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1. Venipuncture
a. What is venipuncture?
To obtain a venous blood sample, venipuncture is carried out, which is a
method of collecting blood by puncturing a vein.
b. How do I perform a venipuncture?
Puncture the vein with the needle hole facing upwards. insert the tube into the
holder and push it so that the posterior needle is stuck in the tube, then blood
will flow into the tube, wait until the blood stops flowing.
2. Intubation
a. What is intubation?
Endotracheal intubation/ endotracheal tube (ETT) intubation is one of the
actions that can be performed in airway management. ETT intubation can be
performed on conscious or unconscious patients.
b. When the patient was intubated?
Other ways to clear the airway fail, it is necessary to provide long-term
artificial respiration, there is a big risk of new aspiration
c. How do I perform a intubation?
The patient is then laid down, the doctor will begin to open the patient's mouth
and insert a tool called a laryngoscope to help open the airway and see the
vocal cords. After the vocal cords are visible, the doctor then inserts a flexible
plastic tube called an endotracheal tube.
3. blood transfusion
a. what is blood transfusi?
Blood transfusion is the process of delivering blood or blood-based products
from one person to another person's circulatory system. Blood transfusions are
related to medical conditions such as large blood loss due to trauma, surgery,
shock, and dysfunction of the organs that form red blood cells.
b. Why do patients need to be given a blood transfusion?
Mengganti darah yang hilang karena perdarahan misalnya perdarahan saat
melahirkan, Mengganti kehilangan plasma darah misalnya pada luka bakar,
Mencegah dan mengatasi perdarahan karena kekurangan/kelainan komponen
darah misalnya pada penderita thalasemia.
c. How do you carry out a blood transfusion?
During a blood transfusion, a needle will be inserted into one of the blood
vessels. Donated blood stored in plastic bags enters the bloodstream through
an IV drip. The patient will sit or lie down for the procedure, which usually
takes one to four hours.
4. Tracheostomy care
a. What is Tracheostomy Care?
Tracheostomy is a surgical procedure to create a hole in the airway (in the
throat, precisely below the vocal cords).
b. When is a tracheostomy performed?
Tracheostomy can be performed for patients who cannot breathe independently
(depending on a ventilator) or for patients who have received endotracheal intubation
for a long time.
c. how to perform a Tracheotomy procedure?
Your surgeon will open the hole wide enough to fit a tracheostomy tube inside.
Once the tracheostomy tube is in place, your surgeon will secure it with a band that
goes around your neck.
5. lifting patients
a. What is lifting patients?
Lifting and moving patients is the most important thing in evacuating patients
both in the hospital and pre-hospital. This requires maximum physical strength and
trained personnel.
b. When does the nurse move the patient?
Moving Patients in Emergency Conditions
C. How do you lift a victim with a neck injury?
stabilize the head. Hold the shoulders, continue to clamp the head with both arms
to keep the neck bones and head safe.
6. Wound Care
a what is Wound Care?
the act of caring for wounds in an effort to prevent infection, kill or inhibit the growth
of germs/bacteria on the skin and other body tissues.
b. When should you see a doctor for wound care?
✓Open wounds deeper than 1.5 cm
✓Bleeding does not stop even with direct pressure.
✓Bleeding lasts more than 20 minutes.
✓Bleeding results from a serious accident.
c. How to treat wounds?
Rinse the wound with running water to reduce the risk of infection. Then, wash the
skin area around the wound with soap (avoid contact with the wound). Apply
antibiotic cream or ointment or petroleum jelly to keep the surface moist and prevent
7. Splints and Casts
a. What is splints and casts?
Casts and splints are orthopedic devices used to protect and support broken or injured
bones and joints.
b. When to Use a Splint vs. a Splint Casts for Bone and Joint Injuries?
When are casts and splints used? Casts and splints are used when bones are broken.
c. What is the procedure for placing a cast and splint?
Before placing a cast, the doctor will first straighten the broken bone so that it returns
to the right position. If the fracture is more complicated or serious, a surgical
procedure may be needed to straighten the broken bone. After the operation and the
bones are in the right position, the doctor will put a cast on the body part.
8. Catheterization
a. Waht is Catheterization?
A catheter is a small, flexible tube-shaped device that functions to empty the bladder.
b. When should I undergo a cardiac catheterization examination?
Because it is a procedure to treat heart disease, the medical team will do it when:
There is a heart rhythm disturbance or arrhythmia. The patient experiences narrowing
of the blood vessels.
c. how to install catheterization
✓Large blood vessels, then insert a catheter tube.
✓The end of the catheter tube is equipped with various medical equipment, depending
on the purpose of cardiac catheterization.
✓After the cardiac catheterization procedure is complete, the catheter tube can be
removed from the blood vessel.
9. Ear Irrigation
a. What is Ear Irrigation?
one of the procedures that can be done to clean the ear canal from cerumen impaction
or remove small ear foreign objects.
b. When Should You Do Ear Irrigation?
You can do ear irrigation if you experience symptoms of earwax ringing, such as the
following: Hearing loss. Chronic cough
C.How does ear irrigation work?
The process will involve using a special syringe that gently introduces water or
solution into the ear canal. The water or solution then rinses the dirt and blockage out
of the ear
10. Patient Counseling
a. What is Patient Counseling?
Counseling is an interactive process between pharmacists and patients/families to
increase knowledge, understanding, awareness and compliance so that changes in
behavior in drug use occur and resolve problems faced by patients.
b. When Should You Get Counseling?
✓have a complicated problem
✓failed to resolve the problem
✓ venting problems into negative things
✓ experiencing a traumatic event
c. How to deal with Patient Counseling?
✓bulid relationships
✓Identification and assessment of problems.
✓Determining counseling goals and interventions.
✓Final stage: counseling evealuation and termination.

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