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EPISODE # : 002
TRANSLATOR : Güniz Seval
SUBTITLER : Güniz Seval
DATE : 16 03 2022


HIZIR (OFF) You have so many books. Don't you have any with a nice treasure map, huh,
Master Süleyman?
SÜLEYMAN Hızır, son? (effort grunts). These days I feel like I have one foot in the grave. I
couldn't come to welcome you. I'm sorry. Come, have a seat.
HIZIR Not at all. (OFF) Don't be sorry.
SÜLEYMAN (softly) Oh my lion. Niko said that you'd come today. But I thought. that you'd go
home and pay a visit to me by the evening.
HIZIR We don't have time to wait.
SÜLEYMAN It looks like you don't need a treasure map, Hızır, right? I you’ve already seized got
someone else's treasure! (soft chuckle). (OFF) Cem? Oh! (ON) This is the pouch of
Cem Sultan. (OFF) Has Shehzadeh Korkut finally arrived? (ON) Did his uncle really
possess one of the keys to the secret?
HIZIR After Cem Sultan got killed in the Frankish lands, Shehzadeh Korkut got whatever
valuable he had with him back. (OFF) He pulled a lot of strings and spent a lot of
gold. But he managed in the end.. (ON) Don't waste your time. (OFF) None of them
is a key.
SÜLEYMAN Huh! (effort grunts).. (effort grunts)
SÜLEYMAN (grunts as he sits) (soft effort grunts).. Huh.. In that case. the Vatican has the key
now. The most sinful pope. the history has ever seen. Write in big letters, on that

empty space. that Pope Rodrigo Borgia. (OFF) He has stolen (ON) one of the keys of
our secret. Write it.
HIZIR Master. They only know about the book. (OFF) They don't know about any of the
keys that reveal its secrets. (ON) I think the key. was never in the Frankish lands.
Cem Sultan gave it. to someone (OFF) in his family.
SÜLEYMAN (OFF) Sultan's son Murat? (ON) But he became a Christian. He is protected by the
Knights of Rhodes.
HIZIR That's exactly why I will. pay a visit to him there. Allah willing. Both to find the key.
and to save Sultan Fatih's grandchild from this shame.
SÜLEYMAN But it’s too dangerous. The men protecting Murat are really dangerous. The
bloody-handed killer sent by the Pope himself—
HIZIR (Overlapping) (interrupts) Pietro.. (OFF) He is with Shehzadeh Murat, in the
Kalymnos Island. I will take Shehzadeh Murat exactly from there, master.
PIETRO (painful grunts) (moans in pain) (coughs)
RADKO (OFF) (overlapping) I keep letting you (ON) breathe here. But I have grown tired of
waiting. (OFF) See these days as your last chance (ON) and give me their names!
PIETRO (weak and raspy) Never.
RADKO You said something?
PIETRO I said never. (roaring) Neveeeer!
RADKO (OFF) One (ON) of you will break, and the other (ON) will die.
PIETRO Arggh! Arrrgh! (pants)
PRISONER Are you okay?
PIETRO (softly) We. We never spoke. We never spoke. We never said anything. (pants)
(effort grunts with pain) But I guess someone couldn't hold on.
PRISONER There are other people than us?
PIETRO They got to some very important information.
PRISONER (whispering) What? What kind of information?
PIETRO (pants) Huh? (whispering) The Andalusian. The one who ran away with his child.
PRISONER (whispering) Eyüp—
PIETRO Shhhh. (softly pants and wheezy breaths).. They learned that he ran away and
arrived in Arabian lands. (pants softly) Do you think Eyüp is safe? (whimpers) If they
find him. (painful breath and pants softly) It won't take long for them to find the
other leaders.
PRISONER (whispering) He is far away.. All the way to the Mariout Lake’s shores. He is a
fisherman in a small village.
HIZIR My goodness. Thought you'd be happy.

