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Where we were along the drainage basin could have changed the width of the river. Quantock Hills.
It is also home to Exmoor National park which is known for its. Methodology- My methodology is
basically explanations of all my surveys and why they were relevant to my case study. This section
will list some of the smaller independent shops, many of which are owned by local families. This is a
job in the secondary industry and doesn't need many formal qualifications. Many locals use the tube
to get to work; furthermore there is a bus station around the station, making the CBD the most
important means of transport. An alternative method would have been to ask the local council for
statistics such as crime rates during tourist seasons and the amount of tourists that visit each year, but
I didn't choose this method because I wouldn't have been able to get information such as residents
opinions on tourism and details of where tourists travel from. Somerset is a county in the South West
of England and borders five other counties. This line graph can help to answer one of the enquiry
questions, as it shows Cromer's need for more hotels and transport links to increase its chances of
having a better economic future. At Site 4 the average depth was 0.093m which was larger then at
the previous site. Hypothesis 2- The depth of the river will increase as you go from source to mouth.
There was a lack of rain before we went on this field trip which meant that the river in. Width from
source to mouth along the River Holford (m). Reading 1 was the shallowest depth and was 0.037m.
The depth then increased by. Photographs To help me answer my enquiry question on the impact of
tourism, I took photos in Cromer of areas with beauty and places of nature and also places that had
some litter. At some points, the impeller could not turn due to the fact that the river was too. The
name, South Street, gradually fell out of use during the 19th century. This model can help us when it
comes to the pedestrian count, because we can use the data that we collect to write a conclusion from
the information we already know about the burgess model. The economic impact means the effect on
jobs, the economy and whether tourism brings enough jobs and money to Cromer. These are
convenience goods and are bought more often. There are a high density of pedestrians and cars
causing a lot of congestion through the high street. Interpretation of Fig. 9 The following page has a
map showing the results, from my environmental mapping survey. The reason for this may be that
the council receives extra money to keep this area tidy for tourists. Fig.11 shows that tourists believe
litter is not a big problem in Cromer In conclusion my surveys show that environmental impact is
both good and bad. A spit is an extended stretch of beach material that projects out to sea and is
joined to the mainland at one end. One of these changes is that I would have taken ten depth
readings at each site rather. There are a high density of pedestrians and cars causing a lot of
congestion through the high street. The depth increases until plot 4 where it is 0.2 and. Thirty of the
97 residents asked believed the main benefit of tourism was that it creates jobs. Wetted Perimeter (m)
0.74 2.4 2.48 2.08 2 3.13 2.84 2.92. As you can see from the table above, this hypothesis.
In 2001, the International Labour Organisation estimated that globally over 207 million jobs were
directly or indirectly employed in tourism. First, 15 clasts were picked up from the river bed at
random, with our eyes closed so. Today, travel industry equals 42% of manufacturing industry
employment. Spearman’s rank technique is a statistical test which will be used for each hypothesis.
Conclusion- The conclusion will include the answers to my enquiry questions, and recommendations
for the future of Cromer Evaluation- In the evaluation, I will question the reliability of my methods,
and decide whether my results and conclusions are accurate Location Map of Europe Map of East
Anglia Map of Norfolk Map of Cromer Cromer is a small town in North Norfolk, in the East Anglia
region. This leaves a section of land jutting out into the sea; this is called a headland. My third
hypothesis was that gradient would decrease as you went from source to. Interpretation- The
population pyramid on the previous page shows the different age ranges of people that live in Cromer
and Newham. Weathering can also help to create these landforms. Gradient 0.086 0.034 0.021 0.008
0.029 0.021 0.021 0.006. Although the data that I found out was useful to my coursework I didn't
find this method to be as reliable as it could've been. The depth stayed the same at readings 1 and 2
and was 0.105m. It then increased. Comparing Flowcharts Cromer's growth is similar yet different to
other traditional resorts. River Holford which were the width, the depth and the gradient. Therefore
the further away from the town centre the number of pedestrians decrease. There might be too much
traffic or a configuration error. The purpose of having three different age groups was to see if Cromer
is a popular place for all ages and therefore if it has a good economic future. Again, my apologies
and I will attempt to rectify ASAP Regards John Steele 20JET12 6 years ago I have checked the
presentation and you were quite correct. Out of the people questioned, the most common job is a
shop assistant (7 out of 20 residents), which is a relatively low paid job with long hours. This graph
also helps to answer the first enquiry question, as it shows the high amount of cars being driven
therefore contributing to environmental pollution. Fig. 4 (The Cromer Beach) Interpretation This
photo shows some litter on the beach which could be an effect of tourism. Away from the CBD
pedestrian densities consisted of the following figures; 150, 156 and 102. The River Holford’s source
is at Lady's Fountain Spring, Frog Combe which is 250 m. This photo can be linked with Fig.11
which is a doughnut chart showing that tourists believe traffic congestion is a problem. At site 5 the
cross sectional area was 0.18216 m2 which was lower than the previous. Limestone is well jointed
which means that the rock has vertical and horizontal. This shows that many businesses in Cromer
need tourism and would suffer greatly if tourism in Cromer declined. I would like to thank Mr
Matthews, Mr Orme, and Mr Parker for coming with us on. Gradient is the elevation of the river
along its course. My photos were reliable as they were what you could see, but again they may have
been affected by the time of year that we visited. Site’s 6 cross sectional area was 0.23142 m2 which
was an increase from the last site.
