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Dekkaya Belkhir Middle School –Ain Bell – Djelfa

2 Term test Level : 4ms ……. Time allowed : 01 hour
Full name : ………………... Teachers’ name : H.A.Ladjadj


Ibn Sina was born in 980 in Central Asia. As

a young boy, he learnt the Koran by heart thanks
to his father who gave him a good education.
At about 13 of age ,he studied medicine with a
number of teachers. He also dedicated much of
his time to the study of physics, natural sciences and
Arabic .
Before he was 20, Ibn Sina was a well-known doctor.
One of his patients was the Sultan of Bukhara. He treated him for a
serious disease. When he was cured, the grateful Sultan allowed Ibn Sina
to use his private library in the palace. lbn Sina improved his knowledge
of medicine by reading books written by the Greeck, the Chinese, the Arab
doctors and philosophers. He wrote one of the most significant book in the
history of medicine called "Canon of Medicine" in 1025 and which was
printed in Europe at least 60 times between 1516 and 1574 and studied in
many universities around the world.
He died at the age 51
Part I : A - Reading Comprehension
Task 01 : Match the answers in column B with the questions in Column A.
( 03 points / )
Answers Questions
B: He learnt the Koran. A: Who was one of his patient ?
B: The sultan of Bukhara. A : Where did he study ?
B: He studied in many A: What did he learn ?
Universities .

Observatio Very Bad Average Good Very Excellent

n bad good
Mark / 20
Task 02 : Complete the table with information from the text .
( 06 points / )
Full name :
He studied medicine .
Wrote the “ Canon of Medicine”

Task 03 : Lexis :
Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following :
( 02 points / )
bad ≠ ………………. old ≠ ……………………..
after ≠ ……………… the least ≠ ……………….

B – Mastery of Langauge .
Task one : Put capital letters and punctuation where necessary .
( 01 points / )
ibn al baytar died in damscus in 1248
Task two : Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets .
( 04 points / )
Ibn al Baytar ( to be born ) in Spain . He ( to be ) a vet . He ( to study ) on
……………. ……… ………….
the reknown Ibn Rumeyya . He ( to travel ) a lot .

Task three : Classify the following verbs according to the pronunciation of

their final “ed”. ( 04 points / )
studied – allowed – called – helped
/t/ /d/ / id /
1. 1. 1.

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