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Course: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Subject: Development of Life Skills - II
Semester: 5
Marks: 100

Section – A

Q1. Answer all the questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

1. What is emotional intelligence? Discuss its relevance in the field of Mechanical


2. Define critical thinking. Illustrate with an example how it can be used in

problem-solving in the field of Mechanical Engineering.

3. Explain the concept of work-life balance. Discuss its significance in maintaining

personal and professional health.

4. Discuss any three key techniques for effective communication in a team.

5. Write a short note on the importance of ethical decision-making in the

engineering field.
Section – B
Q2. Answer any five questions. Each question carries 15 marks.

1. Discuss the role of teamwork and collaboration in the context of a mechanical

engineering project. Provide examples.

2. Define and distinguish between leadership and management. How are these
skills relevant to a Mechanical Engineer?

3. Describe a situation where you demonstrated resilience and adaptability in the

face of challenges. Discuss the skills you used to overcome these challenges.

4. Describe a scenario where conflict arose in a team project. How would you
apply conflict resolution skills to resolve it?

5. Discuss the role of ethics in Mechanical Engineering. Provide a case study

where ethical decision-making proved crucial.

6. How can Mechanical Engineers leverage technological advancements to

promote sustainable and environment-friendly practices?

7. Write a detailed note on stress management techniques suitable for

Mechanical Engineering students.

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