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In a forest, there lived four sibling cows who lived harmoniously and looked out for

each other. Wherever they went, they were always together. A lion had been eyeing
the four cows for a long time, but didn't dare to approach them due to being
outnumbered. It just watched from afar, waiting for the cows to separate. However,
the cows hardly ever parted ways. The lion's wait was always in vain.


Lion: "Every time they eat, they're always vigilant and link tails, so I can't attack them
from any direction." Eventually, it decided to momentarily forget about the four cows.

One day, the four cows disagreed, and as time passed, their disagreement escalated
into arguments.


Cow 1: "The grass in that valley over there is tastier and fresher, so we should go

Cow 2: "No! The grass on the hill is much denser, greener, and softer. Grass like that
is really nice. So, we'd better go to the hill."

Cow 3: "The valley and hill are too crowded, so we'd have to compete with other
animals. Behind the hill, there's a vast grassland. Not many animals know about it.
So, we should go there. Eating there would be much more comfortable than in the
valley and on the hill."

Cow 4: "Enough... enough! There's no need to fuss over this small matter! Let's just
enjoy what we have here, no need to move anywhere! Besides, there's still enough
grass here for the four of us even if it's not too fresh."

Cow 2: "Ah, no! I still want to move to the hill!"

Cow 1: "I want to move to the valley!"

Cow 3: "I want to move to the grassland behind the hill!"

Cow 4: "If you move, you'll encounter the lion."

Cow 1: "I'm not afraid of the lion!"

They couldn't reach an agreement. Finally, they decided to separate and go their
separate ways. This, of course, made the lion happy. The cows were no longer as
strong as before because they no longer looked out for each other. The lion wasn't a
match for a single cow. The lion could easily defeat it.

The lion went to the hill. There, it found the first cow grazing alone.


Lion: "Finally, the opportunity has come. They've separated, just as I always hoped.
Now, one by one, they become my prey." Fortunately, it was very hungry. The lion
swiftly attacked the unsuspecting first cow. The first cow couldn't do anything. There
were no siblings to protect it. In the end, its fate was sealed as the lion's meal.


A few days later, the lion went to the valley. It was very hungry and intended to prey
on the second cow. "Truly, a very tender prey," It could easily do it because the
second cow was alone. There were no siblings to help it. That day, the lion feasted
on the fat and delicious cow meat.


The fate of the third and fourth cows was no different from their siblings.
Cow 3: "We lost our siblings because of foolishness and deceit. Now we must unite
again, or we will all die."

(However, it was too late. The lion appeared, ready to end the lives of the remaining

Lion: "You have fallen under my power. Now it's time to end your story."

(The lion attacked the remaining two cows, ending their lives quickly and brutally.)

They regretted deeply for having separated from their siblings. If only they had
remained united and looked out for each other like before, the lion would never have
dared to approach them. Unfortunately, it was all too late.

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