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Basic Syntactical constructs in Java ******

Introduction to Java:
 Java is a High-Level Programming Language.
 Java is a true object oriented language.
 Java was Developed by James Gosling and Mike Sheridan in 1995.
 Java is a platform-independent language. This means that Java code can run on any
platform that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
 It was developed in year 1991.
 Initially, it was called as Oak (tree name)
 It's name got changed to Java in year 1995.
 Java has a huge community support (tens of millions of developers)

Features of Java Language:

1] Simple:

 Java's syntax is easy to learn and understand.

 It avoids complex concepts from other languages, like pointers and operator
 Emphasizes a clean and straightforward programming style.
2] Object-Oriented:

 Everything in Java is treated as an "object" with data and behavior.

 Core concepts include objects, classes, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, and
 Provides a flexible and extensible programming model.


3] Robust:

 Focuses on catching errors during both compile time and runtime.

 Improved memory management using a garbage collector.
 Better handling of exceptions enhances program stability.
4] Platform Independent:

 Java programs are compiled into bytecode, ensuring platform independence.

 Bytecode can run on any machine with Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed.
 Adds an extra layer of security by running in a controlled environment.
5] Secure:

 Java's design prioritizes security features.

 Programs run in a secure environment with limited interaction with the operating
 Helps in developing virus-free systems.
6] Multi-Threading:

 Supports multithreading, allowing the execution of multiple tasks simultaneously.

 Efficiently utilizes shared resources, enhancing performance.
 Enables smoother execution, such as checking for errors while typing.
7] Architectural Neutral:

 Compiler generates bytecodes that are independent of computer architecture.

 Java programs can be easily interpreted on any machine.
 Enhances portability and adaptability across diverse platforms.
8] Portable:

 Java bytecode can run on various platforms without modification.

 Eliminates implementation-dependent features for consistent behavior.
 Predefines storage-related aspects, such as the size of primitive data types.
9] High Performance:

 Although interpreted, Java achieves high performance.

 Utilizes a just-in-time compiler to enhance execution speed.
 Balances performance and portability effectively.
10] Distributed:

 Java is well-suited for developing programs that run on computer networks.

 Offers a specialized class library for communication using TCP/IP protocols.
 Simplifies the creation of network connections compared to languages like C/C++.
11] Dynamic:

 Java is a dynamic language. It supports the dynamic loading of classes. It means

classes are loaded on demand. It also supports functions from its native languages,
i.e., C and C++.
 Java supports dynamic compilation and automatic memory management (garbage


Difference between C++ and Java Language:


Q] Why Java is not called ‘Pure Object Oriented Language’?
Java is called ‘True Object Language’ but not ‘Pure Object Oriented Language’
because :
1] Primitive Data Types:
 In Java, there are some basic types like int and double that are not treated as
 In a pure object-oriented language, everything, including basic types, would
be objects.

2] Static Methods:
 Java allows the creation of static methods that don't belong to any object.
 In a pure object-oriented language, all methods would be associated with

3] Lack of Multiple Inheritance:

 Java doesn't support multiple inheritance for classes (where a class can
inherit from more than one class).
 In a pure object-oriented language, this feature would be allowed.

4] Primitive Casting:
 Java allows type casting between primitive data types, which involves
converting one type to another.
 In a pure object-oriented language, such conversions wouldn't exist, and
everything would be treated uniformly as objects.


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