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COMPUTER – A programmable electronic device that Birth of memory?

performs processes, calculations, and operations based on ● Babbage realized that punched paper could be
instructions provided by a software or hardware program. employed a s a storage mechanism, holding
computed numbers for future reference.
COMPUTER HISTORY ● With respect to Jacquard’s loom, Babbage called
the two main parts of his Analytic Engine the
2500 B.C. – ABACUS “Store” and the “Mill” as these terms are used in
The first known machine used for counting and the weaving industry.
calculations. It is typically made of wood with beads ● Store is where the numbers are held and Mill is
and rods. It is mainly used for the basic arithmatics where the numbers were “woven” as an output.
The first programmer
876 A.D. – Zero Babbage befriended Ada Byron. At that time, she was 19
This mysterious symbol is first recorded to be used in and was fascinated by Babbage’s ideas. Through letters
India. This symbol represents empty, or the lack of and meetings with Babbage, she learned enough about the
something. design of the Analytic Engine and started to build an ideas
around the still unbuild machine.
1617 – Napier’s Bones
Invented by John Napier from Scotland. This simplified Babbage refused to publish his knowledge for another 30
the complex multiplication and other math processes such years, but it was found out that Ada had “Notes” written
as long division and square roots. wherein she detailed sequences of instruction she had
prepared for the Analytic Engine.
1642 – Pascal’s Calculator
Invented by Blaise Pascal, a french scientist. This is a Ada also invented the subroutine and was the first to
mechanical machine that uses dials to rotate the numbers recognize the importance of looping.
with the help of the gears inside it. This machine is
designed to add or subtract two numbers directly. 1847 – Boolean
George Boole publishes his thoughts on symbolic logic,
1673 – Leibniz Calculator which decades later will form the basis of computer
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, a German science.
mathematician expanded on Pascal’s ideas and did
multiplication by repeated addition and shifting. He called Boolean algebra was introduced by him in his first book
this machine the Step Reckoner. “The Mathematical Analysis of Logic” in 1847, and set
forth more fully in his “An Investigation of the Laws of
1801 – Jacquard’s Loom Thought” (1854)
Joseph-Marie Jacquard invented a machine that could
weave fabrics with a pattern that is automatically read Boolean algebra has been fundamental in the
from a punched wooden cards held together in a long row development of digital electronics, and is provided for in
by rope. all modern programming languages.

1822 – Difference Engine 1876 – Telephone

Charles Babbage proposed a steam driven calculating Alexander Graham Bell, 27 years old at that time, filed
machine the size of a room which would be able to a patent for the telephone.
compute tables of numbers such as logarithm tables.
1890 – Hollerith Desk
1823 – Analytic Engine Herman Hollerith designed a punch card system called
Charles Babbage then continued to have another proposal Hollerith Desk to calculate the 1880 census,
powered by 6 steam engines and would have a size of a accomplishing the taks in just three years and saved the
house. This machine would be more general purpose in US government around 5 million dollars.
nature because it would be programmable thanks to the
punch card created by Jacquard. This machine consisted of a card reader which sensed the
holes in the cards, a gear driven mechanism using Pascal’s

machine, and large wall of dial indicators to display the 1958 – Integrated Circuits
results of the count. Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit (IC) that will
later revolutionize the electronic industry.
1890 – IBM IC is a piece of circuit composed of multiple transistors
Herman Hollerith founds the Tabulating Machine allowing for building compact devices.
Company, one of the three companies that will later merge This meant that IC replaced transistor and created the
and become known as International Business Machine third generation of computer.
1971 – Microprocessor
1897 – CRT Intel developed and released the Intel 4004 which is the
Karl Braun build the first cathode-ray tube (CRT) and very first microprocessor. With the VLSI technology,
CRT oscilloscope. circuit density increased allowing for thousands of
This became the cornerstone in developing fully transistors to fit in a small area.
electronic television. This is the fourth generation of the computer.

1937 - Vacuum Tubes 1982 – Artificial Intelligence

Vacuum Tube was invented by John Ambrose Fleming. It Japan’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry
is a glass tube with its gas removed, creating a vacuum. It began the development of the fifth generation of computer
contain electrodes for controlling electron flow and can technology.
act as a switch or an amplifier. With this function, These
were used as the basic component for memory and CPU Artificial intelligence software is paired with ever
of the early computers. evolving computer hardware to perform tasks with a
1946 – First Generation much higher efficiency.
With vacuum tube invention, the first generation of
computer were developed. Thousands of vacuum tubes A programmable electronic device that performs
were used and it consumed lots of power. It also generated processes, calculations, and operations based on
high amount of heat and its size was very large. Input and instructions provided by a software or hardware program.
output data of the computer used punched cards, and it
used punched paper tapes for storage. HARDWARE
Input devices, Output devices, Processor, storage devices,
1946 – ENIAC etc.
ENIAC Stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and • The physical component of the computer system
Computer was designed by John Mauchly along with a • The five major component of a computer system:
team of engineers and other experts. This is considered as 1. Input Unit – Devices that take inputs
the world’s first programmable computer. It is capable of from the user and convert it into machine
doing 5000 additions per second. language that the computer understands.
2. Output Unit – Devices that provides
1947 – Transistors output from machine language to
William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain something a human can understand.
successfully created the first working transistor at Bell 3. Central Processing Unit (CPU) – The
Laboratories, a research arm of American Telephone and “brain” of the computer. It fetches
Telegraph (AT&T). It is smaller and faster than vacuum instructions from memory or input
tubes, and also has better energy efficiency, however it device, interprets the instructions then
still generated a lot of heat. executes the instruction.
4. Main Memory – A storage area where
1956 – Second Generation data and instructions are temporarily held
This is the turning point that gave birth to the second for processing
generation of computers, replacing the vacuum tubes 5. Storage Device – Used to store data
with transistors. Second generation of computers still persistently, even when the computer is
used punched cards but with the addition to magnetic tape. powered off.
Magnetic tapes also serves as the storage of this computer.


