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Invention: What he invented?

This is the Model T
Henry had an admiration for engines running on
fuels such as gasoline, so he decided to create
a self-propelled vehicle using this resource. In
fact, in 1896 he managed to invent it and called
it "quadricycle". He also made other inventions,
but this is the most famous.

How it contributed to the

Industrial Revolution?
Henry Ford’s company introduced several innovations to the
automobile industry, which he also encouraged. In particular, the

production method of the mobile assembly line, which was very

important in the construction of all types of self-propelled vehicles.
Although thanks to all his inventions, it generated great economic
activity throughout the country during the Industrial Revolution.

Do we still use a version of

their invention today?
Of course, today, the most current
version of his invention we find
anywhere, in any street to which we
direct the view we will see a car. And
that no matter how different it looks
aesthetically and how many
technological advances we add to
adapt it to the needs of each era, all
start from the original invention of
Henry Ford.


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Who Was Henry Ford? (
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