SÜLEYMAN You will walk to your own death. Should I be happy for that?
HIZIR Master. I planned every tiny detail. An intel for Korkut made my job easy as well.
(OFF) There will be a big ceremony in Kalymnos soon. (ON) I will free Shehzadeh
Murat in that chaos.
SÜLEYMAN You don't care about the key, only Murat. And you will do that (OFF) among the
crowd. Is this your so called (ON) detailed plan? Hızır, can’t imagine your
“undetailed” plan!
HIZIR Master. The crowd is best place to stay hidden. Better do the job in the chaos. not
in some quiet place.
SÜLEYMAN When is the ceremony? (OFF) When will you be in Kalymnos?
HIZIR As soon as possible. Have to set sail soon.
SÜLEYMAN Yakup Ağa used to call you his smart son. He was wrong.
HIZIR Highlands have trees, seas have crazy people. I have to set sail as soon (OFF) as
SÜLEYMAN Be careful about Pietro. once you are in Kalymnos. (OFF) He is the devil himself.
RADKO (OFF) Is it time yet? (ON) You made up your minds? (OFF) Which one of you will
start chirping?. You?
PIETRO (effort grunts)
PRISONER That's it, you are a hero, brother!
RADKO Is it time, Master Pietro?
PRISONER Brother, (OFF) what's going on?
PIETRO (pants softly) Never reveal your secret. I told you that it is more important than
your life.
PRISONER No one can be. as low. and as crazy as you. (OFF) For all this time. (ON) you
tortured yourself to fool me. You played me. Right?
PIETRO The hardest part was enduring your chat. Good bye, friend..
PRISONER (grunts)
PIETRO Do you have it?.. (OFF) He is near the (ON) Mariout lake shores. Fisherman Eyüp.
He is one of the apostles (OFF) who escaped from Andalucia. (ON) Go and learn
everything you can about the man right away.

WALLA (children playing loudly in the street) (children playing inside)

SICK BOY (groaning deliriously)
ZEYNEP (OFF) How is he?
ZEYNEP (OFF) My dear. (OFF) How are you?. Okay, let's cool your legs off. Come on, dear.
SICK BOY Mother Zeynep.
ZEYNEP Yes, dear?
SICK BOY Will the pain never end? I'm dying.
ZEYNEP Come on, don't talk like that. (OFF) You will get well. You will play with you friends.
SICK BOY (groans softly)
ZEYNEP Oh come on. Don't clutter around. Go. Your friend will be okay. Alright? Go, don't
worry. Go. Adelina. Bring some water with vinegar and boil some nigella seeds.
ADELINA How is he? It looks like those won't be the remedy to him.
ZEYNEP I know this illness. It is called chest piercer. It is hard to find medicine.
ADELINA Is it in Alexandria?
ZEYNEP (OFF) I don't think so. (ON) The remedy to this is in the Frankish lands. It is a wild
herb that grows in the mountains on the Sicilly shores.
ADELINA What if we find a ship heading there and order some?
ZEYNEP It is too late. It is way too late after a week.
ADELINA So what now?
ZEYNEP I think of something but.. I know a doctor at St. Jean Knights' Hospital. (OFF) He is a
hardworking doctor. (ON) I met with him when he visited Alexandria to buy some
stuff. But. he is in Kalymnos, near Rhodes now. (OFF) We have to get the medicine
from there.
ADELINA Kalym— Kalymnos? (OFF) You are mad. That place—
ZEYNEP (overlapping) (interrupts) I know, I know. It is dangerous. I know. But the only (OFF)
thing I can think of is getting the medicine from Doctor Giovanni.
GIOVANNI Sir. Is the information that you got. worth all the suffering you went through?
PIETRO (OFF) Giovanni.. I like curious men. (ON) But not those who are curious about me.
GIOVANNI (OFF) Okay, sir.
PIETRO (OFF) Since I got thrown into this (ON) mud hole by the order of the Revered Pope.
your comrades in the St. Jean Knights are. giving me hard times. They think that I
have usurped the Kalymnos Island.
GIOVANNI They are being unfair to you.

