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Writing coursework, especially at the A Level, can be a challenging and time-consuming task.

requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, critical thinking skills, research abilities, and
effective writing techniques. A Level PE coursework, in particular, demands a combination of
theoretical knowledge and practical application, making it even more intricate.

Students often face difficulties in managing their time efficiently, conducting thorough research, and
presenting their ideas coherently. Moreover, the pressure of meeting deadlines and adhering to strict
academic standards can add to the stress of coursework writing.

In such situations, seeking help from professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can
be a viable solution. These services often provide assistance from experienced writers who are well-
versed in the subject matter. They can offer valuable insights, ensure the content is well-researched
and meets the required standards, and ultimately help students achieve better grades.

It's important to note that while external help can be beneficial, students should approach such
services with caution. It's crucial to choose a reputable platform like ⇒ ⇔ that
prioritizes originality, confidentiality, and quality. Additionally, using such services should be seen as
a supplementary measure to enhance one's understanding rather than a substitute for personal

Remember, seeking help when needed is a sign of resourcefulness, but it's equally essential to
develop your skills and knowledge independently. If you find yourself struggling with A Level PE
coursework, consider seeking assistance from reliable sources, but always make sure to uphold
academic integrity and contribute your effort to the learning process.
It can affect your performance in many ways ranging from slightly to a lot depending on the nature
of the chosen sport. The other is to warm up physically, to stretch the muscles so they are not all
tensed up when we go to do physical activity. The area that I will be targeting is the backswing in the
game of golf. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?3.50 (no
rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?3.50 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later
Last updated 23 April 2020 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through
linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest Advanced PE 4.59 21 reviews Not the right
resource. My strongest area of fitness is strength and suppleness but I have chosen to carry on
improving this because in netball it is very important to be able to make strong moves around the
court and strong passes. This definitely makes this a strategic weakness as my own desire to score
puts the win of the team at jeopardy. Heading skills also enable a team to use the long ball tactic
bombarding the opposition with long passes towards their penalty area. Furthermore, I can realise the
importance of performing a grubber kick and focus on my own achievement by setting performance
goals rather than outcome goals. It involves unpredictable cycles of activity and rest dependant on
the pattern of play and the length of the game. I can also observe demonstrations of the correct
technique and set challenging but achievable goals when both practising my left-handed pass and for
using it in a game situation, for example successfully make 75% of left-handed spin passes in a game.
Having good posture improves balance and also allows you to connect well with your partner in
smooth dances. When I carry out a spin pass with my left hand it often does not spin in an
aerodynamic fashion, with both noses of the ball lateral to one another (see diagram). This will help
with the prevention of injury whilst taking part in physical activity. My programme will go as over
page, it is only three weeks long because I will repeat it in the same pattern of improvement in the
second half, raising the level each weak. It shows clearly that I improved as the weeks progressed.
This is the ability to change the position of the body quickly whilst keeping the whole body under
control. I think that I was because the fitness plan only really worked the arm and leg muscles where
it could have made more use of the stomach and lower back muscles. This could involve strategies
such as increasing peer group pressure an highlight responsibilities to the team, this method is key to
myself as my behaviour has adverse effects on the team as it leaves the defence very vulnerable to a
kick over the top, if I have peers reminding me of the importance of my position and highlighting
my responsibility this could help. But for a rugby player they would peak in their late twenties, early
thirties. The team that dominates in the air can win the ball in the vital danger zone in front of the six
yard box both when defending and attacking, and that team can win the ball from long goal kicks. It
is based around the AQA A-level textbook published by Hodder Education. A easy way to for
students to see what is expected from them for each task, and for them to tick off the section once it
is completed. When there is an overlap it creates a two on one situation on the wing, from this
position it is the job of the ball carrier to commit the defender to the tackle and then play a pass to his
teammate just before contact so that the defender cannot react quick enough to catch the other
player who should be able to run the ball in to score a try. It shows that his correct hand position
gives off a good spinning pass to the receiver; he looks towards his receiver and shows a very good
follow through. I will also need a ladder to perform my ladder run, a skipping rope and a bench for
my step ups. The plan was very much accustomed to what I wanted to improve. This is why tactics
and strategies often play a large role in determining the games outcome. I could overload by
increasing the time spent on each activity. Someone who has back trouble may need to concentrate
on this area and the antagonistic muscles in the abdomen to support the body where it is weaker. See
other similar resources ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you
were looking for.
Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Accurate
short passes with supporting runs into space allows a team to keep possession, and build an attack.
Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?10.00 (no rating) 0 reviews
BUY NOW Save for later ?10.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 26
May 2023 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through
facebook Share through pinterest Dratsak1's Shop 3.00 3 reviews Not the right resource. It links to
page numbers and also resources I have used, and adds in where I plan to carry out my assessments.
I made good use of the monitoring sheet and it has been very helpful to me. Also because my resting
heart rate has decreased from 80 to 66 over the past couple of weeks shows that my stroke volume
has increased as I have become more trained. Secondly, I must keep the spine as straight as I can to
get the correct posture. To do this I must use the grubber kick in moments of greater importance to
ensure that my arousal levels are higher, for instance in the oppositions final third when my team is
not winning by a large margin. I am small in height and have an average weight so as long as my
partner is not too much taller than me dancing should not be so difficult. For example I need to make
sure that I am wearing all of the correct clothing and footwear, all my jewellery is off and that my
hair is tied back. This prepares the body for physical activity and makes sure that your body can cope
it does this by raising your heart rate and your body temperature by 1-2 degrees and may consequent
in a light sweat. For our back row move we had a scrumhalf, a fly half, a centre, a full back and a
player on the wing. Each week we will carry out repetition of these set exercises. To do this I needed
to make sure the weather conditions were ok. Keep balanced and use a wall for support if necessary.
For my personal exercise programme I have decided on association football a. For example, when
resting in between repetitions, have a passing drill or shooting frill set up instead, however, this is
only after the person has completed a full 6-10 weeks of the program. For example, warming up your
biceps and triceps by reaching for your toes and also warming up your hamstrings by doing squat
thrusts to warm up your muscles. Passing drills are important for sharp, accurate play, and to learn
effective use of space. The plan was very much accustomed to what I wanted to improve. This could
result in a loss of balance and the accuracy of the pass to fall. You need to hold this for 10-15 second
and repeat if necessary. I could overload by increasing the time, distance and speed. It would be no
good to you if you can make good doges but your muscles were not strong enough for you to make
them, causing you either injury or a failed movement. It involves unpredictable cycles of activity and
rest dependant on the pattern of play and the length of the game. In fact dancing is offered as a
movement therapy for children with special needs. This applies to competing athletes and health
fitness trainers alike. In out fitness programme gender is of no importance, as male and female will
be doing the same activities. All of these components are important to the success of a performer.
For example, I learned that gender, age, motivation, and cost all affect performance in their own
different ways.
You need to tuck a leg in towards the body and hold for 10-15 seconds to find it effective and repeat
if necessary. My anxiety is caused by an imbalance between the perceived demands of the task and
my own ability. I could overload by increasing the time, distance and speed. I am still not up to the
standard as I was in my first and second circuit however I still improved and will work my hardest
to keep improving them. Then left one leg up and place the toes of that leg on the knee of the other
leg. An extreme Ectomorph would be very well suited to become a goal shooter in netball. They
both work the same muscle, abdominals, and I could become fatigued which would not give me an
accurate result when performing them. In total my heart beet decreased by 7 beats per minute. When
Robinson is in a two on one situation and the defending player is committing to him and not his
supporting player he draws the man and then just before contact he passes the ball. Someone who
naturally builds muscle quickly may not need to do as much weight training, but concentrate more on
cardiovascular activity. A skill can never be completely closed or open e.g. A free kick in football is a
very open skill as the crowd, defenders and weather have a very big effect on you but on the other
hand a snooker shot is nearly a closed skill because the environment has no effect and the crowd and
opponents have little or no effect. I participate in football related activity four times per week for
about 7-8 hours. However, when I came to doing my circuit I felt ill so I feel I put all my energy into
one area of my circuit and the rest suffered because of this. Our customer service team will review
your report and will be in touch. ?5.00 5.00 3 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?5.00 5.00 3
reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 22 February 2018 Share this Share through email
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jharris22 5.00 8 reviews Not the right resource. This is important as dancers need to be able to move
there legs as well as having control over their arms. This way reversibility will not occur but I will
still be rested. Also recording all the results on one sheet week after week as motivating because it
was interesting to see if we had improved or not and I if so by how much. Our customer service
team will review your report and will be in touch. ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for
later ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 27 July 2022 Share this
Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share
through pinterest Lucy Simister's Shop 4.41 75 reviews Not the right resource. The stress
management techniques should, if used correctly, lower my arousal levels, thus allowing me to feel in
control of my emotions and actions, this will enable me to feel able to complete the task successfully.
