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Bougatfa Secondary school Level: 4th sc and

comp sc Teacher : Mrs Ennaifar

Unit three: creative,inventive minds

Lesson 1: inventions related words
a-Today every invention is received with a cry of triumph which soon turns into a cry of fear. (Bertolt Brecht)

b- To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. (Thomas A. Edison))

c- Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain. ( Lily Tomlin)

1. Complete with the correct form of “ invent” or “discover”

Radium …………………………. by Marie Curie. The ………………………. of paper was by the ancient Egyptians about
Enrico Fermi …………………….. nuclear reactor. 4000 years.
Edward Jenner ………………………… of small pox
vaccination. Dutch inventor Cornelius Van Drebbel …………………………… the
Sir Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) the famous submarine in 1620.
Bacteriologist discovered penicillin. The oil and petroleum ………………………by Edwin L. Drake, an
John Logie Baird …………………………. the television American in 1859. In 1925
In 1947 Transistor ………………………… In 1964 Douglas Engelbart ……………………… the computer mouse
Tim Berners-Lee is the ……………………….of the World Wide Web

1. Add the missing form

Verb Adjective General noun Personal noun

2. Complete this paragraph with the missing sentences from page 137 about robots
For many people a robot is a machine ----------------------------------------.The type of robots that you will encounter
most frequently are robots that do work which is too dangerous, precise and boring because
----------------------------------------------------------------------------. Most of the robots in the world are of this type.They
can be found in auto, medical, manufacturing and space industries. In fact, there are over a million of these type
of robots working for us today. A robot -----------------------------------------------and needs to be able to power
itself.-------------------------------------------------------- A robot might be solar powered, electrically powered, battery
powered. The way your robot gets its energy will depend on what your robot needs to do. It can
------------------------------------------------------------------------A robot needs some kind of "smarts." This is where
programming enters the pictures. A programmer is the person who gives the robot its 'smarts.' The robot will
have to have some way to receive the program so that it knows what it is to do.
« robots were first developed to work where humans found the work dangerous and hard.
But the next generation of robots will co-exist with humans »

3. Provide the correct form or tense of the bracketed words

Jobs which require speed, (accurate) ----------------------------------------------- , reliance or ( endure) ---------------------------
can be performed far ( good) ----------------------------by a robot than a human. Hence, many jobs in factories which
were ( tradition)---------------------------performed by people are now (robot)---------------------------- . This ( lead)
---------------------------to cheaper mass-producted goods, including automobiles and electronics. Robots (now / work)
--------------------------------------in factories for more than fifty years, ever since the unimate robot (install)
--------------------------------to automatically remove but metal from a casting machine. The number of installed robots
(grow) --------------------------------faster and faster and today there are more than 1 million robots in operation all over
the world.

4. How familiar are you with internet terms ?

 An ------------------------------------------------- is a text which links to other texts

a/ text b/ cyber text c/ hypertext
 The internet user scan show his mood or facial expressions in the form of icons or a

list of ---------------------------------------
a/ emotions b/ expressions c/ emoticons
 --------------------------------------------- can be frustrating because it involves sending
unwanted e-mails which serves no purpose as they can sometimes bring a virus to
your system
a/ spamming b/ connecting c/ searching

 When you want to read a document on the internet you have to use your

----------------------- -
a/ serach engine b/ world wide web c/ browser
 When listening to a song through the internet you can --------------------------------------
on to your computer to have the chance to listen to it many times
a/ register b/ carry c/ download
 Sending a e-mail is an easy thing you have to have an electronic adress , whereas when you want to
send an image or a document you must -----------------------------------------it before sneding the mail
a/ download b/ attach c/ text

In today’s modern world, computers are very essential part of everyday life. Children often use
computer from very young age for computer games and internet. Computers are developing their
computer skills. Although, this can also be seen that children are too much dependent on computer
games. It has got both pros and cons which will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
On the one hand, some types of games can be very intelligent and may contain huge educational
potential which can encourage their skill, concentration and inspire them to learn new things. If
children use computer game from their childhood age, they are familiar with most of the function of
computer; this will be very helpful for their future career. Another advantage is that there are lots of
interesting features in computer, no child feel bore and alone using computer.
On the other hand because of interesting features and different types of games in computer, firstly
children become too much dependent on it. They spend their most of the time using computer games
as a result they lose their interest on daily activities like their school homework and also forget to meet
with their friend and colleagues. Secondly, some video games can be very aggressive in nature so these
video games are usually highly addictive and easily available on internet. Moreover continuous use of
computer game can be damaged both eyes and physical posture of the children.
To sum up, there are lots of merits of using computer game however in my opinion; children don’t
spend their whole time on computer. Parents should also care about their schedule for computer game.

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