at
least twenty reps, go for a harder gum like falim or
mastic. And build up in the same way with those. If
that becomes easy, you can then add another
tear/stick of gum - tongue chewing two tears/sticks
of gum at a time. I doubt you will need that though.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

And if you do reach that point, you will probably

cut your reps back to no more than ten per set.

Here’s a typical progression from zero to hero:

Get familiar with tongue chewing - master the

technique then...

Week 1: One set of five (1X5) tongue chews - morning

and evening. (Remember: at least once a day!)

Week 2: Two sets of five (2X5) tongue chews -

morning and evening.

Week 3: 3X5 tongue chews - morning and evening.

Week 4: 3X7 tongue chews - morning and evening.

(3X6 would work as well - just keep progressing!)

Week 5: 3X10 tongue chews - morning and

evening. Week 6: 3X12 tongue chews - morning

and evening. Week 7: 3X15 tongue chews -

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd
morning and evening.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Week 8: Start using falim or mastic gum - start up

again just like you did in week 1.

Then you can add in another tear/stick of

mastic/falim gum once you hit target reps with just
one tear/stick.

Other Ways to Tonąue Chew

The tongue chewing progression I presented in the
previous section is great but, be honest: did it seem a
little boring?!

Many in the fitness industry note that the most

successful are those who can put up with boredom.
But even they don’t put up with it forever… So here
are some other ways to tongue chew:

Slow reps - Purposefully tongue chew slowly. You’ll

have a hard time hitting double digits with a hard
gum if you do it right.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Holds - Press the gum to your palate in the normal

tongue chewing fashion - and HOLD - for as long as
you can stand it.

You can go for max holds for one set or a couple.

Or you can hold this position for five to twenty
seconds with every rep instead.

You can also combine slow reps with holds - slowly

press the tongue to your palate (in the tongue
chewing fashion of course) and hold.

Fast reps - This one is best with a soft gum. Unless

you’re experienced with hard gum and you’re up for
a challenge…

This one can also be combined with holds. Makes for

an interesting experience.

Those are the main ways I have used to spice things

up. Get creative - guarantee that you will find other
ways as well.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Proąressive Hard Chewiną

Used with progressive tongue chewing… oh yeah. The
progression idea is the same however, things can be
done a bit differently.

Hard Chewiną Technique

Check out this post on OMC. This alone can prevent
you from developing serious jaw joint problems in
the future. Remember with OMC, you’re not
exaggerating opening your mouth - you simply avoid
sealing your lips unless they naturally come together
- you just get “lazy” with your lip seal.

So start with falim or mastic gum. I have used both.

If you’re looking for some quality mastic gum, check
out Spartan Gum.

When you “chew” - up and down motion - no

circular chewing. Think about it more as exercising
the jaw muscles than chewing.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

With hard gums, you’re best going for time - not reps
- for the most part.

Here’s one method of progression:

Get comfortable with the chewing as I explained

earlier. Get to a point where you can chew for five
minutes then begin:

Week 1: One set of five minutes - evening only

Week 2: One set of five minutes - morning and


Week 3: Two sets of five minutes - morning

and evening

(NOTE: more than one set at a time is optional - I

don’t advise going beyond three sets - too much

Week 4: Two sets of six minutes - morning and


Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Week 5: Two sets of seven minutes - morning

and evening

Week 6: Two sets of nine minutes - morning and


Week 7: Two sets of eleven minutes - morning and


Week 8: Add another stick of mastic or falim gum

and build back up in the same way.

Another method is to chew only in the morning or

evening only and build up to an hour before
adding more gum. (As mentioned on page 32)

Fives to Fifteens

Started with one tear/stick of gum. One bite = one

rep on each side.

Five reps - regular speed

Five reps - fast
Five second hold

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Rest two minutes before repeating.

Did the above twice - making for two rounds in that

training session.

Did exactly this two to three times a week for a

couple weeks.

Then I upped the numbers from five to six. I made it a

point to stick with these numbers for a week before
bumping them up to seven.

You can ultimately build numbers up to fifteen

before adding gum and repeating the whole

Fifteen reps - regular speed

Fifteen reps - fast
Fifteen second hold

Rest two minutes. Repeat for a total of three times

in a training session. Remember, two to three
training sessions a week - four or five if you feel
like it.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

I would also gently stretch out my jaw between the

sets and after the training session. By stretching, I
mean opening my jaw as wide as I could.

Now with all of the chewing methods shared up until

now, how many sticks/tears of gum maximum? I
personally wouldn’t go beyond three tears of mastic
or five sticks of falim - listen to your body and don’t
be afraid to cut back.

Cold Chewing

This section was provided by @leftover.finn

on Instagram.

Start chewing a sugar free gum - falim works best.

As the gum gets too soft to adequately challenge the
jaw muscles, take a sip of cold water (cold, but not
teeth-damaging cold). Keep the cold water in your
mouth with the gum for five seconds, don’t chew for
this duration. Then swallow the water and continue
chewing. The cold water re-hardens the gum -
allowing for potentially infinite, high resistance.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

He currently chews five sticks of falim in this fashion

during his workout - taking sips of cold water
between sets to re-harden the gum, A brilliant way
to strengthen the body and face simultaneously! He
has reported that this has worked really well for him.

You’ll want to start out with one stick initially.

Fun With Hard Chewiną

Yeah, it can get boring - let’s have some fun:

Slow reps, fast reps, how about varying between

the two in a single session? Slow fast slow fast for
ten minutes?

Build up to an hour a day with hard gum - I once

built up to two hours chewing mastic gum. In
hindsight, I should have just upped the number of
tears I was chewing and went for an hour

Chew mastic gum ten minutes before every

meal. Careful with this one due to the volume.
It’s neat though when hard foods seem soft.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Chew to the beat of your favorite song. This one is

weird for me since I love singing.

The cool thing about gum is, you can chew it AND
tongue chew it. Start chewing your hard gum for a
minute, then tongue chew it for the next minute -
keep at this for ten minutes total.

Alternatively, you could chew it for two minutes,

tongue chew it for two minutes and do this for up to
an hour!

My personal favorite lately has been big

bolus chewing, Dr. Mike Mew shares it here.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

The Specific Purpose of Teeth

Perhaps you have heard of chewing with the front
teeth (incisors) as opposed to the back teeth
(molars). Let’s study the purpose of the teeth.

