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An eggplant is to vegetable as banana is to _______

A. Fruit B. Animal C. Flower D. Toy
2. Teacher is to teach as student is to _________
A. Play B. Study C. Sleep D. Crawl
3. Choose the correct compound word to complete the sentence.
The ______ is a place where bees live.
A. livingroom B. bedroom C. beehive D. doorknob
4. Choose the correct compound word to complete the sentence.
I like my _________ in our new house. I will sleep soundly in this room.
A. doghouse B. bedroom C. necktie D. hotdog
Find the SYNONYMS of the words by matching COLUMN A and COLUMN B. Write the letter on the
Column A Column B
_____ 5. big a. tiny
_____ 6. small b. large
_____ 7. Kid c. child
_____8. Soft d. speedy
_____9. Fast e. smooth

Find the ANTONYMS of the words by matching COLUMN A and COLUMN B. Write the letter on the
Column A Column B
_____ 10. Tall a. happy
_____ 11. Sad b. hot
_____ 12. Dark c. short
_____13. Cold d. bright

Underline the NOUN

14. Mario eats breakfast everyday.

15. My mother is pretty.

Encricle the Verb

16. Jomari swims at the pool

17. Apple is to fruit as eggplant is to _________

A. vegetable B. girl C. insect D. Crawl
17. Teacher is to teach as student is to _________
B. Play B. Study C. Sleep D. Crawl
18.Fish is to water as bird is to _________
B. Water B. Land C. Air D. Land and Water
19.Feet is to walk as hands is to _______
A. Smell B. Touch C. Hear D. Talk

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