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Question 1

a) Surveys and interviews

b) It allows for iterative development and allows the developer to take feedback
form the users to improve the product and its usability. It also helps uncover
unforeseen issues that non-users won’t be able to notice.
c) Central location
i) Positives: easy to access skilled IT labour, access to high speed
network infrastructure
ii) Negatives: high cost of land and property
iii) Negatives: Potential environmental conerns related to the legacy of
coal mining, high temperatures aren’t suitable for network infrastructure
iv) Positives: lower cost of land, potential for govt incentives and tax

Question 2
a) Accidental deletion: files can be accidentally deleted by the users, either
through carelessness, mistake or lack of back-up measures. Hardware failure:
hard drive crashes can lead to data loss
b) Regular backups: The company/clients shold regularly back up its data to a
safe offsite location as a back up plan. Archival storage: Archival storage is a
long-term storage solution that is designed to protect data for extended
periods of time. Archival storage is typically used to store data that is not
accessed frequently but that may be needed for legal or compliance reasons
c) Beta testing is used to get feedback from real users before the system is
released to the public. It helps highlight any usability issues or problems with
the interface that may not have been apparent from the initial testing
d) If end users are not involved then the product created won’t be user friendly, it
will get less users and hence this goes against the ideal scenario where lots
of users are using the system.
e) Alternative texts for images and keyboard navigation for people with
malfunctioning mouse.

Question 3
a) Use the right switching method: There’s options of pilot, big bang, phase and
etc switching methods, some switching methods like big bang are really
inconvienient for larger firms as there is too much data to keep track of at
once which may result in data loss. So using something like the phase
method would prevent data loss.Data backups before the switching of
systems: if the switching of systems goes wrong and data is lost, then having
the backed up data ensures no damage.
b) Integrated user assistance and release note
c) There will be a great cost of running both those systems at the same

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