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M'lV1c\ 80U.r vY\OY)~ V~ae.o _nore.1 Feb- ( 5 .

ifop r £
\W for DO.h<-°1 o,.\ :tt ()l , b\.f - Un e.-lY\\J\(B vren1', £( (e~ ·, ve L0e
C>t ere.di t Cox~, Tl'\ /\~l()eJ'S, no bud9~t, se pe l'Q-/i Oh/d iveTJG e_-/(.
1he 5\oba.\ mo..v~t-. ,~search \n~u~~ 0 wor;,,h l 1.1 f\";1,•oh
" '19 °1° Dt i"\\ \\ exl{\',oS'S ~hd Y\'l0heJ' cltJ{ 16 .5ociaJ tnecl~O t ntll~
( {Wlo\-1 On~) e re+ci\ \-t<s ~Ou) itµt li +hej (OJ-) ge__-\- jOu.. ,to -fee\ 5()~\-e~; nj 'd0_l>.
r,thQJ vl~Q
.D't_g t c}t \"' a_r{. 'fr{)Ve_ ,li +a ~-\- (\;rclo1J1<)·, t'9, cxffrro.4itJl1 plC9-5Lue1 .fear; ·\~Y)"cY<-rctnce
4 n-9 -
lti'.J~ i ~I; h3 Ot btin.9 {..xc.losi Ve, 01<eC.: a\,~Y ¾o\ 'Sl?cc ;t, c

fJ\OL\f CJt \l fe.S-\-yle. :oi>,{~-\t'(,\'J de:sS13ytqD~c+=-c/c;6S


/.} I,~~ i-f' (J..l'J inf/Uth(,V- ev\(\~c<.'S ~,od.U.~ ~OL\ m9:Y --\-'€-'
l( li ~ ol -tt,o+ '\)e)S'o ti to CA c, I,·t<e'' O+ +he ~oouct

tl" tn ~c.heoJ ~arcteth: tVr 0()rctCV1S , s~ .~ An iS10n = A\fe-eno

CC:f)~i.5-krl;~ - (okhn,.rht13 fu n _bta.~d -t)r_~,o~u.c+
4 C.Ofv\Y})i-troec,1' 1""

ln~( \A€;ic~s tJt)-~ {i Rf,'hocd ft rn~~

~r(J;aSes. e)c ern~\\;9
Iis t, testi IYloh ;u l5, -ffj o.+ _ho 111< ~Q.\Y\.~tt:S) t-lC. _ _-
:Soc~a.\ M<t:\ 't~ creo,.-\e_c\_ t-C) be ao.~\l-tt\J_~,. {h;.s (ot11ff,~~~es 'douc_ab,1~~

to rnak dea,on'.3 \\ ilfe 3 ?-e..v,,tln':;JJ _

Ifecb nOI o~':1 -\t~S ': U/1 3ubsu;be t{0l'tl ei'l'iad I,s-1-5, St+ r-t/1\i to_ _
Cru\ce( jour ~ce, it,-rtl~, da+c. -8our cookies -t ~osc.i1 h,01Gr&'-
don~ 0aJ(_ CJtcl',-r (QQ \Y)~O'f vroi-10h on\,~/ p\At liVYlitJ on
vneaLlu vJe .
so Li o__l
• C~l±:W'o I norms f holi'da~~ - i n-f lLtenc-e the lJ~_y ~)t_ ~'Pehc\ mo\'\~~
D h~ Yht \eJt~~, ei<-, w~a1etr,eJ1+ Yil)(JS, (A\edd,/'BSr v~~nes, ~-er+
. Q-0-t\m dq!?, b1r•r\)(llll}S, e+c, (\l,l+h~ \'flol\t~ <WO.~ a.(l\Jo..f'\c:d ;~ k1r1,.ti)
"Soc.ct\ £roo,-- Ro.-h~'\9j, r:e\J·~W) t lo.bcJJ (,\tC\.~ ~e tcra fhc,.t 'f-he
frcduc~ fJ worth ~Llr(h~(rep e)(. beSt seller) rc.-ieot 016.tS, f-f(., a
• j5fq))0S 1 \0J:e1s - us~
Ot {Y)Ul~~fe \o~(S ~ht~~tl'\g -th;hcS
. \Y1Lr-ea,e3 \)OS ttiV-e tM(){-rOhJ r '1nter~t Q

