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Nelson Mandela speech answers

1.learners discuss and list things you would like to

change in this world:
 End of apartheid and racism
 Establishment of democracy and respect for human
 Eradication of poverty, hunger, deprivation, and
 Prevention of civil wars and external aggression
 Reduction in the number of refugees
 Promotion of justice, peace, non-racism, non-sexism,
prosperity for all, a healthy environment, and
equality and solidarity among people

2.using text, collect information on the issues you have

raised by underlining facts and opinions in the text:
The speech is a profound reflection on pressing global
issues, with a particular focus on the struggle against
apartheid in South Africa. It begins by acknowledging the
brutal realities of apartheid, describing it as a system
characterized by war, violence, racism, oppression, and
repression. The speaker highlights the global response to
this injustice, where millions worldwide joined the anti-
apartheid movement, underscoring the recognition that
apartheid was a crime against humanity.
The speech also extends its concerns beyond South
Africa, mentioning the situation in Burma and the call for
justice for Aung San Suu Kyi. It expresses a vision for a
better world, emphasizing democracy, justice, peace, and
the eradication of poverty and civil wars. While these
aspirations are presented as opinions, they resonate with
universal values shared by people around the world.
Ultimately, the speech calls for global solidarity in the
pursuit of a just, equitable, and peaceful world, using the
South African example as a model for change.

3.using the same text select potential relevant ideas as

 The idea that South Africa's transformation should
serve as a model for the world.
 The idea of using South Africa's unique experience to
demonstrate the normal condition for human
 The idea of combating indifference, cynicism, and
selfishness to uphold the ideals of humanism.
 The idea that humanity should move beyond racism
and war.
 The idea that brotherhood and peace are more
precious than material wealth.
 The idea of a new age marked by positive change
and progress.

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