PIETRO Thank you, Giovanni. You are dismissed… Sooo, Diego. (soft painful breath) What
do you think? Do you think St. Jean Knights are being unfair to me? (exhales)
DIEGO In fact they are right. Do you think you didn’t usurp the island?
PIETRO Uhm. You are the only one who is honest with me. That's why. I trust you the
most.. You are right. (soft painful breath) But you missed something.
DIEGO What did I miss?
PIETRO (with painful effort) That we can't get anywhere with their incompetence. (sighs).
By putting Kalymnos on the map. (OFF) I tied a knot in the south of Mediterranean.
When I tighten the knot, on one hand the Ottomans. and on the other Mamluks
will choke. Andalucia is in ashes (OFF) anyway. This information. will lead (ON) me
to such power that. Cairo, Jerusalem, Alexandria. Constantinople.. (near whisper)
All will turn to ash.
WALLA (ship crew chatting during chowder time.)
İLYAS (OFF) Let's see our fortune today. (ON) Whoa! Hachamore. (OFF) I'm sick of eating
(ON) rusk with onions. I even dream about onions.
ORUÇ (OFF) Be thankful, İlyas. (ON) We can’t spit lamb on the sea.. What is it? You look
like you suffer the bends.
BIRDMAN (OFF) Baba Oruç, let's. (ON) talk in person. It's private.
ORUÇ No problem here. Speak up.
CANNONEER (OFF) The captain of the last ship. He knows the thug you hung (ON) like a flag on
the bow.
İLYAS So? He knows him so what? He cried for him in the night?
ORUÇ (overlapping) (soft chuckle)
BIRDMAN (OFF) No İlyas, no. It's not something like that. (ON) One of his ships got raided
before. (OFF) Stole his cargo. He is called Enrico.. (ON) He got such a brother that. A
bloody murderer.
CANNONEER (OFF) I heard about him as well. (ON) He’s Antoine, aka Poseidon.
CANNONEER (OFF) That infidel says he’s Poseidon (ON) which means the God of the Sea.
according to their ancient (OFF) beliefs.
HAYRABAY I hope you won't. get into trouble because of me.
ORUÇ I know a crazy guy in Lesvos. He'd be confused time to time, saying that he is
Constantine, the Byzantine (OFF) Emperor. The people would play along, (ON) be
nice and. tell him about his situation. Of course sometimes he would be spoiled
and wouldn't give up saying that he is Constantine. Things would go south then.
He'd be beaten in the town square until he gives up on his throne. (OFF) If we come
across Antoine. (ON) he may change his mind when he sees us. And if he does not.

If he. keeps insisting that he is the God of the Sea. we’ll give him a good beating.
And it’ll be done.
CANNONEER If you say so, so be it, Baba Oruç. Okay. (OFF) Just wanted to be on guard.
ORUÇ Good thinking. Thank you.
ANTOINE Is that it? That’s all?
PIRATE 1 Yes sir.
ANTOINE We got this many prisoners from three Turkish villages?
PIRATE 1 (OFF) Sir. they resisted. That's why (chuckling) (ON) most of them are dead.
ANTOINE Such meaningless losses. So it means they decided to die exhausted and spent. You
are not a farmer.
MAN 1 I am. I am a ranch hand.
ANTOINE You’re lying now. (OFF) Your hands are not calloused.
MAN 1 I'm just a tradesman visiting the village.
ANTOINE Good. Take him aside. Send word to their friends for ransom. Let them prepare the
BLIND PIRATE (panting). Sir. Your brother (ON) Enrico is dead. (OFF) (pants hard breaths)
ANTOINE What do you mean?
BLIND PIRATE (OFF) The guy called Oruç killed everyone. I am the only survivor.
BLIND PIRATE I escaped in the first chance (effort breath) to let you know. (effort grunt)
ANTOINE Arrrgh! (roars in rage). (pants slowly) Learn everything you can about. That man
named Oruç.
HIZIR Got good news, İshak Ağa. The shop is doing well. But the. accounting books of the
farm and shop is mixed together.
İSHAK Bah! You will handle it all since you’re here. There is no one that knows it (OFF)
better than you.
HIZIR Oh, yeah. Who else would do it?
İSHAK WIFE I made you some sirkenjubin. Do enjoy.
İSHAK Ahh! (OFF) Sirkenjubin sherbet is healthy. It is good for digestion (ON) after a meal.
Stop with your books now.
HIZIR If you will excuse me.
İSHAK WIFE (OFF) Oh, No way, Hızır. (ON) You have just come from abroad. You can't leave
right after (OFF) eating. Don't you want to chat a little?

