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Name : Malak Mohamed Diab Abd ElNaheem

ID: 1657
The skin:
The skin is the largest part of the human body it is about 16%of the total body weight it has a
great function of protection, thermoregulation and an important metabolic function in protein and
vitamin D metabolism
The skin is divided into dermis(deep part),epidermis(superficial part)
The epidermis is composed of stratified squamous epithelium,it is derived from ectoderm
and it is constitutes 5% of the skin.It contains no blood vessels and receives its nutrients by
diffusion from the underlying connective tissue.
The dermis is composed of connective tissue which holds many lymphatic vessels , nerves
and blood vessels,derived from mesoderm and constitutes 95% of the skin. It is composed of two
layers papillary
Layer loose connective tissue and reticular layer dense connective tissue and it is the thicker
layer . (1)

Figure 1:cross section of animal tissue showing different layers including skin.(2)

The skin appendages:

It is an integral component of the digital tip, it is highly versatile tool that protects the
finger tip, contibutes to tackle sensation and aids in peripheral thermoregulation via glomus
bodies in the nail bed and matrix
Nails anatomical region is
 Nail matrix
 Root of nails

 Proximal nail fold

 Eponychium
 Free edge of the nail
 Lunulae
 Later nail fold. (3)

Figure: nail anatomy. (4)

Hair follicles ,where the hair grows,out,invaginates the epidermis into the dermis
and follicles is slanted to the skin surface and their expanded extremities is called hair
bulbs in the dermis.
The hair bulb is concave at end of it and occupied by vascular connective tissue hair
Arrector pili, a band of smooth muscle that connects between the undersurface of the
follicle to the superficial part of the nerves ,and the sympathetic nervous system
innervates it ,which causes contractions to move into ventricle position ,it helps the
sebaceous gland to secret its secretion ,the pull of the muscle causes what is called
gooseflesh .
The hair is distributed in various numbers over the whole surface of the body Except on
lips, palms, soles, the sides of the finger. (5)
Figure 3(Hair follicles anatomy ). (5)
Sweat gland
They are found over the entire surface of the body except in border of the lips ,
the external ear canal, the nail beds , the labia minora and the gland penis and the
inner aspect of the prepure and most concentrated in the palms and soles and the
axillae .
The glands is consists of a coiled secretory interdermal portion and have a straight
It’s function of the sweat gland is to produce sweat gland which regulate the
temperature .
The hypothalamus controls sweat gland activity through the sympathetic nerves
fibrs. (6)

Figure 4 (A cross section in the skin shows sweat gland). (6)

Sebaceous glands
Or holocrine glands they are found in all entire the body except in palms ,scalp
and dorsum.they are most appandant in the face and scalp .
Its function is to produce sebum. (7)

Apocrine gland and mammary gland

Are samilar not identical to eccrine gland ,they are found in the axillae ,the
anogenital region and as a modified gland in the external ear canal , eyelid and the
They serve as a vestigial function and the mammary gland is considered a highly
specialized type of apocrine gland. (7)


1. Towards Implantable Body Sensor Networks - Performance of

MICS Band Radio Communication in Animal Tissue - Scientific Figure
on ResearchGate. Available from:
11_fig5_301449539 [accessed 30 Dec, 2021]
2. Horch RE, Kneser U, Polykandriotis E, Schmidt VJ, Sun J,
Arkudas A. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine - where do we
stand?. J Cell Mol Med. Jun 2012. 16(6):1157-65. [Medline].

3. Snell, Richard S. 1995. Clinical anatomy for medical students. Boston: Little, Brown.
5. Carlson BM. Integumentary, skeletal, and muscular systems.
Human Embryology and Developmental Biology. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby;
1994. 153-81.

7. Morris JL, Gibbins IL. Autonomic Innervation of the Skin. 1st.

Informa Healthcare; 1997

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