One of the greatest advantages of football is that derivatives of the game, such as five-a-side, can be
played indoors in sports halls and outdoors on any piece of land available and with fewer players
than normal for the full version of the game. When there is an overlap it creates a two on one
situation on the wing, from this position it is the job of the ball carrier to commit the defender to the
tackle and then play a pass to his teammate just before contact so that the defender cannot react
quick enough to catch the other player who should be able to run the ball in to score a try. They often
have a long neck, a short waist and longer legs. I play this because i enjoy it as well as getting loads
of of this sport, such as adrenaline, fun, something to do, fitness and health it brings socializing too.
Each cone in the centre is spaced 3.3 meters apart. To perofrm the test the performer must lie on their
chest at the start point. It is general guidance notes that the students can access, but I found it really
helpful with my students as they were struggling. This applies to competing athletes and health
fitness trainers alike. When the time increased in the latter weeks I found it very difficult to adjust
myself and pace my self so as not to become worse than the week before. Write a review Update
existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. In my pre-test and post test I
went up by 15 so I feel that I improved and it made me feel better about that aspect of fitness. I
think that if I can do as many stomach crunches and sit ups my abdominals will get used to the level
of exercise and will not ache.
The performer must carry out a warm up before doing this to prepare them for the task ahead. This
way the right muscles get the right amount of work needed to improve. For our back row move we
had a scrumhalf, a fly half, a centre, a full back and a player on the wing. However one health
problem I will have to overcome whilst doing my PEP is asthma. This resource hasn't been reviewed
yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it
Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. But the decrease was not
dramatic and I will aim to make up for it in my next session. Many activities need both
cardiovascular and muscular endurance and football is one of them. A full ninety minute match
requires high levels of aerobic fitness among other components. Each cone in the centre is spaced 3.3
meters apart. To perofrm the test the performer must lie on their chest at the start point. Then we
need to make sure we overload or we won’t improve. This is why tactics and strategies often play a
large role in determining the games outcome. I also think that this move could work very successful
in a game situation, as long as it is played with a quite a lot of pace otherwise the fly-half could get
tackled. I made good use of the monitoring sheet and it has been very helpful to me. During his
preparation stage phase of a punt kick Wilkinson selects a clear and achievable target then, with his
eyes on the ball, points the ball in the direction where he wants to aim his kick. Furthermore, I only
ever use a grubber kick when we are winning a game, as I do not see them as safe form of attack as
they have a relatively low success rate and often give the opposition possession, thus creating little to
no pressure to succeed and consequently creating under arousal. The programme will of course mean
that I need to maintain my current lifestyle the same as much as possible. I do suffer from asthma,
although it isn’t really that bad I do have to make sure I carry round an inhaler just in case. It is
crucial to have this as it is a major factor judges look for in competitive dancing. To do this I needed
to make sure the weather conditions were ok. However, there is a distinct difference between stress
that has a positive effect and stress which has a negative effect. In circuit training you do a different
exercise at each station e.g squats, press-ups etc. You need tactics and to be able to move agilely and
with strength. For the first 2 weeks we will carry out repetitions for 25 seconds, then for the
following two weeks we will carry out the repetitions for an extra 10 seconds meaning that the total
time for repetitions is 35 seconds on each activity. Show replies jharris22 6 years ago Hi, I have
some of the other SOW for the other units, plus some exam Q's specifically for SkillAcq. A further
method I could use to correct my weakness of being over aggressive, causing me to move out of
position in defence, could be to increase the importance of the event and the emphasis on winning.
Once he was looked at where he is going to pass Wilkinson carefully chooses the correct speed,
direction, height, distance and speed he will need to apply to the ball to make a successful pass. The
training involves varying the intensity of the exercise (often running). Write a review Update existing
review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. My asthma will limit my breathing
which may cause a problem whilst performing my circuit as I will find it hard continue to do it. In
fact dancing is offered as a movement therapy for children with special needs.
The activities that were chosen were good and gave both genders a good chance, as none of them
were gender based. However, it is important to note that such responsibilities should not be put on
teammates in a game situation as it may distract them from their own goals and task, therefore it is
imperative that I take on the responsibility of my own weakness and realise my importance and
control my aggression. Put the sole of the foot of leg (a) on the floor and hug the knee towards the
chest. It shows clearly that I steadily improve as the weeks progressed. As you can see my recovered
rate was very much lower in the fourth week than the first week, showing that I had improved in my
fitness. Flood also ensures to steady himself when preparing to kick, holding the ball on each side
across the side seams and makes certain that the ball is held perfectly upright. Football is a
competitive sport and is known as an invasion game, and by gaining territory through passing,
dribbling or intercepting you are gaining an advantage for your team. I am a competitive hockey,
netball and tennis player and so keeping fit for those activities is hard but needs to be done. This
hypothesis further shows that if a performer is able to release his or her frustration via an aggressive
act, it has a cathartic effect. The plan was very much accustomed to what I wanted to improve. It
enables the various parts of the body to combine in producing a desired movement or sequence of
movements. I could overload by increasing the time, distance and speed. Although the precise nature
of the responses in each case will be different, the mechanisms involve two closely related processes.
