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Supervisor: Professor Madya Dr. Norfazilah Ahmad

On the 12th of January 2024, I had my first presentation regarding Occupational Health at the
examination hall and the presentation involved my groups and other students. Before the
presentation, I felt nervous as its my first time presenting something non medically related and as I
was presenting, I was afraid that I will present wrongly and towards the end of the presentation I was
afraid that I didn’t do well for my parts. Other students were worried as the presentations play a role
in continuous assessment for this JPKA posting. At the same time during intervention day, me and my
friends came across where there were not many participants that came to join the event. Previously
the day before the Intervention Day, I was really excited as this is my first time conducting an event.
On the day itself, I was sad as not many people came to visit our booth. Hence at the end of the day,
I felt disappointed as there were not many people that came that day and my friends were worried
and sad as not many people came that day.

Overall, I manage to overcome my fear during my presentation by telling myself to keep calm
and I can do this, and, in the end, I did manage to present confidently and excel my parts in the
presentation. And for Intervention Day, me and my friends went to invite the residents by knocking
on their door because maybe some of the residents did not know about the event. Hence, me and my
friends went to each door to promote about the event. However, I felt that these are not the best
option to tackle the situation I am facing at that time because for my presentations, I believe this had
been happening almost every time and I am not solving the problem the right way. For intervention
day, this is not the best solution because by doing so, some residents might get annoyed as it is
weekend and I believe they do not want us to disturb their weekend.

The reason why I encounter those problems during my presentation are because before this
posting, everything that I went through are incline toward medical side as shown previously during
my surgery posting as everything I learnt in my lectures and Bailey surgical books was about surgery
related and when I approach JPKA posting everything was new to me and most of the lectures and
topics that I studied are not medical related where else for Intervention day, there were not may
people because the event happened on weekend which I believe most of the residents were either
sleeping or went out which can be shown previously in a last event that I manage few years ago. To
tackle this situation, I have few options where firstly, I could have read more about the topics which I
am about to present to ensure I am fully ready for any questions directed to me or I could have practice
presenting my parts in front of my group or mirror so that I can be mentally prepared to present on
that day itself. More than that, I could have asked for helps from my group to practice together and
ask for their feedback in order to improve my weakness and I can also ask for guidance from my friends
that completed their JPKA posting to seek for helps before presentation. Moreover, I can ask to
conduct a practice for other presentations so that I can help others during their presentations since I
be the first to present my parts and for Intervention day, I could have talked to the mc to use the
microphone to call out the residents and I should communicate with my other friends to invite those
residents and at the same time, I could have discuss with the leader of the event to tackle this
problems and give some of my ideas and I could have use better tone when speaking to residents and
invite them politely.
If the event happens again in the future, I will practice together with my group members and as
well as ask for feedback regarding my technique and any rooms for improvement for me to present
better in the future. For Intervention Day, I would have promoted more regarding this event and
conduct more exciting activities which are suitable for any ages. In order to prevent such situation
occurs again, I will immediately ask for tips before the presentation itself and at the same time, I will
keep on practising repeatedly in order to get better and excel in any presentations where else for
future Intervention day, I would immediately invite not just the residents but at the same time I would
invite the public from outside to join the event and I would promote more regarding this event by
giving out flyers and provide gifts and meals to those who join.

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