HIZIR Sister. Today is Hıdırellez. (OFF) Everyone should be celebrating now. I missed it.
Let me just see it.
İSHAK WIFE Alright then.
İSHAK (OFF) What is it, dear? Are you going to be the boss in (ON) this house? Are people
to ask for your blessings?
İSHAK WIFE Just let him go.
İSHAK (OFF) Go. (ON) Go then. Don't be late.
HIZIR Alright.
İSHAK WIFE You'd chain him if I let you.
İSHAK No chain would hold a person who wants to leave.
ORUÇ (OFF) Happy Hıdırellez, İlyas.
İLYAS Oh, thank you, Ağa Captain.
ORUÇ What are you drawing? Are you drawing the girl of (OFF) your dreams?
İLYAS No, man. (OFF) Don't mind what they say about me. (ON) I have only one love. I
draw that every (OFF) Hıdırellez.
ORUÇ You are a grown man, İlyas. But your dreams never came true.. I don't understand
how these whish parchments don’t get lost at the sea. Do you think it is İshak Ağa’s
curse (OFF) on us?
İLYAS Maybe it is Hızır's curse! ‘Member he caught us when Despina. was eloping with
you from the house? (OFF) He showed mercy to you then. He didn't wake İshak Ağa
up for the sake of your love. (ON) He just watched us leave. (OFF) That look. I will
never forget (ON) even if I die, Baba Oruç. It haunts me.
ORUÇ We have sharpened together like these two knives here.. We cut whoever faced us.
But in fact, the wounds within us grew bigger (OFF) as we sharpened.
İLYAS That's what hurts me, Ağa Captain. We have lost ourselves for the seas. Got
separated from our brothers. (OFF) Remember what you said before we left
Lesvos? (ON) You said ‘We will be the Sultans of the sea, not pirates.’ (OFF) What
were we doing all this time? (ON) We fight the sea bandits. (OFF) and make a living
with (ON) whatever the Unita pays us. You know what I think sometimes?
ORUÇ Let me say what you cannot utter. You say "I wish we never left Lesvos", right?.
Come with me, İlyas.
İLYAS Ağa Captain. Forgive me if I was out of line.
ORUÇ I said come with me.
LESVOS MAN 1 (OFF) Welcome, Hızır.

HIZIR (OFF) Good evening.

