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1.AI-Driven Demand Forecasting

Implement an AI-driven demand forecasting system to better predict customer
demand for different products. This system will analyze historical sales data,
customer behavior, seasonality factors to generate accurate forecasts

2.Virtual Try-On Solutions

Implement a virtual try-on system that uses AI and AR to allow customers to
try on clothing and accessories virtually.
They incur expenses related to processing returns, restocking, and
potentially reselling returned items at a discount.

3.Dynamic Pricing Algorithms

As stock levels change, considering the demand, competitor price the
algorithm will optimize pricing and maximize revenue.
this improves optimized Revenue and clearance sales by automatically
discounting products that are slow-moving can help clear inventory and prevent

4.Personalized Shopping Assistants and Conversational commerce

AI-powered assistants that use NLP and Generative AI to interact with
customers, understand their preferences, and make tailored product recommendations.
this will improved Customer Engagement and customer retention.
5.Detect Fraudulent Activities
Fraudulent activities, such as fake purchases or returns, saving retailers
money and improving customer trust

Statergies:Restructuring and turnaround ,Corporate and growth strategy.

Overall The retail market can significantly improve by leveraging large language
models for Feedback Analysis,Voice Shopping,Pricing Optimization Gen AI for
Operational Efficiency, Customer Loyalty,Creativity and increase market value and

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