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Visage: person’s facial expression

Parallel: two or more lines that will never touch

Concept: abstract idea

Solve: find an answer or explanation

Usurp: take power by force

Grapple: wrestle or struggle

Pastoral: to do with country life

Stump: be too hard for someone

Credible: able to be believed

League: an agreement or alliance

Horde: large group of people

Nominal: a very small price or number

Venture: risky journey or undertaking

Gravity: seriousness or importance

Faction: small group within a larger one

Impart: make information known

Precision: exact and accurate

Fathom: understand after much thought

Foreshadow: be a warning or indication of a future event

Sanction: penalty for breaking the law

Engaged: get involved in

Indefinite: lasting for an unknown amount of time

Climax: the most intense or exciting part

Diary: a record of daily events

Digital: related to technology

Elude: or avoid skilfully

Grant: give or allow

Timorous: very nervous, not confident

Convince: make someone believe something

Parenthesis: pair of round brackets

Inference: conclusion based on reasoning

Explicit: very clear and in detail

Foster: encourage development

Admonish: warn someone seriously

Constrained: severely restricted

Gentry: people of good social position

Kindle: set on fire

Compel: force to do something

Graphic: related to imagery

Bland: having no taste

Hijack: to take control of a thing, especially a vehicle to force it to do something else

Grouchy: easily annoyed and complaining

Brackets: category of things that are similar

Multiple: numerous and varied

Dwell: live at a place

Coast: part of land next to the sea

Passage: narrow path between buildings

Purse: small pouch for carrying money

Thesis: an idea that is yet to be proven

Furnish: provide with furniture

Retiring: shy and preferring to be alone

Conjure: make something appear unexpectedly

Scheme: secret plan or plot

Territory area of land ruled by someone

Appoint: resign a job to

Progressive: happening gradually

Venue: a place where something happens

Refrain: stop from doing something

Visual: relating to sight

Technique: a way of doing something

Illustrious: well-known and respected

Renovation: restoration of something to a good state

Irregular: not balanced

Variable: able to be changed

Insipid: having no taste

Conscientious: doing a job well

Procedure: official way of doing something

Temper: tendency to become angry easily

Harangue: long and aggressive speech

Ensue: happening after

Coax: gently persuade

Ratify: make something official

Vacate: leave

Generation: everyone who is born at around the same time

Leverage: use something to the maximum advantage

Consistent: unchanging over time

Intermediate: the middle of something

Rhetorical: persuasive speaking

Controversy: heated public discussion

Ambiguous: not having an obvious meaning

Informal: relaxed and friendly atmosphere

Assail: attack violently

Aide: personal assistant

Personification: give human qualities to something not human

Clarify: make something clear

Keen: showing enthusiasm

Campaign: organized actions to achieve a goal

Threadbare: become worn with age

Tread: walk

Continue: persist with something

Transition: changing from one stage to another

Recourse: source of help in a difficult situation

Resistance: refusal to accept or follow

Tarry: delay

Contrived deliberately created

periodical: done at regular intervals

judicial: related to justice

Earnest: showing sincere and intense concentration

Resource: source of help or information

Presentation: ceremony

Multimedia: using more than one form of communication

Extortion: get something with threats or force

Relevant: related to sight

Retort: to answer back

Malice: wanting to harm

Rebuke: criticise sharply

Render: give in return or revenge

Imaginative: showing creativity

Plagiarism: the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own /
steal someone’s work as your own

Ritualistic: related to religious ceremony

Insinuate: to express but not say directly

Weigh: find out how heavy something is

Rhythmic: repetitive with a regular beat

Insist: say firmly or forcefully

Merit: deserving praise

Boastful: expressing excessive self-pride

Practise: do something repeatedly

Derivative: coming from something else

Dingy: gloomy and drag

Perishable: likely to go bad quickly

Resurrect: restore to life

Objective: not affected by personal feelings

Fancy: elaborate in decoration

Enjoin: urge to do something

Chivalry: brightly code of conduct

Hyperbole: exaggerated statements

Partial: incomplete part

Subside: become less intense

Adverse: harmful and unfavourable

Novel: new and unusual

Cite: refer to something as evidence

Enhance: improve the quality of

Perpetual: never ending or changing

Imitate: copy

Classification: grouping something

Chamber: large room for formal events

Reflect: think deeply and carefully

Adaptation: changing to suit something

Apt: quick to learn

Composition: creative work

Victorious: triumphant, having won

Undermine: lessen the power of

Substantial: considerable importance

Inclined: willing to do something

Provoke: deliberately male someone annoyed or angry

Irrevocable: unable to be changed or fixed

Relationship: how two or more people are connected

Humble showing low estimate of importance

Documentary: factual report on a particular subject

Bibliography: appendix of sources for research

Analogy: comparison between two things

Imposing: grand in appearance

Languid: relaxed and peaceful

inveigh: speak or write about something angrily

reasoning: thinking about something in a logical way

context: full circumstances

Scarce: insufficient in amount

Apparent: clearly visible

establish: set up permanently

instance: an example of something

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