LESVOS MAN 1 (OFF) Good evening.
HIZIR Happy Hıdırellez. Thank you.
LESVOS MAN 1 Bless you, thanks.
HIZIR Happy Hıdırellez to you too, Constantine the Great!
CONSTANTINE You too, you too.
FOLK WOMAN (OFF) (singing) Let's start the song, stone the devil, come along. Let's start the song,
(ON) stone the devil, come along. (OFF) If it is in your fates, solemnize the soul
mates! Solemnize the soul mates! Solemnize the soul mates!
NIKO (like reading a poem) Should a ship on the sea stop? I need a harbour to drop.
(OFF) Is it in our fortune to sleep. (ON) under the same roof?
NIKO GIRL (like reading a poem) Trays all over they lay, the ill ones will wail. My lover is in the
strong grip. of a floating ship.
HIZIR Oh the love of ships again. It ruins my dear brother here!
NIKO Don't even ask. It’s because I'm just a poor boatsman. If I was a tradesman who
owns a galleon. would she ever say that?
HIZIR You will, hopefully. Allah willing you will. Come. I have a favor to ask. Come on..
Happy Hıdırellez to you all.
LESVOS MAN 2 (OFF) Thank you.
LESVOS MAN 3 (OFF) (overlapping) To you too.
NIKO It must be something bad since you got me. to a quiet place, Hızır.
HIZIR I want you to be at the. Cape Gureba before dawn tomorrow, Niko. I will tell the
rest there. Oh, by the way, don't mention this to anyone. Especially to İshak Ağa.
Okay? Come on, don't pull that face. Come on. Let's make a wish together. Maybe
Saint Hızır is here too.
NIKO Hızır, my only wish is that you stay out of trouble.
HIZIR Come with me, come on.
HIZIR Your only wish, huh, Niko? I don't think so, brother.
ADELINA We hit the roads. All for an innocent little soul. God give us courage and strength to
that little boy.
ZEYNEP Allah will lead us safely through this pirate bed just as he led the Prophet Moses,
who split the river in two.
BOAT MAN (OFF) Come on, to the ship. Boat to the ship! (ON) Are you heading for the ship?

BOAT MAN Come aboard.
ORUÇ (OFF) Do you know these shores? (ON) Do you know who rules here?. (OFF) This is
the Jerba island. (ON) Captain Aydın is here. After he raided Malta and even
imprisoned the King's son. The infidels started to call him Cachidiablo.
İLYAS The Devil Beater?
ORUÇ (OFF) And here is Euboea. (ON) Captain Kemal. He turned this place into a forge of
heroes after the Great Conquest. (OFF) The heroes from the depths of Anatolia
come here. (ON) They learn the secrets of the seas. to become courageous, valiant
and strong lions of the sea.. (OFF) And here is the Sinop Harbor. Captain Burak lives
here. (ON) They build the biggest ships that history has ever seen until today. The
ships are called Göke. (OFF) These seas have never witnessed such beasts as those.
(ON) And here is the Maghrib (OFF) shores, from Egypt all the way to Morocco.
Some large and small seamen make their moves (ON) according to Captain Kılıç's
word. Some do business and count the gold, some draw their sword and hunt
bandits. (OFF) And here is the capital (ON) İstanbul. The center of the world.
Captain Kemal is here with our Sultan. (OFF) If you count them one by one (ON)
you can say that Captain Kemal turned into. a palace politician. Aydın is a corsair.
(OFF) Captain Kılıç is a tradesman (ON) and Captain Burak is a shipwright. But that's
not the truth. All those heroes. wait for a signal.
İLYAS While all of them are making their name known. we just guard others' goods. And
for the Venetian organization called Unita.
ORUÇ With Allah’s help. we are going to shoulder the heaviest burden, İlyas. (OFF) Just as
the infidels gathered under a cross. (ON) all those heroes must unite under the
crescent’s light. And that's my goal, İlyas.
İLYAS Brother, Turks would rule all the seas if this comes true.
ORUÇ (OFF) We will. Allah willing, (ON) we will. However we must be patient. (OFF) First,
we need to find out what's going on in Frankish lands, from Unita's shady dealings
to the Pope's, plots and schemes. (OFF) And also. (ON) until it is time to be
awakened. this secret must remain dormant in our hearts.
WALLA (Crowded inn. Patrons drinking, merrymaking and chatting)
ISABEL Welcome dad.
ISABEL DAD (OFF) How are you, my dear?
ISABEL (OFF) I'm good. (ON) What will you drink?
ISABEL DAD I’ll drink nothing. I will lose my leg if I don't make it work, you know. (OFF) I just
wanted to catch my breath on the way.