hi3her c_he\hc_~j 0-f custoner lo~l t1 refee1t t)uJchoJe

•5cm:c~:lli: retndas off-eh ~vl we ~C1ht whctl,wt can't hov(.
\+' 0 Q ~\; h9 Of \{)\}.} ~\)-?l~) l; (Y) 1-RO °'d:\l~-\{Oh a J:l}{
wd frt~ ~DD h w~ w( u b~ .
".Bec~(Qlr~- te-'tl\\tv$ -+i)Qt ·,f +ky (~:ii ue. jO~
Knov.) h9 fcv 1'

frt~J ~Dl}.'\\ Vnore Dbli90Jcd ·t-e> b~I e~ . .fvee_ 4tt1Js, So__vrq>tt
t l\b )e)" r1-0t o rG -Kb fe.t s 9t\,ea,uJ0..\,6
2 ,2 v·\dtD \1()\e3 Z
ei;:, 7q. l\'I '- •£0 \J.J.s.t O £.'~'..:- our \o'C(\)n '.:I O.,::,::,o l; a -I{_ I °i' wi-'\1-- c\IDI;) + c}.,~ C.Ou.hb -
'-} ~tj\)oo n0--~ been 0ht>~t\ --\-o \r,Cr~ saJtS b8 ZLJ -1~
• ~nK/c~ 1;r;c',n:}- (-kin~ i)-0..r rue_ '.pK),t etr~ us-~o1~y \ h ( . . O W Y

'('V)ett e.x-?e.n0tue
4 ,·t COY1 cC)~-t- 113ro Q <j((lr iy, e0ttC\ ~-\-S
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\PwetfuJ g~fions +o OSK a.bou.r Yno.rk-tihq_~ ~kt.-rlwn~ OJ~%
- - --\-t~·d,~ ~() s-€.l1 1-J\e.'? \\JhoJ Qy<., - ~ c\O\ "'5 tC) (nfluq-Ce t"f\~ ~rchct:e~
-- - H~w ()_y-{_ -\¼:J- Ynl\ ¾ill':) l-\- 00 -Qor me -It b\Jtj jN<;. ~o(\1/,Ci?
-- • i-~,d-t +h~ V~rt½o\ "Stc(e ,. tech\'\~ q\J\<3 l,\,se& \t~ 1hos-
Co..~_ (auS-e CjC) u. -tu -~t'~ (Y\c)\fe _O..V-e. ct icl(.Cl.O'\t~ ln 0.b~o 0hC)~~~
_ _ - €..-Wla.i f
C a , f - \ S , ~~~Q.-t'\On~,, 8onvS
l U - \ " ~h~~~r19, _~\J ~Y'\3- ~ ~ - t ~ S / ~ e . ~

____ - ~ ~ w t _ ir)fu, su.09estc1 l)r~uc+-s f pro~u-c:t- v_e_~\~·-

Df \Q~ed 0.rc,:Hft'c.o,:ttob- _ .
_ ___ O'N' y\oc;e c@ir
- - - ~Sk\ lt\S re-Lv a.rd

I~ ~h~?P~ c;e,(~
- - - -- ~~C\-h~~V\

rt~rcl c%~ _

___ =£0v)e.r- Ok 1\,f'i\e . - -

4 9l\fl b\k.\S~\Q- 'ft\~ +D \'(\Cl~ ~~t~\~IC)t\

'i the fY\6,~ -e..~s\\J~ +h-e. , tePlJ the ma~ -Ii rn-e ~<i'..1 rteei ,+o r{..{'(ect-
1.) VO--\llz 0-f {\fv\f!. ; $ lOOG l~ !!;_ j2D_ erunedlhr :: _
t,b -~rs W D ( K _

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