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April 26, 1932. G. R.

FISHER 1,855,184
Filed Dec. 5, 1928


-33 e BY 62/Arapa AA7saa
37 aaz,Cat-it-4-1
Patented Apr. 26, 1932 1,855,184


Application filed December 5, 1928. serial No. 324,004.
This invention relates genity systems
for receiving radio signals, and particularly wound upon a suitable frame as shown. The
plane of each loop is generally normally po
to systems of this kind having means for sitioned vertically and the frames are mount
minimizing static disturbances. ed so as to be readily rotatable about a ver
It is an object of this invention to devise
a radio system incorporating static elimit toticalprovide
axis. In some instances it is desirable so
for adjustment of both loops about
nating means, which utilizes a minimum
apparatus and is comparatively simple to of a horizontal axis, as for example when it is
operate. desired to take in account reflected radio sig
nal or static energy. However such adjust
0 It is a further object of this invention to ment or positioning of the planes of one or 55
devise a radio receiving system which is com both of the loops at an angle to the vertical
paratively free from interference due to po
tential static.
position shown is generally unnecessary ex
cept for energy of short wave lengths.
It is a further object of this invention to eferring to the circuit diagram of Fig.
5 devise means in conjunction with a loop, an 2,ableloopmeans
antenna 11 is shown tunable by suit- 80
tenna which can be employed for eliminating such as a variable condenser 14
static interference and also for imparting and is coupled to the radio receiver 16 by
unidirectional characteristics to the System.means of a suitable wave filter 17. Wave
It is a further object of this invention tofilter or coupling means 17 preferably is con
20 devise a novel method of operating a radio structed so that the coupling between loop 11 65
system utilizing a receiver coupled to a plu and the receiver 16 can be varied as desired.
rality of antennas. ... o The filter which I have shown gives good re
Further objects of the invention will ap
pear from the following description in which sults and consists of a balancing condenser
19, in this case formed by relatively station
25 have set forth the preferred embodiment of ary electrodes 21 connected to the terminals 70
my invention. It is to be understood that the
appended claims are to be accorded a range of loop 11, and a central electrode 22. The
center electrode 22 is connected to one ter
of equivalents consistent with the state of minal of an inductance coil 18. Another re.
the prior art. active balancing device 23 has its fixed elec
30 Referring to the drawings: trodes connected to the terminals of induc- 75
Figure 1 is a diagrammatic view illustrat tance coil 18, and has its center electrode con
ing the radio antennas utilized in my system nected to one terminal of another inductance
connected to receiving apparatus. 24. The other terminal of coil 24 has a
Fig. 2 is a circuit diagram illustrating one ground connection 26, and this inductance
form of the system of my invention. can be tuned as by means of variable con- 80
The system of my invention utilizes in gen denser 27. For transferring energy to the
eral a plurality of separate antennas or an receiver 16 inductance 24 is shown coupled
tenna portions which are connected to com to a secondary inductance 28. Inductance
mon radio receiving means. Thus referring coil 18 is preferably divided into two por
40 to Fig. 1 I have shown antennas 11 and 12
connected to common radio receiving means tions by having its center tap connected to 85
ground as indicated at 29.
13. While these antennas may be of any form Antenna 12 is also shown provided with a
which will secure the objects of the inven variable condenser 31 shunted across its ter
45 tion, I prefer that they both be of loop form
as for example a plurality of loops of wire minals, altho in practice this antenna is de
tuned with respect to the signal energy to 90
be received. As a convenient means for cou The ground connections 36 and 37 for the
pling antenna 12 to the remainder of the loop antennas 11 and 12 are desirable in that
apparatus I have shown a condenser 32 hay they minimize the effect of potential static
its one terminal connected to one termi upon the system. As previously explained
Ef of loop 12, and its other terminal connect such static is largely due to the presence of 70
ed to one terminal of inductance coil 18. In different potentials occurring at different
series with condenser 31I have shown variable strata above the earth, such potential differ
reactive means formed by variable condenser ences causing potential discharges thru the
32, and phase shifting means formed by an ad antennas. By utilizing loops grounded at
O justable or variable resistance 33. The con their centerpoints such discharges are in part 75
nection established by condenser 31 in effect directly conducted to ground and the effect
couples loop 12 to one portion of the induc upon the system is minimized.