ISABEL DAD (OFF) Go about your business.
ISABEL Alright, as you wish dad.
ISABEL DAD (groans with effort as he sits down).. How are you, Cafer?
CAFER Not good at all. Your daughter...
ISABEL DAD (OFF) What is it? (ON) Listen, I think she is handling the place really good.
CAFER It's not Isabel's fault, sir. (OFF) The real problem is the ones who are misleading
(ON) her. The ones who look like they are good for this inn but pulling tricks behind
her back.
ISABEL DAD Is it about Oruç again?
CAFER (OFF) Yes sir. (ON) That scumbag Oruç is not someone you can trust.
ISABEL DAD I haven't seen any misdeeds thus far.
CAFER They are so sneaky. They are so subtle. They are just waiting to be more powerful.
(OFF) Oruç and his brother gets (ON) priority on all jobs from this inn. We pick
(OFF) up the leftovers. (ON) When Oruç gains enough power, his first target will be
this inn and thusly you.
ISABEL DAD Cafer. You know there are lots of inns like this in many ports all over the
Mediterranean, right?
CAFER Of course I do. I know very well what the Venice Trade Organization is capable of.
ISABEL DAD So you are aware of the might of Unita, which is our sacred unity.
CAFER Of course sir, of course. Thanks to Unita, the goods collected in the seas are bought
and sold reach their destinations safely. and those who should not enter the
harbor. are looted. I know it very well.
ISABEL DAD (scoffs) Listen, Cafer. (OFF) Not even a two oared shallop can set sail in the
Mediterranean without our permission. And here you are talking about (ON) two
dirt poor Turks gaining power enough to harm me, and even our sacred Unita.
CAFER Sir, don't be mad. But your memory grew shorter as the peace between the
Ottomans and Venice lasted longer. (OFF) Just because Captain Kemal (ON)
mentors a few young seamen. and Captain Kılıç is doing trade business with a few
galleys. do you think that they have forgotten the past? (OFF) When they decide to
set the (ON) Mediterranean ablaze again. who do you think they’ll set fire to. in
ISABEL DAD Alright, just leave. (OFF) We will talk later.
PIETRO (OFF) Kalymnos. (ON) Venice. Seville. Crete. (deep sigh) And now Alexandria. I shed
blood in all Mediterranean to find the secret.

DIEGO (OFF) We couldn't. (ON) But we have come a long way. You said that great power
cannot be claimed easily.
PIETRO I knew it wouldn't be easy. (sighing) It won't be any easier soon. But this time we
are close Diego. I believe it. Everything will be different when we possess that
majestic power. (OFF) I won't be just a simple peon, a murderer. (ON) (sighs) I
won't be the pet of Borgias Family. I won’t be their hireling or footman. I will be a
worthy husband to our Holy Father's only daughter, Lucrezia.
DIEGO Shush.
RADKO (OFF) Sir, the committee from (ON) Castile has arrived.
CASTILE MAN 1 (OFF) Our great lord. By order of His Holiness the Pope we are removing (ON) the
filthy stain of the barbarian Arabs from the Iberian Peninsula.
CASTILE MAN 2 And according to your orders. we got the bronze helmets. (OFF) swords and shields
of Granada Guards.
PIETRO How many chests of them you brought here?
CASTILE MAN 1 50 chests sir.
PIETRO (OFF) You see, right? (ON) An invasion of centuries. ends in a day. The leftovers are.
(OFF) just 50 chests. (ON) Once we repel those infidels and barbarians to the
deserts and steppes they belong to. these will be the only leftovers from them.
PIETRO (whispering) Empty. (OFF) Empty helmets. Radko. (ON) Bring the gifts to our
CASTILE MAN 1 Sir, our gifts can't match the value of this.
PIETRO (smirks) This is not for the bronze ware you brought. This gold here, is the capital
for your next (OFF) crusade.
CASTILE MAN 2 Where are we going to attack?
PIETRO (sighs) It is not enough to drive them out of the Spanish lands. (OFF) They settle on
the next shore, (ON) meaning on the African coast. (OFF) They organize there (ON)
and they dream of. coming back for revenge. How can you stop-- How can you stop
a barbarian who wants revenge?... Only by killing (OFF) him. The Meiya Harbor on
the Morocco shores will be captured. It is the direct order of his Holiness Alexander
VI. We will prey on them on the African coast. They will never have a good night’s
sleep. They will never dream about coming back. There will be other harbors after
Meiya. And we will conquer the entire coastline one by one, city by city. And at the
end, they will drown in the midst of the blue Mediterranean. (OFF) When I was
chosen by the Holy Father…
PIETRO (OFF) …I was an aimless, sinful soul.

