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Gracious Jade B.

Malana Pricing Strategy

BSBA - MM3 Mr. Jhul P. Rio


I was born in the year 2002 and the touchscreen smartphones that we all know
and love didn't exist back then. It was all brick-looking keypad phones that are so
durable that if you were to drop them they wouldn’t even budge. As a kid, I grew up
watching the adults around me flaunt the latest model of trending phones. Nokia,
Blackberry, and Motorola were some brands that I specifically remember due to the fact
that they were all over the place and people were dying to get their hands on one. I
would always borrow a Nokia phone from my Dad and play “Snake” or listen to the
hundred downloaded songs on the music app before I got my own iPod.

It was very interesting to see the evolution of the most popular mobile phone
brands throughout the 90’s to the 2000’s and up until now. I was able to see the different
cellphone brands that made their introduction to the market and was able to grow and
mature whilst some did mature, they did reach a decline. The reason for that is they
didn’t innovate their products. Take Nokia for example, they were the biggest phone
brand in the world in the early 2000’s but they were overtaken by Samsung in 2012.
Why you may ask? They resisted to adapt and innovate to adhere to the changes in the
software industry. They were so sure that they’d stay on top of the market when in fact,
you should always be vigilant because you never know when you could lose your place.
With the emergence of new phone brands and their resistance to change, it led them to
a decline. As of now Samsung is the world’s leading smartphone brand with Apple
tailing behind. They were able to make their way to the top and stay due to the fact that
they continued to innovate and introduce new specifications of their phone to the market
and they supplied the demand of the consumers for their never ending thirst for new
products. It was also fascinating to see these new brands that suddenly came but they
are able to compete neck and neck with big time brands that have been around for over
a decade.

The video just goes to show us how change is so apparent in this world that we
shouldn’t be so certain of our current state as there are unforeseen situations that may
arise that can sweep us off our feet and claim our standing. Nothing is permanent in this
world and we should learn to accept that change and innovation is a normal thing in our
society as there is a need for people to make life easier and to continuously improve
technology for the future generations.
Gracious Jade B. Malana Pricing Strategy
BSBA - MM3 Mr. Jhul P. Rio

Q2 - How is the video presentation relevant to the topic?

The video presentation was relevant to the topic because these phone brands
make a great example of how pricing strategy has a huge impact on consumers’
purchasing behavior. I remember phone brands like Blackberry, Motorola, and Nokia
being big in the market but they weren’t accessible to just anyone because at that time
they cost a lot of money. We were able to see how new phone brands that recently
emerged in the 2010’s made their way to the top 5 most popular phone brands sold per
unit. It may be due to the fact that these phones offer a great quality product while
having a reasonable price for a phone that consumers can purchase without breaking
the bank. Among these brands are OPPO, Xiaomi, VIVO, and Realme. Personally, I
think that the reason why Apple hasn’t completely defeated Samsung in popularity is
because the latter offers a variety of phone models that are reasonably priced but has
great quality while also having phones that are both on the same level as the recent
iPhone model.

Q3 - Through your observation, what would be your recommendation?

My recommendation is that phone companies should continue to innovate and

adapt to the changes in technology because that is the only way they’ll be able to
connect and have loyal customers that will want to repeat their purchase. As for the
consumers, they should learn how to scrutinize what type of phone sits well with them
by considering the brand, specifications, durability, and the price of the phone that they
want to purchase. As consumers we have the responsibility to be cautious of the quality
of the products and services we want to purchase.

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