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The room was supposed to have the air conditioner turned on, but after a full cycle the

was like early summer. Add the somen noodles later into the simmering water and stir to prevent
them from sticking. Once it’s completely soft, take it out and cool it down under cold water before it
gets mushy!


“Do your best Azukichi, 30 minutes left!”

“No, right...I can’t get enough of this...!”

I’ve already boiled about 150 pieces. If we boil about 50 more pieces, our turn will be over!

“Next 10 pieces!”


Sora-chan excitedly stirs somen noodles. In the hot water supply room, a separate team is currently
boiling water in large pots. It’s literally a festival, or rather...I get the feeling that everyone is getting
caught up in Sora-chan’s momentum. I guess everyone had different thoughts about the kettle and
somen noodles.

“Wow, it’s really high!”

“Please take it and get started.”

“I understand!”

However, the humidity in this room is so high that it feels a bit like a sauna... It feels like toxins are
being removed from my body.

“Azukichi~, let’s do the next one~.”


Sora-chan’s skill at boiling somen noodles is getting better and better.

“When we finished, we all joined in for Nagashi Somen, Sora-chan.”

“Oh yeah, I feel like I’m starting to get a little tired of looking at somen noodles.”

“No, it’s okay, it’s okay. It’s not that far yet. It’s delicious somen!”

“I know, I know, but...!”

I understand how you feel, Sora-chan! AZKi is starting to feel that way too!


“...Thank you for your hard work, Azukichi.”

“Somen noodles are fine for a while...”

“Maybe so. You’ve eaten enough for the rest of your life.”

Sora-chan smiles bitterly and sits down on the chair next to me.
“Thank you, Azukichi.”

“No, no, Sora-chan was the one who came up with this plan.”

“Well, that may be true, but...I couldn’t have done it by myself. Azukichi came along and saved me.”

“...Well, I was the first one to ask you how to eat somen.”

Because of that, I thought it would be better to do what I was told to do.

“I can’t help but feel that the program of having wanko somen after nagashi somen was quite

“But since it was so exciting, AZKi thinks the result is okay.”

I realized that somen, which can be a bit boring when eaten alone, becomes so much fun,
interesting, and delicious when eaten with a large group of people.

“I’m very satisfied.”

“The staff and the managers got involved, and we made some great memories.”

“Will you do it again next year?”

“Well, I guess I’ll hold off on that for a bit...”

Sora scratched her cheek a little and smiled shyly.

“I felt a lot of pressure when it came to planning projects myself...It was fun, but for the time being I
want to limit myself to what I can do through streaming.”

“Ah...well, I think that’s fine then.”

This time was irregular. I’m sure so. Sora-chan was a little more excited than usual.

“If anything, AZKi could take over.”

“Okay, I’ll leave it to Azukichi!”

“Hey, isn’t it too early!?”

“Aren’t you going to take over?”

“I just asked if I could take over...well, it’s fine.”

Anyway, I’m going to stop eating somen for a while.

“By the way, after the closing ceremony, E-chan said that Hololive will stop sending somen noodles
for mid-year gifts.”

“...That’s a wise decision.”

I think it’s better that way too.



“...Summer is nice.”
“...Well, AZKi also likes summer.”

“Ah, by the way, Azukichi. Did you know there’s a festival near the office next Saturday and Sunday?”

“Huh?...No, I didn’t know.”

“...Would you like to go with me?”

“Ah, I want to go. I want to go.”

“Okay, it’s settled♪”

As expected...Sora-chan seems to be in a bit of a high mood today.

“...Ah, I see. Is it close to the excitement you get at a live performance?”

“Maybe. Maybe it’s just the adrenaline.”

I see, so...

“I thought you were cuter than usual, which makes sense.”

“...What happened all of a sudden, Azukichi...? Are you feeling unwell?...Maybe you’re suffering from

“Why is it like that?”

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