In ayurvedic medicine, there are three body

types (constitutions) - each of which correspond
with a Western somatotype:

Vata - Ectomorph
Pitta - Mesomorph
Kapha - Endomorph

We can also connect the doshas with

macronutrients (amongst other things):

Vata -
Protein Pitta
- Fats
Kapha - Carbohydrates

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

The image of the palate above has been color

coordinated respectively:

Vata - green
Pitta - red
Kapha -

You’ll notice that plant-eating animals tend to

have human-like dentition - large molars and
labially angled incisors.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Carnivorous animals tend to have lingually angled

teeth. I believe there is a biomechanic advantage to
this. Imagine a saber tooth tiger going after… some
animal that will soon become prey. It lunges after its
prey and manages to get its teeth around it. The
lingual angling of the incisors allows the teeth to
anchor to the prey. If the saber tooth tiger had
labially angled incisors, it would be unable to anchor
in this way.

So the lingual angling of teeth for any creature in the

animal kingdom suggests a constitution of Vata
and/or Pitta - which means a higher need for protein
and/or fats. The labial angling suggests a Pitta
and/or Kapha constitution - meaning less of a need
for animal protein and a higher need for plants.

An interesting example of this in humans is the

difference between Class II/Division I
malocclusion and a Class II/Division II
malocclusion. The class II/Division I can usually
cut back on meat consumption whereas the class
II/Division II would most likely benefit from
increasing meat consumption.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

The Biomechanics of Hard Chewiną

Building on the last section, we can see that a
human with proper occlusion is not going to use the
incisors as much as the molars. This is why with
hard chewing, I recommend using only the molars.
They are designed to take a heavy load and therefore
allow the jaw muscles to be challenged more

If you have lingually angled incisors, you can try

chewing with them - using a light gum. However, I
don’t recommend that long term. Chewing with the
incisors also excessively opens the jaw - be careful.
This can create issues in the
jaw joint as it is being moved
beyond the range of motion it
was designed for. We know
that it is not designed for that
range of motion due to the
vulnerable position it puts
the jaw joint in.

Jaw joint circled in green.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Safe Thumb Pulliną

Many of you who read my posts on Instagram
already know I’m NOT a fan of thumb pulling. I first
used it to make room for my wisdom teeth. There
was little information on it at the time, it was like a
shiny red button. Whatever the effect of pressing
this button was - good or bad - you knew it wouldn’t
be small… Fortunately I have a thing for shiny red

I was quite fortunate to make the progress I did

without any negative side effects. Don’t worry - I’m
showing the safe way - which is risk free if you listen
to your body and follow my guide to the letter! And
please, if something feels amiss, and you are worried
about damaging effects - stop the method
IMMEDIATELY and consult a professional! I
recommend this method primarily to those with
small/narrow palates but more importantly - to those
who don’t have any preexisting jaw joint issues or
medical concerns that would make this method
potentially harmful.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Thumb pulling is often done with a level of force that

is harmful to the sutures of the skull. I did this kind
of thumb pulling for a year and gained about 1.5mm
of palatal width (see my YouTube channel for the
video). I would have gained MUCH more though if I
knew the secret of clay hands…

Clay Hands
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite
reaction.” - Issac Newton

If you use a ton of force to try widening the maxilla, a

large percentage of that force will come back the way
it came. When orthodontists go about a treatment
with clear aligners, they purposefully overcorrect the
dentition as they thoroughly understand this
situation. The amount of force on the craniofacial
structure in this kind of situation can be harmful
though - so here’s how we can avoid it:

“Less is more.” -Buddha

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

If we use less force, we won’t make as much progress

in the first session but that's not what we’re after…
retention is our goal.

You can thumb pull for 3-4 minutes with harsh force
and gain 1mm… but that 1mm only lasts for an hour
or so before the palate returns to normal width. And
the tongue isn’t used to holding the palate at that
width so it won’t be able to retain any gains in this

Now if you use less force with thumb pulling, say you
gain 0.1mm after 3-4 minutes - not much, but the
tongue can act as a retainer with greater success! So
all these 0.1mm gains add up quickly as they are
retained, unlike with forceful thumb pulling.

The other disadvantage with thumb pulling forcefully

is that I have experienced is the teeth becoming
loose. It doesn’t hurt when this happens but, teeth
should be like stone - completely immovable! You
may notice the teeth get a touch loose with safe
thumb pulling (particularly the lower incisors) but it
shouldn’t last for long or be excessive. It is often a
sign that you are using too much force.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

The amount of force to safely thumb pull would

be the amount of force you use to knead clay -
gentle, with enough firmness to knead it.

This is my original 2.0 method - renovated for

safety sake.

In we go…

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Safe Thumb Pulliną -

Basic Technique
Let’s start with where you should be working on
the palate:
Notice the green circled
point? I will refer to this
as the origin point. Also,
the red circled point is
the end point. Whichever
technique you use - stay
within the blue border!
Never go behind the
origin point with the
techniques I’m about
show you. I went behind that point with my thumb
pulling for a year - no adverse effects fortunately,
but it is not good for the palate long(er) term.

We will be using two techniques: mid-palatal strokes

and spreaders.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Mid-palatal Stroke

Starting at origin point, use one of your thumbs and

“massage” the midpalatal suture ending at the end
point. Once you have reached the end point, take
your thumb off your palate and reposition at the
origin point and repeat. You can alternate thumbs if
you wish.


Begin at the origin point, bring your thumbs away

from the center (mid-palatal suture) to the border of
the hard palate. Then take your thumbs off and back
to the same position but a little farther forward up
the palate. Repeat this process till you have made it
to the front. That’s one round of spreaders. Then you
can repeat this whole sequence starting back at the
origin point.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Spreaders v2 - for asymmetry

If you have any bit of asymmetry, it is advisable to

focus only on the front third of the palate, shown in
green here:

The reason this is effective and advisable for

asymmetrical cases has to do with tongue space.
Most people lack anterior (front of the mouth)
tongue space. (That’s how I came up with it in the

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

place.) The anterior portion of the tongue guides

facial symmetry on the frontal plane.