tance coil 18. Generally, in the operation of my system
To secure certain advantages to be later reception is bi-lateral in accordance with the
5 explained, I prefer to ground the electrical directional characteristics of the loop an 80
center of loop 11, as by means of a ground tenna 11. It is possible however to modify
conductor 36 connected to the center point of the system so that the directional characteris
loop 11. Loop antenna 12 is likewise prefer tics correspond to a cardioid. It will be
ably grounded in a similar manner by means noted that in addition to the circulatory loop
20 of a ground conductor 37 connected to the currents in antenna 12 caused by absorption
center point of loop 12. Phase shifting of static energy, this loop also has a capacita
means such as formed by variable resistance tive effect and can therefore be employed as
38, is preferably connected in series with an aperiodic capacitative antenna for absorb
ground conductor 37. ing signal energy. By properly adjusting
25 In operating my system loop 11 is tuned the phase relationship of such signal energy, 90
to the station or to the signal energy to be as by cutting in and varying resistance 38,
received, and filter means 17 is likewise tuned signal energy impressed upon inductance coil
to the same frequency. Since a loop antenna 18 from loop 12 can be made substantially
of itself has a figure eight, directional char in phase with the signal energy impressed
30 acteristic, it is turned with its plane pointing
toward the station being received. A cer this upon the coil from main antenna, 11. When
condition exists and proper coupling is
tain amount of interfering ES by provided between loop 12 and inductance coil
static or strays will also be absorbed by loop 18, the directional
11. It has been found that this static energy characteristics of the sys
-35 can be divided roughly into two groups, one
tem will be substantially a cardioid, or the
system will be unidirectional.
kind originating at a remote point and hav In practice I have found it desirable to 200
ing an appreciable directional effect, and
another kind which may be termed poten have tially
the loops 11 and 12 arranged at substan
the same height from the surface of the
tial static which is caused by different
40 tials existing at various stratas above the
poten ground and of substantially the same size. 105
The ground
earth. It is apparent that static having a made to the upper connections are also preferably
directional effect at right angles to the plane Best results are securedsides of the loops as shown.
of loop 11, will not be absorbed by this an angular relation between by the
maintaining an
planes of loops
tenna due to its figure eight characteristic. 11 and 12, although this angular relation is
45 However when received from other direc
generally somewhat less
tions such static will produce appreciable The antennas can be placed any desired than 90 degrees.
interference if not neutralized or cancelled. tance apart or can be comparatively closedis to
Loop. 12 is arranged in such a position that gether.
it will receive such interfering directional I claim:
50 static and the energy so absorbed is im 1. In a radio receiving system, a tuned 5
pressed upon the wave filter or coupling loop antenna, means for grounding the cen
means 17 together with the energy absorbed ter point of said loop, a receiver, means for
by antenna 11. The intensity of impulses coupling said antenna to the receiver, said
impressed upon coil 18 by loop 12 can be ad last means including a coil having its center 120
justed by varying the condenser 32, and the point grounded whereby
phase relationship can be adjusted by vary two portions, a second loopit antenna, is divided into
ing resistance 33. When the system is prop for grounding the center point of saidmeans
erly adjusted impulses due to static im ond antenna, said second antenna havingsec its
pressed upon coil 18 by antenna 11 are of
62) substantially the same intensity and are sub plane arranged at an angle to the plane of 25
the first antenna, phase shifting means as
stantially 180 degrees out of phase with the sociated with the second antenna and means
corresponding impulses from antenna 12. for coupling said second antenna across one
Thus such impulses are cancelled out or neu portion of said coil.
tralized and have substantially no effect 2. In a radio receiving
65 upon the receiver 16.
m, two an
- tennas adapted to be affected to different de 30
grees by desired and undesired radio waves
proceeding from different directions, a closed
oscillatory circuit comprising an inductance
having a mid-point tap and a three-plate bal
ancing condenser, one of said antennas being
connected across one half of said tapped in
ductance, the other of said antennas being
connected across the other half of said in
ductance, and a receiving device connected
O between the mid-point tap on said inductance
and the third place of said balancing con
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set
mv hand.








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