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CYCLONE (1 p.) noun; (a violent tropical storm in which strong winds move in
a circle) CIKLONAS
CELLAR (1 p.) noun; (an underground room often used for storing things)
EMERALD (6 p.) noun; (a rare variety of beryl that is colored green by
chromium and valued as a gem) SMARAGDAS
SCARECROW (8 p.) noun; (a figure made to look like a person, that is dressed
in old clothes and put in a field to frighten birds away) KALIAUSĖ
POLE (8 p.) noun; (a long thin straight piece of wood or metal, especially one
with the end placed in the ground, used as a support) STULPAS
STRAW (9 p.) noun; (stems of wheat or other grain plants that have been cut
and dried) ŠIAUDAS
TIN (12 p.) noun; (a metal container in which food is sold) SKARDINĖ
COWARD (15 p.) noun; (a person who is not brave or who does not have the
courage to do things that other people do not think are especially difficult)
AXE (17 p.) noun; (a tool with a wooden handle and a heavy metal blade used
for cutting up wood, cutting down trees, etc.) KIRVIS
BUCKET (33 p.) noun; (an open container with a handle, used for carrying or
holding liquids, sand, etc.) KIBIRAS
ROPE (34 p.) noun; (very strong thick string made by twisting thinner strings,
wires, etc. together) VIRVĖ

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