Lacking anterior tongue space also leads the tongue

to be moved further back in the mouth and block the
airway - evident by presence of forward head posture
and sleep disordered breathing.

So a regular safe thumb pulling session consists of

alternating between mid-palatal strokes and
spreaders (or spreaders v2). Don’t alternate
between the two super quickly - for example, you
can do five to ten midpalatal strokes then three
rounds of spreaders before starting again with the
mid-palatal strokes.

Wash hands before and after!

Pro tip (first learned about the anchoring from Astro

Sky): During thumb pulling, anchor your forefinger
and middle finger on your zygomae (cheekbones).
Make sure you are not exerting any pressure on the
zygomae - this is an indicator you are using too much

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Practiced in this way, it is a low grade orthotropic
treatment. Highly recommended for narrow palates. If
you have crowded teeth, do this.

You will do a session at least morning and evening,

you can do a maximum of five a day if you choose.

The basic scheme that makes the effects of this

legendary are the exercises stacked on each session.

Thumb pull - 1-4 minutes (Start with a minute

and gradually progress to doing 3-4 minute
sessions on average.)

Your back and neck may be loosened up

afterwards, feel free to crack them.

Tongue push ups (Tongue chewing without the gum)

- One set (start with 5 reps, progress to a number of
reps you can tolerate without exhausting your
tongue over the course of the day).

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Optional - McKenzie chin tuck - Hold for

twenty seconds to one minute or do five reps.

Abs Walk - Do a lap or two around the room or down

the hallway. Or just make it a point to abs walk

This scheme is a miniaturized sequencing of an
orthotropic treatment. An orthotropic stage 1
appliance focuses on creating room. Substituted
for that is thumb pulling.

A stage two orthotropic appliance works on training

proper oral posture. Substituted for that is tongue
push ups and optional usage of the McKenzie chin
tuck in a session. (The McKenzie chin tuck should
still be used at least once a day if not morning and

The stage three orthotropic appliance is all

about retention. Substituted is the Abs Walk.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

After thumb pulling, extra space is created then lost

since you don’t have an appliance to maintain that
extra space. Strengthening the tongue with this extra
space is an opportunity to make the tongue strong
enough to hold that extra space. Other exercises are
included to train the body to accommodate the extra
space made which rapidly accelerates the rate of

Standard Proąression
Here is what typical safe thumb pulling
progression looks like:

Week 1: Thumb pull one minute - morning and


Week 2: Thumb pull one and a half minutes - morning

and evening

(At this point, you can add in another session in

the middle of the day - optional.)

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Week 3: Thumb pull two minutes - morning and


Week 4: Thumb pull two and a half minutes - morning

and evening

Week 5: Thumb pull three minutes - morning and


Week 6: Thumb pull three and a half minutes -

morning and evening

Week 7: Thumb pull four minutes - morning and


Week 8: Keep your session to no more than four

minutes at a time. Well, you can experiment -
carefully - with more time however, I do not advise
it. Feel free to build up to five sessions maximum in a

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Thumb pulliną: My Experience

After my first 6-7 months of thumb pulling, I
reduced crowding in my lower mandible from 5
ribboned teeth to 3. That was done without even
touching the mandible. My maxilla isn’t very
crowded, but it was noticeably wider. I currently
have the remnants of a Class II Division II
malocclusion to give you an idea.
Also, I was just discovering the techniques I shared
with you. Perhaps the progress I made with the
techniques here applied could be made in 3-4
months? No guarantees, only one way to find out
though. Be sure to keep up with basic mewing in
addition to this. Also, if you are training hard
chewing and tongue chewing as well - be careful with
the volume!

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Proąressive McKenzie Chin Tucks

and The SECRET
See page 22 for basic technique.

Start your first week with 5-10 reps daily - preferably

in the morning.

Add a couple reps every week or thereabouts. As

your total gets higher, you may be adding on 5-10+
reps a week or every five days.

Here is what it may look

like: In the morning...

Week 1: 5 reps daily

Week 2: 7 reps daily

Week 3: 11 reps daily

Week 4: 14 reps daily

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Week 5: 18 reps daily

Week 6: 25 reps daily

Week 7: 33 reps daily

Week 8: 40 reps daily

And so on...

You ultimately want to build up to 200-300+

reps. That’s the secret (until I mentioned it). I
haven’t ventured beyond 300 reps myself. I feel
anymore won’t make that much of a difference.

Now let’s face it - while that offers a decent challenge

and good gains - it’s not enough. Here’s how we make
McKenzie Chin Tucks mechanically harder without
adding reps or weight…

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Advanced Proąressive
McKenzie Chin Tucks
Once you have mastered McKenzie Chin Tucks
against the wall in the 200 rep range, you start
measuring the distance of your feet from the wall.

So typically, you’ll find with normal McKenzie chin

tucks that your feet are six to eight inches away from
the wall. You’re going to start this variation by doing
your same McKenzie Chin Tuck practice, but with
your feet one inch further away from the wall than
usual. It shouldn’t be impossible to keep your reps
the same, but if it’s too challenging to remain safe -
don’t be afraid to cut your reps back by 20 or so (if
you built to the 200) and take some time to build
back up to 200 at this increased distance from the

Your goal will be to increase your feets’ distance

from the wall by an inch every week while
maintaining 200 reps.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

You will not be able to progress anymore in this

fashion once your legs are at a forty-five degree
angle from the floor:

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

From a physics standpoint, anything after this will

only be a workout for the legs and not increase the
pressure of the head and back against the wall - the
key to making this exercise a ton harder.

Goiną Beyond
Once you have attained a full 200 McKenzie Chin
Tucks against the wall with your legs forty-five
degrees to the floor, you can explore other
exercises like:

-Weighted neck curls

-Wrestler’s bridges and front bridges
-Anterior neck curls (with weight added)

But those get more into strength training of the

entire neck. Not too much more to be done from an
orthotropic perspective that I’m aware of.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

The Daredevil Three

You don’t hear about these three very often. They
are riskier than the Big Four however, if you follow
instructions provided to the letter, they can be your
greatest assets. I advise them for those who have
been consistently doing the Big Four for a while and
want to try something new. They are:

1. Bonesmashing
2. Face Pulling Mask
3. Belt-pulling

Here’s what they do:

● Bonesmashing increases bone density in the face.

