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AI Integration in Media Research: Opportunities and Ethical Dilemmas

A workshop by Dr Vikrant Kishore, Associate Professor, University of Nottingham Ningbo,

China, Honorary Fellow, Deakin University, Australia

This session combines a lecture with a discussion forum, specifically designed for Master's and
PhD students in media/film studies. It aims to explore the integration of Artificial Intelligence
within Media Academia, highlighting its impact on research, content creation, data analysis and
ethical concerns.

Workshop Overview: This segment provides an in-depth look at how AI is revolutionizing the
field of media/film studies. Topics covered include the potential for AI to enhance research
methods, the evolution of AI in content creation, and the significance of AI-driven data analysis
in understanding media trends and patterns.

Discussion Forum: Following the workshop, the event will feature a discussion forum where
students are encouraged to engage with two main questions:
1. As a student in media/film studies, how do you envision utilizing AI in your current
and future projects?
 Think practically about the application of AI in academic and professional
endeavors. Discussions may include how AI can be used in thesis projects, the
potential for AI in innovative media research, and envisioning future careers that
merge AI with media expertise.
2. What are your views on the ethical implications of AI in media, particularly in relation
to your role as a student and a future media professional?
 This question invites you to explore the ethical landscape of AI in media/film
studies. We can discuss issues like data privacy, the challenge of AI-generated
fake news, and how students, as future media professionals, can contribute to
responsible AI usage in the industry.

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