SOFTWARE capabilities control and direct the activities of the PC by

A set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do. interacting with the other electronic components on the
• Consist of both programs and data motherboard, such as the main memory, bus structures,
• A collection of instruction, programming or cache memory, and device interfaces. It has three main
coding, which we can only see, feel or can components:
imagine about its logic. a) Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) –
• There are two main types of software: this performs the mathematical
1. Application Software – Software which calculations such as addition,
increase the functionality of the system. subtraction, multiplication and division
(Eg. MS Office, Google Chrome, CAD, and takes logical decision that involves
etc.) the comparison of two data items to see
2. System Software – Predefined software which is larger or smaller.
which are not meant for user b) Control Unit – Coordinates and controls
manipulation. This help in the smooth the data flow in and out of the CPU. It
functioning of the system. Also provides also controls all of the operations of
a surface for application software to ALU, memory registers and input/output
work. (eg. Operating system such as units. It is also responsible for carrying
Windows) out all the instructions stored in a
PEOPLEWARE c) Memory Registers – A register is a
A person who uses the computer for any purpose such as temporary unit of memory in the CPU.
work, business or entertainment. These are used to store the data, which is
directly used by the processor. Registers
PARTS OF A COMPUTER can be of different sizes (16 bit, 32 bit, 64
• Power Supply – Converts AC to low-voltage bit, etc.). Each register inside the CPU
regulated DC power for the internal components has specific function such as storing data,
of a computer. storing instruction, storing address of a
• Motherboard – The main circuit board inside a location in the memory, etc.
computer the connects the different parts • Clock – in a computer, clock speed refers to the
together. number of pulses per second that sets the tempo
• Microprocessor – Also known as the CPU or the for the processor.
brain of the computer. Performs all the arithmetic, • Cache – A small but fast memory area. It is used
logic, and computing actions. to reduce the average time to access memory.
• Memory – Holds the instructions and data in use • Core – This is where the data is processed and
by the operating system and software applications turned into command directed at the rest of the
before and after they pass to the CPU computer
• Storage – Saves all the data even if there is no • Heat sink – a passive heat exchanger that cools a
power. Data stored on these devices will remain device by dissipating heat into the surrounding
unchanged until physically changed or the data is medium. In computers, heat sinks are used to cool
deleted. central processing units or graphics processors.
• Video Card – Also known as the GPU. It is an
card which generates a feed of output images to a MAIN MEMORY
display. • Random Access Memory (RAM) – Holds the
• Input Devices – Any device that a user use to instructions and data in use by the operating
give instruction to the computer. system and software applications before and after
• Output Devices – Any device that converts they pass to the CPU.
machine language into something a human can • RAM is volatile, meaning that it requires a steady
understand. power source to hold its content. In any case the
power stream is broken, anything stored in the
Microprocess is an integrated circuit that contains • Read-Only Memory (ROM) – Non-volatile and
millions of transistors interconnected. Its processing retains its contents regardless of power.

