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Name: N indy aura goddess

Number: 2212120 17

Class : 2A / S1 NURSING




a. What That Vein puncture ?

t venipuncture is also performed in circumstances emergency when catheter applied , which is needle
flexible _ _ constant injected to in vessels blood patient so that patient can accept necessary medication
_ in a way appropriate time .

b. When is a vein puncture done?

Indications for intravenous (IV) infusion or cannulation include: Repeated blood sampling Administration
of fluids intravenously (IV) Repeated intravenous administration of medication IV Administration of
chemotherapy agents Parenteral nutritional support IV administration of blood or blood products

c. how to do a vein puncture?

Choose the clearest and straightest vein. Do not puncture until you are absolutely sure that the puncture
location is ideal. Applying the tourniquet correctly (installation location, tightness, duration). The
tourniquet is placed 2 – 3 inches above the vein to be punctured


a. what is intubation?

The intubation method can be an effective first aid in saving a patient's life in an emergency situation.
However, this procedure also has several risks that are important to know. Intubation procedures are
generally performed on patients who cannot breathe smoothly, have stopped breathing, or have
conditions that cause respiratory failure.

b. When is intubation done?

Intubation is necessary when your airway is blocked or damaged or you cannot breathe spontaneously.

c. How is intubation done?

Step 1: administer anesthesia.

Step 2: inserting an endotracheal tube into the windpipe.

Step 3: connect the endotracheal tube with the ventilator


a. what is a blood transfusion?

Blood transfusion is a medical procedure that has many risks. So, administration must be directly under
the supervision of medical personnel. The volume of blood distributed cannot be arbitrary, because it
must be adjusted to the body's needs and ability to receive it.

b. When is a blood transfusion done?

Having major surgery or a serious injury that causes heavy bleeding. Experiencing bleeding in the
gastrointestinal tract due to ulcers or other conditions. Having an illness, such as leukemia or kidney
disease that causes anemia. Receiving cancer treatment, such as radiation or chemotherapy.

c. how to do blood transfusion?

This procedure is carried out by inserting blood into the body through a needle whose tube is connected
to a blood bag. In principle, the blood transfusion process is similar to when you get an IV, only the bag
contains blood.

This process will take around 30 minutes to 4 hours, depending on how many bags of blood you need to
get into your body.


a. What is trachoestomy care?

Tracheostomy care is a care procedure for the tracheostomy stoma hole. This action aims to prevent
infection, prevent damage to the integrity of the skin around the stoma, and maintain an adequate

b. When is trachoestomy treatment done?

This procedure is often performed in emergency situations with the aim of preventing the throat from
allergic reactions or tumor growth.

c. How to do trachoestomy treatment?

Your surgical team will tell you how to care for the wound and your tracheostomy tube. It usually takes
one to three days to adapt to breathing through a tracheostomy tube. Speaking and making sounds also
takes practice. This is because the air you breathe no longer passes through your voice box.


a. what is wound care?

Wound care is an effort to care for wounds by preventing infection and inhibiting the development of
germs or bacteria on the skin on the body. Things that can be done to heal wounds include taking
medicine, eating nutritious foods, doctor's therapy, and getting enough rest.

b. When is wound treatment done?

Open wounds deeper than 1.5 cm

Bleeding does not stop even with direct pressure.

Bleeding lasts more than 20 minutes.

Bleeding results from a serious accident.

c. How do you treat wounds?

Wash your hands using soap with clean water and sterile gloves.

Ask the patient to show the injuries they have experienced.

Remove the bandage or wound protection device.

Thoroughly examine the wound by looking and feeling it for pus, pain, blood, dead tissue, or other signs
of infection.

Clean the wound with gauze or medical tissue moistened with a sterile solution.

Giving or smearing with special ointment or cream for wounds, for example antibiotic cream (for wounds
with signs of infection).

Cover the wound with a special cloth according to the type of wound suffered.

Then apply a bandage or dressing to protect the wound from the outside.


a. what is a splint and cast?

A cast is a specially made device that is molded over a swollen limb to heal it. On the other hand, splints
are not specially made, but do the same job. The cast is not adjustable, but the splint is.

b. When do splints and casts take place?

dressing the wound with gauze and placing a cast or splint on the affected bone area. The recovery
process itself usually takes 6-8 weeks. However, this time period can vary and depends on the type of
fracture and the location of the fracture

c. how to do splint and cast?

