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Rise above petty considerations of

race and nationality, act with human
Pearl S. Buck is an English actor,
comedian, author, and former 2. Humanity should prevail above all.
3. Impact of war: Normal people
affected, shown through the
wounded American soldier facing
1. Dr. Sadao Hoki: Virtuous
weather and hostility.
physician, studied medicine in
America, married Hana after
confirming her Japanese roots.
7. Dr. Sadao worries about
2. Skilled doctor, exempt from soldier's safety, plans his
World War duty. escape with Korean
fishermen's help.
3. Encounters wounded American
soldier, decides to help despite 8. Soldier escapes, and Dr.
illegality. Sadao informs the General.
4. Hides soldier in his house,
conducts surgery to save his life. 9. General apologizes for
forgetting promise to kill
5. Servants resign due to the soldier.
unpatriotic act, leaving Dr. Sadao
and Hana to care for the soldier. 10. Dr. Sadao reflects on his
actions and experiences in
6. Dr. Sadao treats General, who
offers to kill the soldier.

1. Committed to his
professional duty 1. Ruthless (beats
2. A kind man and his wife)
generous 2. Not promising
3. A well-established doctor 3. Self-centered
4. A patriot
4. Selfish
5. A loving caring and
5. Unfaithful
devoted family man
towards his nation
6. A dedicated surgeon

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