● Face pulling masks will increase forward

growth of the craniofacial structure.

● Belt-pulling will move the jaws (mainly

the maxilla) forwards.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Bonesmashiną: Complete
This isn’t exactly a mewing technique but, it’s a
natural way to improve your facial aesthetics. Results
are visible within a matter of months.

Bonesmashing is applying direct physical force to

the bone in order to stimulate hypertrophy (tissue
growth) of the bone. Bonesmashing works on the
basis of Wolff's Law, which states that bones in a
healthy person will adapt to stressors placed upon it.
If a particular bone is put under various mechanical
loads and forces, this will stimulate the bone to grow
larger and stronger.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

The way to apply direct physical force onto a bone is
by striking it. This is done with either your fists, or an

Areas of the face to bonesmash for improving looks:

● Cheekbones
● Jaw (ramus)
● Jaw (mandible)
● Chin
● Brow ridge

The bones you should hit depends on your current

facial structure, but in most cases, you should hit all
of the bone groups.

Don’t go full throttle with force initially. Get a feel

for the technique with light to moderate force. Then
as you get more confident, gradually increase the
amount of force you use.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Consistent bonesmashing will lead to amazing

facial changes, bonesmashing can be done for 10+
minutes per bone group.

This section was contributed by my friend

@looks.maxx on Instagram. He offers bonesmashing
consultations, where he can go in-depth providing
detail about this technique, advice, and a routine to
follow. If you’re interested in a consultation, he can
be reached on Instagram via DM .

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Face Pulliną Mask

When writing this book, I asked my Instagram
followers about topics they would like to see
covered here. Face pulling mask was one of those.
I’ve seen people achieve miraculous results with
these. I personally don’t have any experience with
one, so I asked followers who did to write in with
their experience:

“I used to have a slight class III malocclusion, it

wasn’t even noticeable to other people. But my top
and bottom front teeth were touching while my
molars weren’t in contact. As a result, I chewed
with my incisors.

So I searched for a specialist and finally found one.

I told him that I wanted to get treated with Marpe
along with a face mask - he told me it was a good

15 days later my Marpe got installed, 3 days

passed and my suture has already been separated.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

So after a week of getting Marpe, my orthodontist

gave me a new face mask that was realized a
couple of weeks ago. It’s called bow. [Go here to see
what it looks like.]

The bottom part is what allows it to be attached to

the chest with velcro straps. And the superior part
also uses straps with a kind of helmet. This is better
than the regular face mask because it doesn’t use
the mandible as an anchor.

So I used it for 18-20 hours daily. Because I knew if

I wanted good results, I would have to put the effort
in. Also, I used the regular face mask sometimes
when I was traveling or when I was sleeping. So I
wore the mask virtually all the time. (Except when I
was going to the gym or when I was eating.)

And after 3 months of constantly using it for multiple

hours, my bite was fixed. I was left with nearly a
class II malocclusion, which is getting fixed with a
little bit of dental movement of the bottom jaw. So
basically I went from a class III to a slight class III.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

And making a summary of my case: My palate

was 40mm before Marpe but my bottom jaw is
large, so that’s why my palate needed a bit of
expansion, so I ended with 45mm of intermolar

Day 1 Day 12

I finished using my face mask 2 month ago. I still

have the marpe though, but without the hooks.
Only to maintain the stability of the suture during
the healing process.” -@blackpilledguy on

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

“So I have a face pulling mask that my dentist

gave me.
Like this one.
I used it primarily while actively using MSE
[maxillary skeletal expander] and Chisell, so I
can’t speak to the results directly.

I did thumb pulling and got results that were instantly


Not with the face puller.” -@imsmokinjoe

on Instagram

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

This section was provided by Fawaz Raut.

Belt-pulling is considered one of the most change

inducing exercises of the whole genre of facial
exercise as it involves your whole body. Having
personally implemented it in my routine, I can say
that there is no other exercise or action that puts
such a tremendous amount of stress on the maxilla. I
consider it to be one of the most highly rewarding
exercises one can do, but with high rewards, come
high risks. The goal of the belt-pull is to make the
individual achieve a more forward placed/upward
rotating maxilla by applying heavy pressure through
the exercise. A belt generates a huge amount of
force when compared to mewing, hard mewing and
thumb pulling, so it is also considered the most

How to do belt pulling?

To perform a belt-pull successfully, follow the steps
listed below (**Do it at your own risk!!!**):
1. Get yourself a leather or fabric belt, a leather
belt is highly preferred as it is less malleable or
less stretchy compared to a fabric belt.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

2. Hang it on a door frame, a protruding door hinge,

a metal rod or pull up bar, basically anything
that lets you belt hang up to your neck or jaw
3. Bite down on the belt flat side up. Make sure all
your teeth are placed on the belt. Bite down with
firm force, but do not overexert to the point of
fatigue. You may choose a belt that exactly fits
your palate size, or you may cut your belt to fit
your palate size, either way make sure you get a
belt that you feel comfortable with so as to avoid
slipping or cutting in the corners of the
mouth/lips. ** Tip: use petroleum jelly on your
lips, especially in the corners of your mouth to
avoid getting hurt. **
4. Once you have made sure of your bite, perform
a chin tuck and hold in the chin tuck position.
5. Once in the chin tuck position with a secured
bite, partially hang your body onto the belt.
Make sure that you are hanging partially and
not dropping dead on the belt. Hold this position
for no more than 15 seconds.
6. After you complete 1 rep of 15 seconds,
carefully stand up straight, remove the belt
from your mouth and rest.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

7. You will feel your whole maxilla. To be exact you

will feel an upward pulling sensation, especially
in your cheek /Zygomatic bones. It is somewhat
of a pleasantly stressful feeling, but it is not at
all painful. This is a trademark of a successful
belt pull.
8. Rest for 2-5 minutes, then clean the belt,
secure the bite, chin tuck and repeat.
9. Do no more than 15 second reps. Do no more
than 5-10 reps in one day. A day or two days rest
is very crucial. If you feel pain or major

discomfort, stop at once and visit your


Who is the belt-pull for?

Any person who has a more backward/downward
placed maxilla or a flat maxilla can use the belt pull
for great results.

