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(1) T(5th Sm.

)-Political Science-H/DSE-B-1/CBCS

Paper : DSE-B-1
(Indian Foreign Policy in a Globalising World)
Full Marks : 65
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.



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T(5th Sm.)-Political Science-H/DSE-B-1/CBCS (2)

[English Version]

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Answer the following questions (each in a single sentence) : 1×15

(a) Mention one feature of the foreign policy of post-colonial India.
(b) In which year was the Bandung Conference held?
(c) Who were the heads of the concerned states during Sino-India Border conflicts of 1962?
(d) In which year Taskent Agreement was signed?
(e) Which Prime Minister of India did sign Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation?
(f) From which year was India recognised as nuclear power state?
(g) What was the chief objective of Copenhagen Summit?
(h) Give one example of Indian contribution to economic development of Nepal.
(i) Mention one example of Indian contribution to human resource development of Sri Lanka in recent
(j) What is SLOC?
(k) Mention one example of Indian contribution to the development of Bhutan.
(l) Identify one major hurdle in India-Sri Lanka relationship.
(m) Who were the Head of States during the ‘Agra Summit’?
(3) T(5th Sm.)-Political Science-H/DSE-B-1/CBCS

(n) What is BIMSTEC?

(o) Give an example of the contribution of India as World Power to prevent Covid 19 in the developing

Module - 1

2. Answer any one question (within 100 words) : 10×1

(a) Write a short note on Rupee-Ruble Trade.
(b) Mention five important issues related to Indian position in Sino-India border disputes.

3. Answer any one question (within 500 words) : 15×1

(a) Analyse the evolution of foreign policy of India form post-colonial state to an Aspiring Global Power.
(b) Discuss important areas of India-US relationship in the 21st century.

Module - 2

4. Answer any one question (within 100 words) : 10×1

(a) Identify five Indian trade strategies related to the development of South Asia.
(b) Write a note on Indian policy related to world environment.

5. Answer any one question (within 500 words) : 15×1

(a) Discuss India and Bangladesh relations in the backdrop of probalities of increasing Chinese influence
in South Asia.
(b) Discuss the role of India in the contemporary multipolar world politics.

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