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Assignment 1

Course title: Introduction to Database Systems Laboratory

Course code: CSE-256
2nd Year 2nd Semester Examination 2023

Date of submission

Submitted to-
Dr. Md. Humayan Kabir.
Dr.Liton Jude Rozario.
Anup Majumder.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Jahangirnagar University
Savar, Dhaka-1342

SI Class Roll Exam Roll Name

01 379 210899 SHAH SULTAN
Title: Creating database name Cinema.

Introduction: Database creation is the foundation of efficient

data management, involving the systematic organization of
information. It includes defining data structures, relationships,
and rules to ensure accuracy and accessibility. Successful
database creation is vital for supporting diverse applications
and optimizing data-driven processes."

 Data Organization
 Data Retrieval Efficiency
 Data Integrity and Accuracy.

Materials and Methods:

 XAMPP Software
 Installation: Execute the XAMPP installer on your
computer and follow the on-screen instructions to install
the software. Choose the components you want to install
(e.g., Apache, MySQL) during the installation process.
 Control Panel: XAMPP provides a control panel that allows
you to start and stop the Apache web server and MySQL
database server. Launch the control panel and start both
Apache and MySQL services.
 Web Development: Place your web application files in the
"htdocs" directory within the XAMPP installation folder.
This is the root directory for Apache, and your web
application files should be stored here for local testing
 Accessing Localhost: Open a web browser and navigate to
"http://localhost" to access the locally hosted web server.
This allows you to test and interact with your web
application as if it were live on a web server.

Result (SQL Command & Output):

Show database command:

Import SQL file using XAMPP:

Use cinema, show tables command:

Select * from movie command:

Select * from person command:

Select * from role command:

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