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ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad

Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Department of CSE-AIML

Assignment No.3

Subject: Object Oriented System Design (KCS-054)

Submission Date 5/11/2023

Faculty Name: Ms.Kanika Malik Sem & Section: Vth Sem, (A+B+C)

Note: Attempt any 4 Questions. Each question carries equal marks 4*5=20

Q. No. Question Statement Bloom

1. Describe the relation of functional model, object model and dynamic models. K3
What is relationship and difference between (Object oriented analysis) and OOD
(Object oriented design)?

2. Describe implementation of control in object-oriented design. K2,K3

Compare the OMT methodology with SA/SD methodology. Explain with suitable K2,K3
3. example.

Describe the various features of object-oriented languages. Also compare any two K2
4. object-oriented languages.

5. Prepare DFD for computing the volume and surface area of a cone. Inputs are K2,K3
height and the radius of the base of the cone. Outputs are volume and surface area.
Discuss some ways of specifying operations.

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