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Jason Antoni & Ela Mae Valledor

EXAM DATE: February 16, 2024 09:00 AM - 10:30 NN

William L. Rowe universe consists of three regions, the

Chapter 1:The Idea of God heavens above, the earth beneath,
and the region of darkness under the
Polytheism - In ancient Greece and earth. According to this picture, the
Rome, for example, the various gods earth is frequently invaded by beings
had control over different aspects of from the other two realms--God and
life, so that one naturally worshiped his angels from the heavens, Satan
several gods, a god of war, a goddess and his demons from the region
of love, and so forth. beneath the earth-who war with one
another for control over the souls and
Henotheism - a religious position destiny of those who inhabit the earthly
where despite believing in a number of realm. This idea of God as a powerful
gods, one chooses to worship only one being located “up there” at some
of them, the god of one’s own tribe.In definite place in space was slowly
the Old Testament, for example, there abandoned. The God “out there” is the
are frequent references to the gods of change from thinking of God as
other tribes, although the allegiance of located at some spatial distance from
the Hebrews is to their own the earth to thinking of God as
god, Jahweh. separate from and independent of the
world. According to this idea, God has
Monotheism - the belief that one’s no location in some spot or region of
own god was the creator of heaven physical space. He is a purely spiritual
and earth, the god not only of one’s being, a supremely good, all-powerful,
own tribe, but of all people. According all-knowing, personal being who has
to Robinson, monotheism, the belief in created the world, but is not a part of it.
only one divine being, has passed He is separate from the world, not
through a profound change, a change subject to its laws, judges it, and
he describes with the help of the guides it to its final purpose.
expressions “up there” and “out there.
The Attributes of God
Pantheism - Everything that exists God is conceived of as a supremely
has an inner nature that is one and the good being, separate from and
same in all things, and that inner independent of the world:
nature is God ● All-powerful
● All-knowing,
God “Up there” v.s “Out there” ● The creator of the universe
The god “up there” is a being located ● Self-existent
in space above us, presumably at ● Eternal
some definite distance from the earth, The dominant idea of God in western
in a region known as the heavens. civilization, then, is the idea of a
Associated with this idea of God is a supremely good being, creator of but
certain primitive picture in which the separate from and independent of the
world, all-powerful (omnipotent), all- Being perfectly good is as much a part
knowing (omniscient), eternal, and self of God’s nature as having three angles
existent. is part of the nature of a triangle. God
could no more cease to be perfectly
Omnipotence and Perfect Goodness good than a triangle could cease to
In his great work, the Summa have three angles. In view of this
Theologica, St. Thomas Aquinas, who difficulty, it is perhaps necessary to
lived in the thirteenth century, amend Aquinas’ explanation of what it
undertakes to explain what it is for God means for God to be omnipotent.
to be omnipotent. After pointing out Instead of saying simply that what it
that for God to be omnipotent is for means is for him to have the power to
God to be able to do all things that are do anything that is an absolute
possible, Aquinas carefully explains possibility, we shall say that it means
that there are two different kinds of that God can do anything that is an
possibility, relative possibility and absolute possibility and not
absolute possibility, and inquires as inconsistent with any of his basic
to which kind of possibility is meant attributes. Since doing evil is
when it is said that God’s omnipotence inconsistent with being perfectly
is the ability to do all things that are good, and since being perfectly good
possible. is a basic attribute to God, the fact that
God cannot do evil will not conflict with
Relative possibility- Something is a the fact that he is omnipotent.
relative possibility when it lies within
the power of some being or beings to The idea that God must be perfectly
do. Flying by natural means, for good is connected to the view that God
example, is possible relative to birds is a being who deserves unconditional
but not relative to humans. gratitude, praise, and worship. For if a
Absolute possibility- Something is being were to fall short of perfect
an absolute possibility, however, if it is goodness, it would not be worthy of
not a contradiction in terms. unreserved praise and worship. So,
God is not just a good being, his
“God is omnipotent,” then, means that goodness is unsurpassable. Moreover,
God can do whatever does not involve God doesn’t simply happen to be
a contradiction in terms. For power, as perfectly good; it is his nature to be
Aquinas points out, extends only to that way. God logically could not fail to
whatever is possible. And there is be perfectly good. It was for this
nothing that is possible to be done that reason that we observed above that
God’s power is inadequate to God does not have the power to do
accomplish. Thus Aquinas concludes, evil. For to attribute such a power to
“Whatever implies contradiction does God is to attribute to him the power to
not come within the scope of divine cease to be the being that he
omnipotence, because it cannot have necessarily is.
the aspect of possibility. Hence it is
more appropriate to say that such Self-Existence
things cannot be done, than that God The idea that God is a self-existent
cannot do them.“ being was developed and explained by
St. Anselm in the eleventh century.
Anselm observes that there are only