Who should not do the belt pull?

Any person undergoing dental treatment like braces,
clear aligners, bite plates etc. should not do the belt
pull as it can hinder dental treatment and/or cause
potential damage to the face and maxilla.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Any person having symptoms or undergoing

treatment for TMD must avoid doing the belt pull.
It can be very harmful.
Any person missing one or more teeth should
also avoid this exercise.
If your bite is uneven, avoid belt pulling at all costs.
If you are a particularly large individual, be very
careful with the weight you put on the belt/bite.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The author has experimented

with belt-pulling and has found it can exacerbate
asymmetry. It may be better to address
asymmetry prior to trying this technique.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd


Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

The Mewiną Diet

With Mewing, we talk a lot about how you eat, drink,
and swallow. Now how about the foods you eat?
What kind of foods and supplements can speed up
mewing gains and which will slow them down?

Hard Foods

The diet of modern man is laden with soft foods. Is it

any wonder the jaws are significantly smaller than
that of our ancient ancestors? Whole foods are
harder than processed foods as they are dense with
nutrients. Eating these foods raw can be more
nutritious however, if you can’t digest them
efficiently, then what’s the point? Going against the
idea of eating whole foods raw, soups and stews tend
to trap the nutrients of the foods being cooked in the
So no, you don’t have to eat only hard foods
24/7. Plus, if you’re working hard chewing on a
regular basis - that would be overkill!

Here are some hard foods for anyone asking:

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

● Coconut
● Dark chocolate
● Dried fruit
● Meat
● Nuts
● Raw Carrots (just about any vegetable)
● Apples

Eating Healthy for Mewing Gains?

Technically speaking you don’t need to, however,

healthy foods can speed up your gains. Eating
healthy doesn’t have to be ridiculously complicated -
let me sum it up for you:

Eat only what you see in nature.

Cavemen didn’t count calories or know anything

about macronutrients. You don’t need to either if
you simply want to eat healthy. My advice is to
follow the Wise Traditions diet, it was presented by
Dr. Weston
A. Price - a dentist who inspired the tropic premise,
which led to mewing.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Fat Loss
I’m naturally lean, my concern is maintaining weight.
I have worked with others for whom it is the opposite.
A bit of excess fat isn’t really going to affect how
your face looks. (It’s really the water retention
that gives the bloated look.) And there is no need
to be ultra-lean for the cheeks to appear hollow.

So if you have a decent bit of fat to lose, here’s what

I’ve learned from others in that boat:

● You’ll usually see two different groups of people:

those who don’t need to eat anything until a
couple hours after being awake and those who
are hungry as soon as they wake up. Those who
can wait a couple hours before eating in the
morning are best experimenting with
intermittent fasting (eating within an 8 hour
window). Those who are hungry upon waking
would do best eating 4-5 small meals a day.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

● Caloric deficits can work if done properly. I

often hear horror stories about them. Don’t
really recommend them - careful if you try!

● My grandfather cut out dairy and lost 20lbs in a

couple months - that’s all he did.

● Buteyko Breathing has a huge effect on the

metabolism - just look at reviews for those
who went about the course!

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

The Mineral That Speeds

Up Mewiną Gains
Oftentimes in stories, you’ll read about a hero who
takes a special herb, potion, elixir, fruit, pill, and gains
superhuman abilities from it. I’ve come across
various wholefood supplements and things like this,
here’s one in particular that I feel is helpful to mewing


It’s a naturally occurring mineral available in liquid

form. This mineral acts like a sponge for toxins:
heavy metals, xenoestrogens, and any endocrine-
disrupting chemical pollutant is pulled from the body
when taking this mineral! Getting rid of these toxins
frees up the body's hormonal systems to function as
they were meant to. This will result in the body being
better able to adapt to stressors - mewing in our

I’m very health-minded and have been for the last

seven years. My Buteyko scores averaged 65-70s
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

thing in the morning. After taking the zeolite for two

weeks, those scores went up to 67-72s - with no
change in practice - zeolite works!

Testimonial from a satisfied member of our


Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Mewiną Makes You Stronąer?

Atypical facial growth is often accompanied by poor
posture. This is no coincidence: if the mandible is
recessed, the only way for the airway to remain open
is for the head to carry forwards and tip back. Same
with recession of the maxilla.

Poor posture prevents the "power muscles" from

functioning at full capacity. "Power muscles" isn't an
official term but one I use for reference here. I
learned about these muscles in the book "The Naked
Warrior" by Pavel Tsatouline. The way Pavel
describes it is, the glutes, abs, and lats, are the largest
muscles of the body. Contract all three and the body
becomes lighter and the amount of strength that can
be exerted goes up (HTT - High Tension Techniques).

When posture is poor, instead of the glutes for

example taking the majority of force just from
standing and going about daily activities, the
quadriceps will take over.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

So when we improve posture with mewing gains, the

power muscles (abs, lats, glutes) take on more force
and grow larger and stronger.

No, you won't be able to deadlift 500lbs from

mewing... but you will be stronger in general AND be
able to get WAY stronger than the average person
with mewing. This is because you have corrected and
upgraded your physical structure, allowing it to
accommodate heavier loads.

Why Beiną Barefoot Speeds Up

Mewiną Gains
Ever notice that shoes are shoe-shaped and
never foot-shaped?

If you dissect a cadaver properly, you can pull a line

of tissue connecting the tongue to the toes. (See
Anatomy Trains) Considering this, imagine what the
effects of an anatomically inaccurate shoe would be
on the dental arches. Not good. That's why it is
important to find footwear that works with the body

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

not against it! I talk all about this and a lot more in
my "Foot Mewing" video, found here.

What Does an Ideally

Developed Face Actually Look
Dr. John Mew found the profile of an ideally grown
human face matches with the Bolton-Norm line. For
the profile to match with this line, the cheek line
(viewed from profile) needs to be parallel to the
bridge of the nose and the jaws placed forward past
the glabella. Achieving this ideal as an average
teenager or adult will take a lot of work.

As I was doing some research for this book, I came

across an early modern human referred to as
Cro-Magnon. (Named after the village in which the
fossil was discovered.) Cro-Magnon was larger
than the average present-day human - their brains
were 15-20% larger!

