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AUDIO: https://voca.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I am excited about presenting our analysis of three green initiatives that our medium-
sized company can take to become more environmentally friendly. We must act now to have
a greener future for our childrens. We have evaluated the following options:

a) Hiring a Green Cleaning Company

b) Hiring a Green Consultancy Company
c) Reducing Energy Consumption and Costs

We have chosen to explore the possibility of hiring a Green Cleaning Company. This
initiative aligns with our commitment to environmental protection, creating a green image of
the company. By opting for eco-friendly cleaning services, we can significantly reduce our
ecological footprint and help local industries and small companies. If we hire a Green
Cleaning Company, we can reduce our carbon footprint

Another green initiative that was considered is hiring a Green Consultancy Company. This
choice is driven by the need for expert advice in our environmental sustainability and helps
to keep-up-to-date on any changes in law.

Lastly, we believe that reducing energy consumption and costs is a crucial policy for our
company. It matches with our commitment to environmental protection and also offers
substantial cost savings. We can reduce our carbon footprint by finding alternative
renewable sources like solar energy, but it can be very costly. We are going to encourage
our employees to save energy.

We have considered the environmental impact, cost implications, and cost limitations. The
primary limitation is the potential initial cost, but the long-term benefits will be many. We
need to act now to save the planet. If we don't act now, the consequences will be

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