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The Language Development in Early Years Workshop

July/August 2023

How to Develop Language in Early Years

Developing language skills in preschool is crucial for a child's overall cognitive and social
development. Here are some tips to promote language development in preschool-aged

1. Create a language-rich environment: Surround the child with a variety of language

stimuli, such as books, music, and conversation. Label objects and describe actions
to enhance their vocabulary.
2. Read aloud: Read books to children regularly, using expressive voices and gestures.
Encourage them to interact with the story by asking questions and discussing the
3. Engage in conversations: Have meaningful conversations with children, listening
attentively and responding to their ideas and questions. Encourage them to express
their thoughts and feelings, and provide appropriate feedback.
4. Play with language: Encourage imaginative play, role-playing, and storytelling.
These activities allow children to explore language in a creative and interactive way.
5. Use rhymes and songs: Introduce nursery rhymes, songs, and chants to enhance
phonological awareness and rhythm. Singing and reciting together can be fun and
6. Expand vocabulary: Introduce new words and concepts during daily routines and
activities. Use descriptive language and encourage children to do the same. For
example, during snack time, discuss the color, taste, and texture of the food.
7. Support social interactions: Create opportunities for children to engage in group
activities and interact with peers. Collaborative play and group discussions help
develop communication and language skills.
8. Use visual aids: Utilize visual aids such as picture cards, charts, and posters to
reinforce vocabulary and concepts. Visuals can enhance comprehension and make
learning more engaging.
9. Foster active listening: Encourage children to listen attentively during
conversations, stories, and instructions. Engage them in active listening exercises,
such as following directions or identifying sounds.
10. Provide a language model: Be a good language model yourself by speaking clearly
and using correct grammar. Encourage children to imitate correct pronunciation and
sentence structure.
11. Provide opportunities for pretend play: Encourage dramatic play where children
can engage in role-playing scenarios. This type of play promotes vocabulary
expansion, narrative skills, and social interaction.

Remember, every child develops at their own pace. Be patient, provide a supportive and
nurturing environment, and celebrate their progress.

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