• Microphone – an input device that translates

sound vibrations into electronic signals that
STORAGE allows computer to understand.
• Hard Disk Drive (HDD) – is an electro- • Webcam – an input device that captures digital
mechanical data storage device that stores and images.
retrieves digital data using magnetic storage with • Scanner – an electronic device which can capture
one or more rigid rapidly rotating images from physical items and convert them into
platters coated with magnetic material. digital formats.
• Solid State Drive (SSD) – storage device that • Game Controller – an input device used with
uses integrated circuit assemblies to video games or entertainment systems to provide
store data persistently, typically using flash input to a video game (or a submarine).
memory, and functioning as secondary
storage in the hierarchy of computer storage. OUTPUT DEVICES
• Flash Memory – Flash memory is widely used to • Monitor – a piece of computer hardware that
store data and code used in displays the video and graphics information
embedded systems. It is a non-volatile storage generated by a connected computer through the
medium, meaning that it can retain computer's video card.
data without a power supply. Flash memory can • Speaker – an output device that uses transducers
be electrically erased and that convert electromagnetic waves into sound
reprogrammed and it erases data in units called waves.
blocks and rewrites data at the byte • Printer – an external hardware output device that
level. Flash memory is often used in systems that takes the electronic data stored on a computer or
frequently rewrite data, such as other device and generates a hard copy.
USB flash devices or SD cards.
VIDEO CARD (GRAPHICS CARD) USB, short for Universal Serial Bus, is an industry
Video cards are designed to accelerate the rendering of 3D standard developed in the mid-1990s that defines the
graphics. However, in this modern age of computing, they cables, connectors and communications protocols used in
became more flexible and programmable, enhancing their a bus for connection, communication, and power supply
capabilities. This allowed graphics programmers to create between computers and electronic devices.
more interesting visual effects and realistic scenes with
advanced lighting and shadowing techniques. Other USB was designed to standardize the connection of
developers also began to tap the power of GPUs to computer peripherals (including keyboards, pointing
dramatically accelerate additional workloads in high devices, digital cameras, printers, portable media players,
performance computing (HPC), deep learning, and more. disk drives and network adapters) to personal computers,
both to communicate and to supply electric power. It has
Although they’re best known for their capabilities in become commonplace on other devices, such as
gaming, GPUs are becoming more popular for use in smartphones, PDAs and video game consoles.
creative production and artificial intelligence (AI).
INPUT DEVICES • These are tools used by developers to create all
• Keyboard – an input device that allows a person kinds of software.
to enter letters, numbers, and other symbols into • Artificial language which the syntax and
a computer. semantics are strictly defined.
• QWERTY Keyboard • Example: Turbo C, Pascal, Visual Basic,
• DVORAK Keyboard Assembly Language, PHP, Java, Python
• AZERTY Keyboard
• Mouse – a small handheld input device that HIGH-LEVEL LANGUAGE
controls a computer screen’s cursor or pointer in • A high-level language is a programming language
conjunction with the way it is moved on a flat designed to simplify computer programming.
surface. • A high-level language has a higher level of
abstraction from the computer, and focuses more

on the programming logic rather than the • Computer is can only calculate using binary
underlying hardware components such as digits, 1 and 0, and with this number system, it
memory addressing and register utilization. cannot get to exactly 1000 bytes. So in order to
• High-level source code contains easy-to-read calculate it efficiently, it took the most natural
syntax that is later converted into a low-level number in binary digit that is closest to 1000,
language, which can be recognized and run by a which is 1024 or 210.
specific CPU. • Meaning, there are 1024 bytes in one kilobyte.
However, this calculation are a thing of the past.
1. C++ Outdated knowledge from veteran tech people.
2. C#
3. COBOL 1 MBps is not equal to 1Mbps
4. FORTRAN • 1 MBps stands for 1 mega BYTE per second.
5. JAVA • Whereas, 1 Mbps stands for 1 mega BIT per
6. JAVASCRIPT second.
7. OBJECTIVE C • And since 1 byte = 8 bits, 1 mega BIT per second,
8. PASCAL divided by 8 will be equal to 0.125 mega BYTEs
9. PERL per second
10. PHP
11. PYTHON So advertisement of these products are scams?
12. SWIFT • Because people are generally confused about the
kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc. measurements
LOW-LEVEL LANGUAGE because it is tied to the metric decimal system
• are used to write programs that relate to the measurements, there were lawsuits against the
specific architecture and hardware of a particular hard drive makers in the past. However, the suits
type of computer. ended up in settlements and didn’t change
• A low-level language may also be referred to as a anything except for one new measurements.
computer’s native language. • They made it so that 1kilobyte is now officially
• Machine language and Assembly language are 1000 bytes.
popular examples of low-level languages. • The “bibyte” measurement was introduced which
• Assembly Language often abbreviated asm, is a is the binary version of the prefix used. Which
low-level programming language for just means that 1024 byte is now equal to 1
microprocessors and other programmable kibibyte (1KiB).
devices. • This is why when we have 16 GB (Decimal
• An assembly language implements a symbolic Gigabyte) of flash drive, we only see 14.90 “GB”
representation of the machine code needed to in the computer system, because this “GB” is the
program a given CPU architecture. binary gigabyte or 1 Gibibytes (GiB).
• Machine Language the set of symbolic • Therefore, 16 gigabyte (16,000,000,000 bytes) is
instruction codes usually in binary form that is equal to 14.9 GiB.
used to represent operations and data in a machine
(such as a computer) — called also machine code TO SUMMARIZE…
• GB is the traditional, metric style of measurement
Data Representation with 1GB equaling to 1,0003 bytes.
• A binary digit is called a bit and represents either • GiB is the binary method, which is the way
a 0 or 1. computers measure data at 10243 bytes.
• These are the only digits in the binary or base 2,
number system used by computers.
• A string of eight bits used to store one number or
character in a computer system is called a byte
• If there are 8 bits in 1 byte.
• How many bytes are there in one kilobyte (1kB)?
• Most of your will probably say 1000 bytes, and
that is only partially correct.

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