It was taller, definitely more muscle mass, and the

skull was incredible. Forward-placed jaws and a

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

well-angled mandible. They had straight

(perpendicular with the floor) foreheads and
chins strong enough to intimidate Bruce Cambell!

Interestingly enough, Neanderthals had recessive

chins and sloped foreheads, Cro-magnons had
straight foreheads and strong chins. Modern day
humans with proper facial growth fall in-between the
two. Now what distinguishes a Cro-Magnon skeleton
from a modern day human skeleton? Besides the
physical differences, it comes down to scientist's
discretion. Could it be that Cro-magnon possessed
the ultimate level of craniofacial development a
human can achieve? This would explain their
increased brain size - the more forward placed the
jaws, the larger and thicker the head, which allows
for a larger brain.

Apparently, their DNA actually matches the DNA

of some people in Northern Europe today...

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Concerns, Misconceptions, and

There are many myths and concerns that float
around the mewing and orthotropics communities.
Let’s take a closer look at these and hopefully provide
more clarity on the subjects.

Mewiną with an Overbite

When it comes to an overbite, many think all the
time, “Oh, they just need to chew more.” No. That
could actually make things worse. An overbite is
caused by tight pterygoids (jaw muscles). These
muscles are often so overactive that hard chewing
can tighten them. For this reason, it is important to
massage them and stretch them after.

Once you have spent a couple weeks massaging them

and they have considerably loosened, feel free to
start with hard chewing.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

The other thing that greatly helps overbites is the

positioning of the lower jaw in a biting position. Here
is a post on Instagram explaining all about it. (Also,
see page 107 for a plan if you are mewing with an

Mewiną with an Underbite

Unfortunately, there isn’t too much information on
underbites as it is less common than an overbite. One
of my friends actually did improve his underbite
significantly using the course from
on Instagram.

Most people I know with underbites end up getting

it corrected with a treatment of MSE and a
facepulling mask.

Also, be careful with the hard chewing. You may

not need it as much.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Mewiną and Braces

It’s strange for me writing up this section, I
discovered mewing two weeks into an orthodontic
treatment. I canceled the treatment concerned about
long term damage. I’ve learned much since, still
happy about my decision but, here’s what I’ve found
over the last couple years:

-The facial growth will most likely worsen after

orthodontic treatment if the individual has poor
oral posture and isn’t nasally breathing during

-Even with an orthotropic treatment, some bit of

root resorption is unavoidable. Orthodontic
treatments tend to have a high amount of root
resorption. This can be damaging as the roots should
never have to resorp.

-Straight teeth are great but, what’s the point of

straight teeth if the rest of the face isn’t growing

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

-Mewing during an orthodontic treatment is best

done with wire braces as these can be adjusted to
accommodate a widening palate.

-Those who have good oral posture throughout

orthodontic treatment, often experience no damage
to the face.

So, mew during an orthodontic treatment, maintain

good oral posture and there should be no damage.

Mewiną with a Retainer

The retainer will not expand when your palate does.
To successfully pull this off, you need to know when
to remove the retainer. If you remove it too soon,
there will be orthodontic relapse. Here’s a video that
I think best guides you through this situation.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

“Chewiną ąum for more than

five minutes is bad for the jaw
Anything in excess is bad, but what defines

If you check out the orthotropics channel, you’ll often

hear Dr. Mike Mew reference that our ancestors
thousands of years ago would chew for HOURS a day
- often wearing down their teeth! Neither of us
recommend wearing down your teeth but, how
were they able to do this without any jaw joint

And today, we have mewers - some taking it to an

extreme - chewing hard gum for over three hours a
day! The average mewer usually builds up to chewing
for an hour a day. Orthotropists often have their
patients build up to chewing plastic or something
hard yet malleable for an hour a day. So, listen to
your body, build up slowly, and take an off day when
you feel the need. And no, I personally don’t
recommend going beyond an hour with hard

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

“I ąot dark circles under my eyes

from mewiną.”
This is a simple one. This occurs when you mew with
forward head posture. (See page 100 regarding
forward head posture.) Correcting forward head
posture better allows the tongue to engage on the

“Tonąue chewiną destroys your jaw

I once got this message from one of my followers on
Instagram. This one puzzled me. Dr. Mike Mew always
explained how tongue chewing was tonic for the jaw
joint - greatly improving its health!

I think this comes from misunderstanding what I

mean by tongue chewing: an exercise in which gum
is pressed against the palate with the middle and
lower third of the tongue for reps. You’re NOT
chewing your tongue. That would actually create
issues with occlusion more than anything.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Chiropractic Care and Mewiną

Chiropractors are usually not very educated in how
the craniofacial structure impacts the rest of the
body. Don’t get me wrong, they are excellent at what
they do - I saw one regularly for years.

Fun fact: my chiropractor has inspired many of

my posts on Instagram.

When my holistic dentist taught me about the

sphenoid bone (see this video to learn about it),
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

pointed this out to me and showed how the sphenoid

bone was the missing link. Unless the position of the
sphenoid bone is corrected - the chiropractic
adjustment will not be retained! I have also found
there is another missing link - mewing. Any
malocclusion affects how the head is positioned atop
the shoulders and will negatively affect posture.
When posture is bad, subluxation of the vertebrae is
right around the corner - sending you back to your

Is thumb pulliną danąerous?!

Done forcefully - it can be. The safe method I
presented though is as risk free as you can get. Too
many mewers go for any cracking sensations,
thinking that they are making progress. In truth,
this can be harmful to the sutures of the skull. The
bones of the skull aren’t designed to move freely like
other joints. They can be moved gradually over time
- like guiding the growth of a tree.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

“McKenzie Chin Tucks make thinąs

Every expert I have heard say this, never seems to
mention about doing them with head and back flat
against the wall. Plus, they are talking about the
exercise for correcting forward head posture - which
works - but I use it mainly for enhancing craniofacial

Doing them with your head and back flat against the
wall makes it so you can’t cheat them. When away
from a wall and doing it, the body can compensate
for a lack of mobility by throwing the head forward,
moving the chest back, and other means that render
the exercise ineffective.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

“Holdiną the McKenzie Chin Tuck

position for an hour (or more) a
day will speed up results.”
The one thing that concerns me with this one though,
is ligament retention from the sustained period of
stretching. The ligaments are connective tissues that
help hold everything together. You want to stretch
the muscles mainly, unless you have some scar tissue.
If the ligaments become too loose - retaining the
stretched position - it can be a nasty can of worms.
Obviously if you choose to try this, start with say five
minutes (preferably less) and gradually build up. I
know some mewers who swear by this one. I
personally don’t recommend it and have seen great
results from practicing the McKenzie Chin Tuck as I
have detailed in this book (as have others). So try
this technique at your own risk!

