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it's not that difficult to keep tables the same size.

The layout processor can

determine the exact size of every object via script. This can be used to "transfer"
the value to other objects.

This is a calculate script to copy the cell heights of Table1 over to Table2.

You possible have to modify this script to work with your form.

var cUnit = "mm",

nCellHeight = -1,
oInputRows = Table1.resolveNodes('#subform.[layout eq "row"]'),
oOutputRow = Table2.resolveNodes('#subform.[layout eq "row"]'),

if (oInputRows.length === oOutputRow.length) {

for (i = 0; i < oInputRows.length; i += 1) {

// get the height of the first draw object in the row

nCellHeight = xfa.layout.h(oInputRows.item(i).resolveNode('#draw'), cUnit);

// set the same height to the first draw object in the other table

oOutputRow.item(i).resolveNode('#draw').h = nCellHeight.toString().concat(cUnit);

// Recreate the layout, to see the effects


The visibiliy of the reference block can be easily set. You only need to determine
if it's on the last page or not. Put this into the layout:ready event of the
reference object.

this.presence = ( < xfa.layout.pageCount()) ? "invisible" :


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