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What is the social issue present in the text that you have read?

Martin Luther King Jr.'s iconic speech, "I Have a Dream," delivered during the March on Washington for
Jobs and Freedom in 1963, addresses several social issues that were prevalent during that time. One of
the prominent social issues highlighted in his speech is racial inequality and segregation.

In his speech, King passionately speaks about his dream of a future where racial discrimination and
segregation are eradicated. Martin Luther King Jr. stresses the significance of equality and justice for
everyone, regardless of race or color. He denounces the racial segregation present in American society,
mainly in the southern states, where African Americans suffered from systemic discrimination and were
deprived of basic civil rights.

He vividly describes the harsh realities faced by African Americans, such as being denied the right to
vote, facing police brutality, and experiencing economic disparities. King calls for an end to racial
injustice and advocates for equal opportunities in education, employment, and housing. He envisions a
society where individuals are judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

In his speech, King discusses the economic inequality and lack of opportunities faced by African
Americans, with many living in poverty. He stresses the importance of fair employment practices and
economic justice to combat discrimination based on race.

Furthermore, King also touches upon the issue of social harmony and unity. He emphasizes the
importance of unity among all Americans, regardless of their racial or ethnic background. King envisions
a future where people of different races can come together in harmony and work towards a common
goal of justice and equality.

Overall, Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech "I Have a Dream" addresses the social issues of racial inequality,
segregation, economic disparities, and the need for social harmony. His powerful words continue to
inspire generations and serve as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality and justice in our

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