Reporting from Kids Health, actually placing a cast for a broken bone is a relatively simple process. First,
the doctor will apply a stockinette, which is a light, stretchy bandage, to the part of the body where the
fracture occurs.

Second, a layer of padding made of cotton or other soft material will cover that part of the body to
further protect the skin. This pad also provides elastic pressure to help the bone healing process.

Third, the doctor will wrap the body part with an outer layer of plaster or fiberglass. This outer layer may
appear damp, but the material will start to dry around 10-15 minutes later, and will harden within 1-2
days. During this period, you need to be more careful, as the plaster may break or crack when it starts to


a. what is catheterization?

The catheterization process can be carried out on blood vessels in the hand or foot area. In this blood
vessel a small hole will be made to insert the tube after previously placing a small tube at the puncture
site to keep the channel open.

b. When is catheterization done?

Causes of congestive heart failure or cardiomyopathy.

Coronary artery disease.

Heart defects that are present from birth (congenital).

High blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary hypertension).

Problems with heart valves.

c. how to do catheterization?

Before cardiac catheterization is performed, the patient must wear a hospital gown. Patients can receive
general anesthesia or local anesthesia as needed. If you only receive local anesthesia, the patient will
remain conscious during the catheterization procedure. The nurse may need to shave the hair at the
location where the catheter will be inserted.

The catheter will then be inserted into an artery or vein in the arm or groin and directed to the left or
right heart. Once the catheter reaches the heart, the doctor will carry out a diagnosis. One way is to
insert contrast fluid through a catheter so that the doctor can see the condition of the blood vessels and
heart chambers using a special X-ray machine. Another way is to take a biopsy to take samples of heart
tissue for further investigation. Cardiac catheterization generally lasts 10 minutes to 30 minutes,
depending on the type of examination and the complexity of the heart abnormality


a. what is ear irritation?

Ear irrigation is a procedure that can be done to clean the ear canal from cerumen impaction or remove
small foreign objects from the ear. Cerumen impaction is a buildup of cerumen that causes hearing loss
or ear blockage.

b. When is ear irritation done?

Hearing disorders. Chronic cough. Itching and pain in the ear.

c. how to do ear irritation

The doctor will ask you to tilt your ear to one side so that the ear canal can be seen clearly.

The doctor pulls the ear upwards so that fluid can enter the ear.

Then the doctor uses a tool such as a syringe filled with a mixture of water and salt to remove the dirt.

When this fluid enters your ear, you will likely feel uncomfortable because the water will pool in your ear.

After the fluid is in, the doctor will ask you to tilt your head to remove the fluid that was put in.?


a. What is patient counseling?

Counseling is the process of providing assistance through face-to-face discussions to someone who is
experiencing certain problems. This method is carried out with experts called counselors and focuses on
solving a problem or learning certain techniques to deal with or finding ways to avoid the problem.

b. When is patient counseling carried out?

Patients with special conditions (pediatrics, geriatrics, impaired liver and/or kidney function, pregnant
and breastfeeding women). Patients with long-term therapy/chronic diseases (eg: TB, DM, AIDS,

c. How to do patient counseling?

Introduce yourself as a counselor and ask the client to introduce themselves and agree on what language
to use.

Get general information about clients

Explain your role and responsibilities as a counselor: listening, providing support, helping them identify
problems and possible solutions

Transferring the case if the counselor is unable to do so

Maintain confidentiality but...

Discuss time issues

Provide opportunities for clients to express their feelings

Ask the client's opinion regarding the counseling process record

Make sure that clients feel comfortable and safe (never touch them without asking permission, open the
door if that's what they want)

Talk to clients according to their age (especially for children)

Be honest, what can be achieved, positive but still realistic

Cares about client problems authentically/purely

Sensitive/sensitive to client culture

Respect the principle of confidentiality - do not discuss it with family or friends

Do not judge clients

Find general information about the client (not interrogate)

There is no quick and special formula for building trust with clients. If the counselor shows empathy,
listens actively, and is able to reflect on problems from the start of the meeting, this can also build a
relationship of trust with the client

Provide ventilation for clients

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