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1. How do the following instructions help you as a student?

Following instructions can benefit me as students in numerous ways. It can guide

me to learn and complete tasks effectively by providing clear guidance on what to do and
how to do it. This can help me avoid making mistakes and ensures I am on the right track.
Additionally, following instructions can me develop important skills such as time
management, organization, and critical thinking. It can also help me stay motivated and
engaged in learning new lessons and tthings.
2. What are the things do you consider when following instructions?
As I student, there are a few important things that I keep in mind when following
instructions. Firstly, I ensure that I have a clear understanding of the instructions. If there
is anything that I am unsure about, then I should ask for clarification. Secondly, it helps
me to break down the instructions into smaller steps. This makes the task feel less
overwhelming to me and help me stay focused. Lastly, I always double-check my work
before submitting it to ensure that I have followed the instructions correctly especially
during examinations.
3. What setting or place do you imagine do the scenarios take place? Explain.
The scenarios took place in a fictional world, a dream, or used as a metaphorical
representation of life's obstacles. The instructions themselves suggest a fantasy
environment with talking animals, magical creatures, and hidden dangers. In addition, the
usage of terms such as castle, princesses, wolves, and dragons serve to further reinforce
this concept. Moreover, the instructions reference a deep well that leads to another land,
indicating a world beyond the ordinary.
4. If you were the recipient of such instructions, would you follow them? Why or
why not?
I would follow the instructions depending on several factors, such as the trust I
have in the person giving the instructions, the potential risks involved, and my values and
beliefs as a person. If I believe that the instructions are coming from a trustworthy source
and that the potential rewards outweigh the risks, then I may be more likely to follow
them. However, if I have concerns about the person's motives or the potential
consequences of following the instructions, then I may be less likely to do so.
Three days after this story was filed away in the records of the immigration
department, they took the man who told it to the psychiatric hospital. Before the doctor
could start asking him about his childhood memories, the ambulance driver summed up
his real story in four words: 'I want to sleep. ‘It was a humble entreaty….

The hospital's white walls felt harsh against his tired eyes. The doctor, kind-faced
and soft-spoken, saw his deep need for rest, the darkness he longed for. She knew the
storm inside him, the desire to simply disappear.
But she offered him a different path, not escape, but a way back. Slowly, through
therapy and medicine, he began to piece together his memories, separating truth from
lies, finding himself again. The scars wouldn't vanish, but he found comfort in painting,
expressing his pain on a blank canvas. He shared his story with others who survived, their
scars symbolizing strength.
His voice, once forced to confess invented lies, now condemned the puppeteers
who played with lives. His words, fueled by his ordeal, reached millions of people around
the globe, reminding them of the true cost behind made-up stories.
The scars remained, but faded with each day, softened by healing. He wouldn't
erase the past, but it wouldn't define him. He would live, a testament to the human spirit's
fight, not for escape, but for a life reclaimed, a life with meaning.
And so, when sleep finally came, it wasn't an escape, but a rest for a warrior who
chose to fight, not for darkness, but for a life he built, a life marked but unbroken. The
man who craved sleep woke up, ready to live, forever changed, but forever strong.

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