In this section I shall be presenting my data as graphs and describing the basic trends. Depth from
source to mouth along the River Holford (m). Methodology- My methodology is basically
explanations of all my surveys and why they were relevant to my case study. Also further out there
are less services, less jobs and it is more residential. This causes a build-up of the beach on the
groyne's updrift side. I will also explain how my data links back to my enquiry questions. This graph
can help to answer the second enquiry question, as it shows what the tourists- who are the people
spending their money in Cromer, think about its future. Fig. 14 Interpretation- The above located
map shows the amount of residents that have a job in Cromer. River Holford which were the width,
the depth and the gradient. This information will be relevant to me finding the answers to my
enquiry questions. The traffic count shows the different levels of traffic on Church St, during the
day. Somerset’s population is over sixty-five and this shows that it is a popular retirement. Hitchin
has car parks where as Southgate have pay and display areas so there are very few areas to park.
Flow Rate (s) 2 100 43.06 58.46 18.62 10.4 23.35 100 61.49. The survey also helps to answer my
second enquiry question as it shows that tourism does offer Cromer a good future, as there is many
business that are only open because of tourism. Business Dependency Survey The business
dependency survey will help me show the economic impact tourism has on Cromer. I will use my
flowcharts to answer one of my enquiry questions by showing if Cromer has a good economic
future. There were many problems that we encountered on our river study. In Kilve the channel has
been altered by man making them more. This is because Cromer is hard to reach and there isn't much
point staying for just a day. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to
leave some feedback. Out of the people questioned, the most common job is a shop assistant (7 out
of 20 residents), which is a relatively low paid job with long hours. And because of these
pedestrianised areas Hitchin is less polluted. This shows that although Cromer receives money from
the tourism industry, it has not necessarily been spent on improving the employment rates in Cromer.
Some readings were defaulted at 100 seconds because at some sites, the water was too. Limestone is
well jointed which means that the rock has vertical and horizontal. Environmental Quality Survey To
help me find out the environmental impact of tourism on Cromer, I used an environmental quality
survey. Review 3 Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness.
Data Presentation- In this section, of my coursework I will present all my collected data as graphs,
annotated photos, labeled maps, charts, etc. The World Tourism Organisation estimated there were
694 million international tourist arrivals in 2003, a drop of 1.2 per cent (attributed to the problems of
the Iraq conflict, SARS and a generally weak world economy). Write a review Update existing
review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback.
Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The
term coastal defence is the more traditional term, but coastal management has become more popular
as the field has expanded to include techniques that allow erosion to claim land. Due to the fact that
footpaths are been overused, they get eroded casing the council to pay out a large sum of money to
repair these paths. Key elements of this topic are land use models, shopping and settlement hierarchy,
sphere of influence and traffic, pedestrian survey, environmental survey, questionnaires and vehicle
surveys. This problem has also, already been shown in the flowchart and may lead to Cromer not
having a good economic future, as people will choose to go to other resorts as they are more
accessible. Fig. 10 Pedestrian Count - Pictogram Morning: 0:46- 0:56 Afternoon: 2:16- 2:22 Late
Afternoon: 2:20-2:30 Key: Interpretation- The above pictogram shows the results from my
pedestrian count, which I completed on Church St. Traffic is relatively high in the morning because
tourists may be either arriving in Cromer or driving into the high street. Background Knowledge
Tourism is the business of providing tours and services for tourists. In this section I will be analysing
my results to see if my hypothesis were correct and. There are several top sports and fitness centres
and the public leisure centre is also close by, complete with a large swimming pool. Arrivals have
picked up in 2004, and they are expected to reach 1.6 billion by 2020. Domestic tourism (people
going on holiday in their own country) is generally thought to be 4-5 times greater than international
arrivals. Hypothesis 3 was rejectedwhen it came to the data being analysed using Spearman’s.
