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Descibe an example of leadership expierence in which you have

positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed
to group efforts over time

An example of leadership experience is from a project I had to do in my junior year with

my table. I was grouped up with students who were very talkative and who did not seem to do
their work most of the time. As we were getting told what to do for our projects, they were not
paying attention and I was worried about who will help me with the project. As we got into the
project, we had many things to accomplish in such a short period of time and could only work on
it during class. When we got to work, I had told them that I will be the one in charge to make
sure everything is going as planned and in orderly fashion. Although I did not want to seem
bossy, I had to make sure someone was making sure things go smoothly and that we get a
good grade on our project. I gave everyone specific tasks for them to do and that if they needed
help, they should ask me about it and I will help them. As I was doing my part, i gathered
everything that they had done and put them all together in the project. I revised what they had
wrote and looked over the things they had accomplished. Whenever I had seen that a student is
not helping, I asked them to because all of our grades depended on this project and how much
information we had on it and how organized it was. As everyone had finished doing their tasks I
had given them, I organized everything to make sure the project looked good. All the tims they
had asked me for help, I had helped them. If someone did not end up doing their part or did half,
I would just finish the other half so we would get full points. In the end, we had our project well
organized and we had received a perfect grade for it.

2. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps
you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge
affected your academic achievement?

A challenge I had faced and overcame were personal problems within family that had
affected my academic performance. Throughout my freshman and sophomore year, my grades
had not been so well. I felt as if I was not good enough as the only child a single mother as
raised. That had a negative impact on me and I did not know how to handle it or how to help
myself to overcome it. Through all the negative thoughts I had always told myself and held onto,
I felt as if I was stuck that way forever. I did not want to do school work and I did not want to go
to school because I just wanted to stay home and be alone. My life was a mess and I knew it. I
was always getting lectured but nothing worked for me. As I got deeper into the depressive
state, I realized that I did not want to feel that way anymore. Seeing how hard my mother had
worked to provide for me and that I had nothing to offer back, I felt saddened because I knew
she deserved the most from me. How I first started to get back into a positive mindset was by
telling my problems to my family, my closest cousins. They helped me a lot and gave me a lot of
comfort and advice. Noticing that letting your feelings and thoughts out to people and receiving
love and positive advice from them felt good and it made me more positive. I then started to
ignore my negative thoughts and started to think positively about everything and anything.
When I would mess up on certain things, I would not get mad at myself but learn from it so I can
be better in the future. I also had kept clean of everything around me. Self care made me feel
good about myself and made me more productive. I also thought about school and how my
grades will affect me in the future. I knew I wanted to go to college after high school to get a
good job in the future. I wanted that so I knew I had to strive for it.

3. Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you
have futherded this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

An academic subject that has inspired me was child development. I took child
development in sophomore year. As I learned more about the subject, I realized that it was very
interesting to me and I always looked forward to that class. Learning about pregnancy, how
fetuses grow, how the female body provides for a fetus, and the different types of labor women
can do was interesting to me and I wanted to know more. During the school year, we had to
take home electronic babies that acted like real babies and had to care for them for 3 days. How
good we took care of the babies went towards our grade for that project. Although it was weird
at first, it was a great experience to be able to care for a newborn all by yourself. Although I do
take care of my baby cousins sometimes, that was a great experience. Because of the interest I
had in child development and learning about labor and pregnancy, I took interest in the medical
field as a nurse or a prenatal nurse. I want to learn more about prenatal nurses and what they
do because in the future, I would want to help and guide a pregnant woman for her to be able to
carry on a healthy pregnancy. Women deserve healthy and guidance by a medical professional
through their pregnancy and I would love to guide and see the baby grow. In college, I would get
into the medical field in the nursing program and graduate with a nursing degree. I want to gain
more knowledge on being a prenatal nurse and I want to expand my knowledge on labor and
how a womans body cares for a fetus.

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