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Sexual Dimorphism and Hard

Hard chewing - done for high volume and building
up to a great level of strength - can have a
masculinizing effect on the face.

While this is great for men, I often get messages

from women concerned that they will look too

Here’s my advice:

-Don’t build up to more than two sticks/tears of

hard gum.
-Don’t skip hard chewing - it goes hand-in-hand
with mewing.

And remember, men who want large, masucline jaws

tirelessly work for it - it does not happen by accident.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Bonesmashiną - what is it?

(See page 62 for instructions.)
Bonesmashing isn’t exactly a mewing technique, but
a looks technique. Bonesmashers use their fists and
gently (for the most part) hit their face repetitively -
focusing on the bony areas. They do this anywhere
from ten minutes to hours at a time.

This technique will increase bone mass in the face

and can enhance looks greatly in a matter of months.

It does have a masculinizing effect on the face.

Higher bone density is linked with highly active
lower chakras. These chakras are all about security
and basic physical needs.

I currently don’t practice it, nor am I against it. I

would be careful with the amount of force you use.
Like thumb pulling, this practice can be harmful to
the sutures if done with excessive force.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

“Why not just ąo for

plastic surąery?”
I mean, you can but, why? This book you are reading
is giving you the power to enhance your looks
naturally. Sure, it isn’t instant gratification, but you
were planning on getting three years older, right? So
why not look like a model when you get there?!

Not to mention, mewing is beneficial to the

airway and therefore improves your health.

Also, plastic surgery can be expensive - mewing

resources are a miniscule fraction of the cost - and
often free!

The one thing to watch out for with plastic surgery is

long term effects - ever notice how the work
Angelina Jolie has had on her face doesn’t look as
good as it once did?

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

A Couple
More Things*

*Well, maybe several.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Soft Mewiną vs. Hard Mewiną

You’ll hear about hard mewing vs. soft mewing. Soft
mewing is normal tongue posture - lightly resting on
the roof of the mouth (mewing). Hard mewing is
when you apply the tongue to the roof of your mouth
with force. It is believed that this can speed up
results however, I only recommend it to those who
have been mewing for a good year at least before
trying. There’s a tendency to clench the jaws doing
this which is NOT a good thing.

Nasal Breathiną Duriną Sleep

This one may take
some time to build up
to - here’s the link to
the guide on my page
teaching you how to
do this.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Suction-hold Mewiną
After mewing for
a couple months,
you can
experiment with
a suction-hold. To
learn this, check
out this video,
this video, and
this video.

That’s a screenshot of the last video I mentioned.

I personally found the suction-hold came naturally

for me. Practicing proper swallowing techniques,
working on McKenzie Chin Tucks, and correcting
forward head posture seemed to do the trick. And for
correcting forward head posture, here’s my video
sharing an exercise that helps greatly.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

What’s Forward Head Posture?

Forward head posture is when the head is carried

forwards and not atop the shoulders. If this remains
an individual’s resting posture, it can result in neck
pain, back pain, and a whole cascade of issues!

In regards to mewing specifically, forward head

posture makes it hard for the back of the tongue to
make contact with the back of the
palate.Therefore, correcting forward head posture
amplifies results from mewing efforts. I referenced
a video on correcting forward head posture in the
previous section.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

How to Get Hollow Cheeks

-Proper swallowing is step number 1 in
attaining hollow cheeks.

-Don’t skip out on tongue chewing - a forward-

placed maxilla helps to achieve the hollow cheek

-Hard chewing grows the masseter (jaw) muscle and

when it becomes thicker, the skin is stretched and
the cheeks appear more hollow.

-On top of all of this, low body fat is essential. You

don’t need to be Bruce-Lee-ripped but relatively
lean. (Intermittent fasting is a good way to go about
reducing body fat.)

Hollow cheeks usually come naturally after

mewing for about a year or so. Be sure you have
everything above checked off though to ensure

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Hunter Eyes

Jared Padalecki is an example of an individual

with hunter eyes.

The term “hunter eyes” usually describes low-set

eyebrows combined with a pronounced brow ridge
which gives the eyes this intimidating “hunter” look.

As the maxilla moves upwards and forwards, the

eyes will take on this appearance naturally. Another
thing you can do to achieve this look is to practice
making angry eyes.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Like so.

This is properly done by

contracting the corrugator
muscles. You can do this
angry eye exercise for 5-10
sets of 10 reps. Start out
with only a couple sets
initially before building

Do note that this exercise has a masculinizing effect

on the face.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Shape of The Nose

The shape of the nose is dictated by the position and
development of the maxilla (upper jaw) relative to the
frontal bone. If someone has a nose that is rounded or
has a bump along the bridge: it’s a guaranteed sign of
lacking maxillary development. More specifically, it
means the maxilla is lacking forward-placement.

When the nose appears large and rounded, it usually

indicates that the person is a fulltime mouth breather.

When the nose just has a bump along the bridge, it

usually indicates that the person has a tendency to
mouth breathe during the night - even if only slightly
so. (Mouth breathing during the night can be
extremely elusive - don’t count yourself out so fast.)

The shape of the nose is best corrected by working

on nasal breathing 24/7. (Refer to the one previous
section about nasal breathing during sleep.) In
addition to that, tongue chewing is helpful as it
enhances maxillary development over time.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Applyiną the exercises

Here are a couple “workout plans”. It is good to have
a routine to keep you consistent. You won’t make
much progress without consistency. I provide these
plans as ideas, they are usable and I have followed
many of them myself. However, if you want to do
things differently or change up a routine to your
liking - go ahead. I do recommend following one of
the routines as I outlined initially though.