Then we need to make sure we overload or we won’t improve. These results should really determine
whther or not my personal exercise program (P.E.P) worked to my advantage. But for a rugby player
they would peak in their late twenties, early thirties. However, this could get boring and includes no
skill work. This is the ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time. I can also observe
demonstrations of the correct technique and set challenging but achievable goals when both
practising my left-handed pass and for using it in a game situation, for example successfully make
75% of left-handed spin passes in a game. The backswing is literally the key to the golf swing itself-
which in turn is the central action of golf. An extreme endomorph would be very well suited to
become a prop-forward in rugby. The punt kick is a defensive weakness of mine because I often rush
my kick and do not kick the ball as far as I potentially can, my is also often off target and does not
land where I intended it to. A full ninety minute match requires high levels of aerobic fitness among
other components. It would make it awkward to perform particular movements, especially turns. This
resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have
purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and
conditions. In particular I will focus on two cognitive methods of which to use to control my
anxiety, these methods are; thought-stopping and attention control. Not only is this painful if
somebody tackles hard when you are trying to kick, but it is terribly inaccurate. If I overdo exercise I
could risk torn muscles and joint injuries. My strongest area of fitness is strength and suppleness but I
have chosen to carry on improving this because in netball it is very important to be able to make
strong moves around the court and strong passes. Overall I have achieved what I wanted to get out
of this whole experience and I have noticed a change in my game play.
The team that dominates in the air can win the ball in the vital danger zone in front of the six yard
box both when defending and attacking, and that team can win the ball from long goal kicks.
Agility is the ability to change the direction of you body efficiently. They often have a long neck, a
short waist and longer legs. I can also observe demonstrations of the correct technique and set
challenging but achievable goals when both practising my left-handed pass and for using it in a game
situation, for example successfully make 75% of left-handed spin passes in a game. My sport,being
netball,is easy to identify strengths and weaknesses on the. Most weeks I didn’t find the exercises
too hard but I don’t think that I pushed myself as hard as I could to achieve my highest potential.
You need tactics and to be able to move agilely and with strength. You can never separate these areas
as they are interdependent to get oxygen into the body, distribute it and get carbon dioxide out. Our
customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?10.00 (no rating) 0 reviews
BUY NOW Save for later ?10.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 26
May 2023 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through
facebook Share through pinterest Dratsak1's Shop 3.00 3 reviews Not the right resource. This is a
problem with my technique as it often means that my pass is not entirely accurate because I have not
picked an exact target area to aim for thus making my pass unsuccessful. However my P.E.P still
worked very well because it improved ALL fitness components it set out to. For my personal
exercise programme I have decided on association football a. As you can see my recovered rate was
very much lower in the fourth week than the first week, showing that I had improved in my fitness.
The fact that the game involves acceleration and deceleration, changes in direction, angled runs and
running backwards means that there is an increased energy cost of the exercise. Another good time to
tackle is when your opponent looks down at the ball. I also need to make quick passes and dodges,
especially at the centre pass. You need to keep the elbow parallel to the floor and pull until a
stretching sensation crosses your back. Therefore, when placed in a pressurised situation we may
experience a stress reaction. If you cannot tackle you are left relying on intercepting passes when
your opponents make a mistake. However, I think this is only a small improvement because my
agility testing could have been a little more intense. Our customer service team will review your
report and will be in touch. ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?3.00 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 21 June 2021 Share this Share through email Share
through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest LBOE Shop
Not the right resource. Many games of five-a-side are played in the street, on the beach, or on a
piece of waste ground with minimal facilities and little organisation. I have only been doing it for a
month so I have not yet passed any exams, however I am working towards passing my exams in
February. In off season much of the preparation for the following season is done. During the
execution phase Flood releases the ball so that it falls upright, he then makes contact just before the
ball lands, with his knee kept slightly ahead of the ball, he makes contact with the upper half of the
ball. A performer should try to reach their optimum level of arousal, for the task at hand, so that their
concentration and decision making are not impaired. Take leg (a) and place one foot on the knee of
the opposite leg (b). The performer must place one foot on the 20m marker at the end of each shuttle.
We also look at more different characteristics, these include: Back row moves, Strike moves, line
outs and scrum downs. However, age and gender work in my favour as I am prime age for reaction
time and males are perceived to have slightly shorter reaction times than women.

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