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CAPRISAA WEEK, where all talents shine as they go to their respective battle and the strategic
skills of every individuals that shows during the game especially the overflowing noises, cheers
and excitements. It overwhelmed the heart of every soul which makes the game/competitions
to be spicy. In my experience as I thread this week, it really gives me a rollercoaster ride. I enjoy
to listen when class hours but honestly sometimes I couldn't thinking 'bout the game and
competitions. I felt happy when the team I supported won in the basketball, and sad when it
lose. Scream when the game in the volleyball team got heated up, and sad when my favorite
player cannot join or not in the court. Disappointed if I couldn't watch both or either one of
them because of my responsibilities and just gladly accepted my fate. Sometimes I wonder If I
am a player or what because I was really invested into it especially in the dance sport
competitions. My heart couldn't stop beating fast when the contestants position themselves
even though I'm not one of the dancers but still, I have always this attitude to be nervous for
players or contestants especially if they look nervous but of course I smile when I also see their
confident and aura overflow. It's like it gives me the vibes of "Don't be nervous. Just smile and
watch us occupy the stage and win the competitions." The competitions were really tight. I also
have this feeling of thrill when the contestants gave us a confident look, radiant smiles and a
beautiful blend of athleticism and artistry which a testament to the power of human connection
and expression as they show the intricate steps, the rhythm of the music, the synergy between
partners that create a breath-taking spectacle of grace and precision. The unity amazed me.
When the team met the end, some of them got sad and disappointed but the vibrant smile of
one of them and the overflowing supports for them despite the negativity, they are released. It
gives me realizations that in life there’s always a high and low. It’s just we need to learn to
accept calmly the loses and grow from them and celebrate the wins. Of course finding the right
people who can enjoy with you during the ups, and accompany and uplift you during the lows.
Also of this makes me realize that all persons has their awesome side. It’s either in the court or
in the side. It all shines. in the first day i watch volleyball and basketball, I really enjoy watching
those games. I see handsome boys and other faces from other schools. basketball and volleyball
is one of my favorite to watch because There's a lot of tension and excitement as the teams
battle back and forth, with rallies going on for several minutes as each side tries to outwit and
outlast the other. The combination of skill, agility, and athleticism makes volleyball and
basketball an exciting sport to watch. In the 2nd day same as well in the first day I watch
volleyball at CPC engineering i really love and enjoy watching volleyball because volleyball is my
I love volleyball because it makes me happy when I play. The court is pretty much my home. I
love all of my teammates because we are like family. I like to get into the game and dive for the
ball no matter where it may be. This sports gets me moving and is a great way to cooperate with
others. I love the feeling of getting a perfect hit, set, or serve/ace. fast forward to the dance
sports in this competition I watch my classmate named clint and he's with the best performance
ang they got the 2nd place.
In the volleyball championship Hercor Jaguars volleybelles emerged victorious in the recent
CAPRISA volleyball championship against Filamer Christian University spirit, held at Colegio De
la Purisima Concepcion, San Lorenzo Evacuation Center and also I watch my lovey to support
and last i keep cheering the FCU the of the game.
In the basketball championship it was a breath taking both teams play so well and the intense
competition had the audience on the edge of their seats, witnessing basketball prowess at its
peak. my whole in the CAPRISA was a blast I really enjoy and have fun all the event.

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