About The Routines

Take it Easy is my recommendation for beginners,
after doing this for a couple weeks, you can move up
to Mewing Forward. (Intermediates can start with
Mewing Forward from the get-go.) After doing
Mewing Forward for a month or two, you can go for
Man On a Mission. I also included a couple other
routines for various situations.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Mewiną Forward

Safe Thumb Pull (If you’re including

this) Tongue Chewing
McKenzie Chin Tucks

Midday or any time between morning and evening:

Hard Chewing*

Safe Thumb Pull

*If you are chewing Chisell, you won’t be doing it on

a daily basis. You can also do any of your hard
chewing first in the morning or before Safe Thumb
Pulling in the evening if you prefer.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Mewiną with an Overbite

The jaw muscles need to be loosened before
beginning hard chewing (see page 84 regarding that).
I don’t recommend tongue chewing either until the
jaw muscles are loosened - there will be a tendency to
clench the jaw unless they are loosened.

Massage jaw muscles - five to ten minutes
(don’t overdo it)
Safe Thumb Pulling
McKenzie Chin

Safe Thumb Pulling

Once your jaw is loosened up (after a couple weeks of

massaging the jaw muscles or thereabouts), I
recommend you begin with Mewing Forward (page
106) if you choose.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Mewiną with TMD

Maybe hard chewing is not a safe option for you if
you have a history of jaw joint problems. While you
are working with a professional to correct that, here
is a program that shouldn’t cause too much
irritation (run it by that professional first!).

Safe Thumb Pulling
(optional) McKenzie Chin

Safe Thumb Pulling

Perhaps you can add tongue chewing in? I wouldn’t

go too crazy with it though. You’d be surprised
how far you can get with this routine.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Man On a Mission
So, you want to apply EVERYTHING you learned?!
If anything seems wrong at any point, don’t hesitate
to cut back on an exercise or take a day off.
Provided you’re healthy (no history of jaw joint
issues) with no cause for concern… here you go:

Safe Thumb Pull (If you’re including
this) Tongue Chewing
McKenzie Chin Tucks

Midday or any time between morning and

evening: Hard Chewing*, Safe Thumb Pull

Whenever you can get it

in: Bonesmashing

Safe Thumb
Pull Tongue

*You can also do any of your hard chewing first in the morning or before Safe
Thumb Pulling in the evening if you prefer.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Take it Easy
This is low volume and probably the best routine to
start with.

Day 1:

Tongue Chewing
McKenzie Chin

Day 2:

Hard Chewing
McKenzie Chin

And repeat.

*You can also do any of your hard chewing first in the

morning or before Safe Thumb Pulling in the evening
if you prefer.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd


Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Note: Some of these terms are not found in this

book. I included them though as you will hear them
throughout the mewing and orthotropics

Inner U/Outer U - See page 12.

Interoral face pulling (IOFP) - Thumb pulling, but

safer and better, with more types of “pulls”! The only
resource teaching these techniques on the internet
is the course from on Instagram.

Bonesmashing - See page 95.

The Tropic Premise - Dr. John Mew said, “The

tongue should rest against the palate, with the lips
in light contact and the teeth gently touching for
about 6 hours a day.”

Thirds of the Face- Dental professionals divide the

face horizontally into thirds. My cheat code for thirds
(besides the picture) is this: Lower third: Mandible

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

and a bit of maxilla. Middle third: Maxilla and

zygomae. Upper third: Frontal Bone.

Maxilla- The upper jaw, also extends up into the

middle third of the face:

Outlined in green.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Mandible- The lower jaw:

Zygomae- Cheekbones:

Outlined in green.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Craniofacial Structure- Cranio meaning cranium,

head. Facial meaning, well you know that one!
Ultimately, it’s a fancy name for the head and face.

Suboccipital muscles - Muscles below the occiput

(bone on the back of the head). They can be found at
the base of your skull:

Abs Walk- Here’s the link to my post explaining this.

Orthotropics- Ortho meaning correct, tropic

meaning growth. It is a means of treatment for
guiding and correcting facial growth, pioneered by
Dr. John Mew.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Labial vs. Lingual angling of teeth- If the teeth

angle towards the outside of the mouth (towards the
lips), that is labial angling. When they angle
towards the inside of the mouth (the lingual organs),
that is lingual angling.

Buteyko- Developed by Constantin Buteyko, it is a

breathing practice with the purpose of health in
mind. Dr. Buteyko tried it on himself and his
patients, consistently observing lower blood
pressure, elimination of asthma symptoms, and
increase in athletic endurance to name a few.
Buteyko practices are often recommended by
orthotropists to their patients as it improves the
airway. Even if you can already nasally breathe
effortlessly 24/7, there is still something to be gained
from practicing this daily.

Sexual Dimorphism- The traits that make you look

like your gender. For example, a prominent brow
ridge is a sexually dimorphic trait of a male.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Need Some Clarification?

If you would like some clarification on anything
in this book:

Fill out this form if you’re looking for a consultation

with me (as in you have a lot of questions) and I’ll get
back to you letting you know if I can help or not.

Or shoot me an email at with “Book
Question” as the subject line.

Also, be sure to check out my Instagram page

@its_all_connected_official and my YouTube
Channel for more information on everything mewing
and health related.

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

Final Words
Rome wasn’t built in a day. Mewing does not deliver
overnight results. Like weightlifting, the results come
gradually with time. After a couple months of dedicated
practice, you should notice a slight difference at least. Don’t
let the subtlety of the difference discourage you. The
slightest differences should be celebrated - most people
don’t enhance their face at all over the course of their

Take pictures regularly so you can track progress. A

year will show a solid difference in your facial structure.
Years will make you look unrecognizable to old friends!

m It’s All Connected YouTube
Instagram: @its_all_connected_official

AFFILIATE LINK DISCLAIMER: There are affiliate links in this guide. So if you
click through and take action, I will be compensated at no additional cost to
you. Thank you for your support - it’s what allows me to continue my work. :)

Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd

About the author

John Sparrow runs It’s All Connected on Instagram
and YouTube. He started It’s All Connected (formerly
Mewing Channel) as he struggled to find mewing
information and wanted to share his discoveries and
learn from others.

He discovered mewing over four years ago and has

been consistently mewing for three of those years.
He discovered mewing two weeks into an orthodontic
treatment and chose to back out of the treatment
concerned that it could be damaging to his face long


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