Another development tourists think is necessary is better road access; this is a problem for Cromer as
it is hard to reach, compared to other resorts. The reasons for this may be that Cromer is a well loved
tourist destination. I chose to investigate this river study over our four day field trip to Somerset in
order. A x-y plot was chosen to represent the cross sectionof the river because it is easy to. The ice
pushing on the sides of the crack it widens it. This could be because of the parking area was there,
and there were some out of town shoppers using their cars to get to and from Hitchin, going home.
Furthermore, those areas of natural beauty so cherished by the romantic poets were often only
maintained and managed in their existing state by human activity, usually agriculture. This involved
me going to the different sites (the beach and Garden St) and deciding if there was litter, vandalism
peace and quiet etc and give a rating from -3 to 3. See other similar resources ?3.00 3.00 1 review
BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. These reasons may be why the
council doesn't want to develop the area as it is seen as a place of natural outstanding beauty, and if
they chose to develop they would lose some of their tourists. Where the coastline itself is changing
due to seismic action, there may be a series of platforms showing earlier sea levels and indicating the
amount of uplift caused by various earthquakes. Somerset is home to Exmoor National Park which is
693 km2 and is only one of. Also further out there are less services, less jobs and it is more
residential. Marl. Overall, visually, my hypothesis, that the width will increase as you go from.
Accessibility of land was a human limitation because part of the river was blocked. Hitchin has many
pedestrainised areas resulting in less pollution and congestion and of course Hitchin has a parking
area there a lot more people can walk rather than driving everywhere. This shows that tourism hasn't
had a good economic impact as many residents choose not to work in Cromer. Fig. 15 and 16 helps
to support this, as it shows that most residents questioned have low paid jobs and that the businesses
they work in rely heavily on tourism and without it they would suffer. This meant that we expected
the river to be shallow at these. Land use along the course of the River Holford is important to look
at because it could.
As well as there is only residential areas further out of the CBD, this making it the only attraction in
Southgate. If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to
troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation. Overall,
visually, my hypothesis, that the depth will increase as you go from source to. I counted the
pedestrian density in four different places near the CBD, and all four places had a high pedestrian
density. It is situated in the north of the Lake District it is surrounded by lots of tall mountains. See
other similar resources ?7.99 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you
were looking for. Traffic Congestion is also a problem and this shows the environmental impact,
tourism has on Cromer and may also lead to an economic problem as it may result in loss of tourists.
There were some limitations when we were measuring our data and the methods we. This shows that
the economic impact hasn't been as impressive as it could be as there are hardly any jobs in Cromer
that don't rely on tourism. From the graph you can see that tourism abroad, has improved while
tourism in the UK has improved it is still unsteady. This is because Cromer has to abide by strict
development laws. Quantock Hills. It is also home to Exmoor National park which is known for its.
I chose to investigate this river study over our four day field trip to Somerset in order. One human
problem was that the angularity of the clasts had to be decided by eye. This shows that many
businesses in Cromer need tourism and would suffer greatly if tourism in Cromer declined. At site 4
the cross sectional area was 0.33852 m2 which was an increase from the. Somerset is a county in the
South West of England and borders five other counties. Carlise to Keswick 39m, Penrith 20m,
Windermere 23, and Workington 22. At site 3 the cross sectional area was 0.155036 m2 which shows
that there was an. Concordant coastline is where the rock remains the same along the coastline. This
is because it is very important for the council to keep this area tidy, as it is a favorite place for
tourists to visit. Below is how we found r2 using the Spearman’s rank equation. The environmental
impact is good in some ways, because as a result of tourism the council needs to keep the area tidier
to encourage tourists to visit the area. ELDERLY DEPENDENT: The age range that usually have to
rely on the economically active. Many shops have closed or moved to the shopping centre. There was
a higher density of pedestrians in the centre of both Hitchin and Southgate then further away.
Comparing Flowcharts Cromer's growth is similar yet different to other traditional resorts.
Conclusion- The conclusion will include the answers to my enquiry questions, and recommendations
for the future of Cromer Evaluation- In the evaluation, I will question the reliability of my methods,
and decide whether my results and conclusions are accurate Location Map of Europe Map of East
Anglia Map of Norfolk Map of Cromer Cromer is a small town in North Norfolk, in the East Anglia
region. Data Interpretation- The data interpretation section of my coursework will be linked to the
data presentation section. Because I calculated a rank of -0.632 this means that as the distance
increases from the town centre the population density decreases.

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