three cases to consider: either God than other things. Since human
something’s existence is explained by beings are living and rational they are
another, more like God than are stones and
explained by nothing, or its existence trees. But being like God and being
is explained by itself. God are enormously different. The
world is not the divine, and the notion
Existence by another- its existence is that God is separate from the world is
accounted for by something else meant to emphasize the fundamental
difference between the reality of God
Existence by nothing- For something and the reality of the world.
to have its existence explained by
nothing is for it to exist and yet for That God is independent of the world
there to be no explanation whatever of means that he is not governed by any
the fact that it exists rather than not. of the physical laws according to which
the universe operates. But it means
Existence by itself -Anselm does not much more than this. It also means
profess to understand what it is within that God is not subject to the laws of
the divine nature that accounts for space and time. According to the law
God’s existence. Nor does he of space, no object can exist at two
understand just how a being’s nature different places at one and the same
might provide the explanation of that time.
being’s existence. All that he professes The idea that God is not subject to the
to be sure of is that the existence of law of time is, as we shall see, closely
the supreme being is due to the related to one meaning of efernify.
supreme being itself. He does not Anselm expresses it, that “the
mean, of course, that the supreme supreme Nature exists in place and
being brought itself into existence. time in some such way, that it is not
- since the supreme being would not prevented from so existing
be supreme if its existence were due simultaneously, as a whole, in different
to something else, the conclusion is places or times. According to this idea
inevitable that God (the supreme the whole beginningless and endless
being) has the explanation of life of God is present to him at each
his existence within his own nature. moment of time, and the whole of God
is simultaneously present at every
Separation, Independence, and place in space.
Eternity Eternal has two distinct meanings
The notion that God is separate from 1. . To be eternal in one sense is
and independent of the world and the to have endless temporal
conception of God as an eternal being. existence, without beginning
According to the JudeoChristian and and without end
Islamic conception of God, the world is 2. it is to have infinite duration in
entirely distinct from God; everything in both temporal directions.
it could be entirely annihilated without Boethius, Anselm, Aquinas, and other
the slightest change in the reality of traditional theologians interpreted the
the divine being. There are, of course, eternity of God in the second of the
things in the world more like two senses just distinguished. They
held that

God is outside of time, not subject to
its fundamental law. Other theologians,
however, took the view that God is
eternal in the first sense distinguished,
that he has infinite duration in both
temporal directions.

Samuel Clarke - rejected the idea

that a being might transcend time as a
senseless idea, and took the view that
to be eternal is simply to be
everlasting, existing in time but having
neither beginning nor end.

For the moment, however, it is

sufficient to recognize
that eternity is a central element in the
traditional idea of God and that it has
been interpreted in two distinct ways.

Theist - is someone who believes in

the existence of a divine being or
beings, even if his idea of the divine is
quite different from the idea of God we
have been describing

Atheist - is someone who rejects

belief in every form of deity, not just
the God of the traditional theologians

think away is the multiplication of
Peter Berger: The Heretical options. Put differently, modern
Imperative consciousness entails a movement
Chapter 1:Modernity As the from fate to choices.
Universalization of Heresy
“What was once faith has now become
The modern Situation - Modernity as choice”
a near-inconceivable expansion of the Human Actions to Human
area of human life open to choices. Consciousness
The situation of contemporary life and This pluralization affects not only
thought is shaped not only by the human actions but also human
external forces of modernity but by the consciousness. Modern man finds
forces of modern consciousness himself confused with multiple options
shaping the inner world of individuals. on how to think about the world.
One of the most important areas of Modernity pluralizes both institutions
analysis is precisely this relation and plausibility structures.
between the external and internal
aspects of modernity. Heretical Imperative: Heresy comes
“To say that modern consciousness is from the greek word “hairen” which
an individual’s situation is not to say means to choose
that his experience and thought must -For pre modern man, heresy is a
irrevocably remain within the possibility
boundaries of this situation.” -For modern man, heresy is a
“It is possible that modern necessity. In the modern day, picking
consciousness, while expanding or choosing becomes an imperative.
man’s awareness of some aspects of Everyone is obligated by choice
the universe, has made him lose sight
of other aspects that are equally real.” The modern individual must engage in
more deliberate thinking- not because
Premodern Man he is more intelligent, not because he
- Believed in “fate” is on some sort of higher level of
- Premodern man lived in a world of consciousness, but because his social
faith situation forces him to this.
- No technological advancements; no
choice The more choices, the more reflection.
- One employs his specific tool in a The individual who reflects inevitably
specific way becomes more conscious of himself.
That is, he turns his attention from the
Modern Man - Differs from premodern objectively given outside world to his
man in terms of his range of choices own subjectivity.

Modernization - is the juxtaposition of Modernity is in fact experienced as

thee new world over the old worlds of liberation from the narrow confines of
traditional man- a cataclysmic and tradition, of poverty, of the bonds of
unprecedented event in human history clan and tribe. On the other hand, a
very high price of exacted for his
One of the elements of modern liberation. The individual comes to
consciousness that is very hard to experience himself as being alone in a

way that is unthinkable in traditional
society, deprived from the firm
solidarity of his collectivity, uncertain of
the norms by which his life is to be

Secularization- The Church no longer

has control over ordinary people

Berger concludes that modernity

multiplies choices and concomitantly
reduces the scope of what is
experienced as destiny.

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