ALEXANDER VI (OFF) What is your name, son?

YOUNG PIETRO My name is Umberto, sir.
PIETRO (OFF) He was the first one to call me Pietro. Called me by the name of Saint Petrus.
He gave me a new name, a new life.. And then he put this ring with his family’s
insignia on my finger. and released me to the darkness of the world. He charged
me with shedding his light, shedding light everywhere I go. And you, my brothers
will help me on this duty. (OFF) We will be the golden and steel keys of our Holy
(ON) Father. Sometimes with gold coins and sometimes with steel swords! We will
lock this sea to the infidels and open it to the believers!
NIKO No Hızır. I can't give you the boat. İshak Ağa would kill me.. Let's say he won’t
realize the missing boat. how about your absence?
HIZIR That is the part I need you for, Niko. You will keep İshak Ağa busy. (OFF) You have
never seen me if he asks.
NIKO What are these? Are you going there armed to teeth? You are going towards a
danger. I'm coming too!
HIZIR Yes, it is dangerous. That's why I can’t allow you.
NIKO (OFF) İshak Ağa will ruin me.
HIZIR (OFF) Your duty is harder than mine.
NIKO (OFF) Let's bring down the load at least. Hızır, the boat is full to the brim.
HIZIR We don't have time! I'm in a hurry. See you.
NIKO (OFF) But Hızır, just know that if something happens to those goods. you just killed
this Niko you are afraid to lose. Twice at that! (OFF) İshak Ağa will kill me both for
helping you (ON) and for not guarding the goods well.
HIZIR Release the mooring line.
HIZIR Niko. Good luck to you, brother.
WALLA (people on ship chatting among themselves)
PERVERT MAN Muslim girls are really beautiful right?. Fear not, I'm just honest. The women of
your lands. (OFF) are more beautiful, even than the Franks. Makes a man feel like
the hot sands of the Mediterranean.
ZEYNEP What the hell are you doing?
PERVERT MAN (laughing uncomfortably)
BOAT MAN 2 (OFF) What's going on?

PERVERT MAN The journey is way too long. It’ll go better if we chat.
ZEYNEP Behave yourself. I have nothing to chat with you.
PERVERT MAN The best thing about Arabian women. is not just their chat obviously. The way their
cheeks blush when they’re angry. gives a man the joy to live.. Stop, where are you
WALLA (people reacting to the slap “what’s going on?” “why did she do that?” “that
pervert deserved it!”)
ZEYNEP Stay away from me.
BOAT MAN 3 (overlapping) Hey, hey! What is it? Is there a trouble?
ADELINA Zeynep? What's going on? Is someone acting against morality?
ZEYNEP No. (OFF) Nothing important. I answered a question (ON) in the appropriate way.
PERVERT MAN Alright. It’s okay!
WALLA (busy town square)
İSHAK (OFF) Niko! (ON) Wait a little.
NIKO Yes, Master?
İSHAK You seen Hızır?
NIKO No sir. I haven’t. Isn't he at (OFF) the shop?
İSHAK He was supposed to be. If he didn't visit you either—
NIKO Sü— He must be with Master Süleyman. For sure. He should be there.
İSHAK What's up? You seem worried all of a sudden. (OFF) I hope there is nothing he
hides from me.
NIKO Of course not. Who would keep a secret from you?
İSHAK No one, Niko. (OFF) A man would do better to hide in the depths of hell (ON)
instead of keeping secrets from me.
NIKO Yes sir. (stammering) I know it for sure.
İSHAK Good, then. Let me know if you hear anything.
NIKO Yes. Yes, I will.

