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Let me introduce myself, my name is Rifan Resfiana level 2b, here I will explain or

present about patient data saves lives

Human society is built on our ability to share and pass on information.

It has allowed us to progress for the stone age to the space age.
Today, in the age of digital communication and high-tech research, sharing data is
more important than ever before And this is especially true in healthcare.
When the NHS was founded in 1948, things were quite different. Our medical records
lived in dusty drawers, locked away in darkened corridors and seen by very few,
despite the need.
Until surprisingly recentl, even your GP and your local hospital would share very
data about your care. Data sat alone and unloved, its life-saving potential

Today, patient data is an essential part of healthcare, and underpins the services
provided by the NHS. By understanding how we receive and experience care, the NHS
can find new ways to improve. By linking patients data from different parts of
the NHS and analysing it becomes possible to diagnose health conditions earlier and
provide new drugs and treatments for everything from asthma and heart attacks, to
diabetes, cancer and dementia.
Data helps monitor the safety of drugs and vaccinations, and makes sure the health
services are maintaining a high standard of care.

Data also helps the NHS plan for the future, from understanding which services will
be most needed to anticipating changes in our societyand our health. And just as
important as the data itself is keeping is safe.

Data held anywhere in the health and care system must be stored securely with
controlled access. There are strict rules about how data can - and cannot be used.

Data is provided in the most anonymised way possible, with robust legal contracts.
These safeguards are in place to protect privacy and ensure data is shared
responsibly. From improving patient care, to speeding up diagnosis and researching
brand new treatments - data saves lives.

It could one day save yours, or the life of someone your love.

Thank you, sorry for the lack of clarity and mistakes

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