ISABEL Good day. Got good stuff? Give me a juicy and fatty one. Yes, that one is good. The
juiciest one. Alright?. Good day to you. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Looks wonderful. These
are better though.. Got good stuff? Six or seven bunches. Okay? Golem.
GOLEM Isabel.
ISABEL Any news?
GOLEM Yes. But I don't know if it's good or bad.
ISABEL Speak up, man!
GOLEM (OFF) Oruç is (ON) coming. But. they got attacked on the way. (OFF) The pirates
attacked them. (ON) They defeated them though. (OFF) But the brother of the guy
they killed is a known thug named Antoine.
ISABEL (sighs) Poseidon.. Let's keep this between us for now.
GOLEM (OFF) I doubt it’ll stay that way. (ON) Throughout their route, every port they make
a stop, people talk about how Baba Oruç made him a flag to his ship.
ADELINA (OFF) What is this? Such ferocity. May God curse all the pirates out there!
ZEYNEP Pirates on one hand, perverts on the other. Isn't there anyone to restore the order
in this sea? (OFF) Aren't you going to (ON) send a hero to these waters infested
with thugs, O Allah?
HIZIR Huh! (OFF) A storm is the last thing I need. (ON) Now I feel complete! I have to
hurry up. Oh, Niko! Oh, Niko! (with effort while he lifts weight) What is this mess?
The nemesis of the sea, İshak Ağa. Your goods. were meant for the fish. (effort
grunts). Ah! if I get caught in the storm. I can't get to Kalymnos in time.
ORUÇ (OFF) We part ways (ON) here, Hayrabay. (OFF) Rest is up to Allah. (ON) Godspeed.
HAYRABAY Allah bless you.
ORUÇ Thank you.
ELDER MAN (OFF) Welcome Baba Oruç.
ORUÇ Well received.
ELDER MAN (OFF) We heard that you have ended a cruel infidel and made the Muslims happy in
Bahri Sefid. The young men of Alexandria, if you would let them to do so, want to
perform jeishia (ON) in your honour.
ORUÇ Thanks. Thanks.
ELDER MAN Go ahead, go ahead. Start.
İLYAS Ağa Captain. Let's eat some tajin. Isabel must've had it prepared.
ORUÇ No. I will go home İlyas. Despina waits for me.

İLYAS May I leave? Thanks, Captain.
BIRDMAN My Blackie boy. Missed the land? Eh You missed it?
CANNONEER Oh my goodness! Would you look at that! (OFF) You eat an oleaster, and feed him
with the other. (ON) Be careful about the oleasters. It’s hard to find them in
Anatolian ships these days.
BIRDMAN You covet what my Blackie eats, İskender. (OFF) Such a sin!
CANNONEER Sin he says. I told you a thousand times not to bring him aboard!
BIRDMAN I'd never leave him behind even (OFF) if you kill me. He’s the icon of the crew.
CANNONEER You are out of your mind. Why would it be our icon?
BIRDMAN Because. roosters' attitudes are. just like our captains.
CANNONEER What do you mean?
BIRDMAN Roosters’ most notable features are their willingness to fight and never letting
anyone in once they embrace a place as their home. This’s exactly what Baba (OFF)
Oruç does.
ORUÇ Thanks, fellows! Thank you!
WALLA (overlapping) (people cheering for Oruç “There you go, Baba Oruç!” “You have our
blessings!” “You’re a valiant man)

ON-SCREEN TEXT 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14
SÜLEYMAN 1, 2, 3
HIZIR 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14
PIETRO 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12
RADKO 2, 3, 11
WALLA 3, 5, 9, 12, 13, 15
ZEYNEP 4, 8, 12, 13, 14
ADELINA 4, 8, 13, 14
DIEGO 5, 10, 11
İLYAS 5, 7, 9, 14
ORUÇ 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15
CANNONEER 5, 6, 15

MAN 1 6
İSHAK 6, 7, 13
NIKO 8, 12, 13
ISABEL 9, 10, 13, 14

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