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Tesh develop fascination biological sophisticated part-mechanical identify brain © wire function ® become a reality (n) sarboig/ a being with BEE both biological and artificial parts The Age of E€ybe Have you noticed how many science-fiction stories have got cyborg characters? To start with, there are the Borg in Star Trek and the Cybermen in Dr Who. The Terminator films feature machines with a human appearance and ving flesh on top of their metal skeletons. In Robocop, the main character is a police officer who looks like a machine, but beneath his robotic body he has a human mind with human feelings So what is the fascination with these part-biological, part- mechanical beings? \s it perhaps that some people dream of one day being able to become like machines, or is it that we just want to use technology to fix people's disabilities? It's probably a bit of both, but the realty is that cyborgs will be here sooner than we realise. Many scientists and doctors have been working with sophisticated technology to develop robotic limbs that can be attached to humans. With this technology, people who lose an atm or a leg will have the chance to live almost normal lives again. For example, in Study ayy RU amas) erecta Pe ly Be eee eT Rea Ms Cee eo Pacem ae emo Ora) PT ae Es Come eG ee Cae Sao 2001, an American technician, Jesse Sullivan, lost both} of hs arms in an accident. He now has two robo! arms that his brain controls through wires connected to nerves in his chest muscles. Later, in 2003, engineers developed an ‘eyeborg’ for a com} colour-blind artist, Neil Harbisson. The eyeborg is camera-like device which the artist wears on his he and allows him to identify colours. Some scientists believe that we are entering the A of Cybernetics, where man and machine are going to} become one. No one really knows, though, how far is will go. What is for sure is that people who need them will soon have artificial limbs that they will able to control with microchips in their brains Engineers will design smart joints such as knees and ankles that will function just like real ones. Some scientists believe it will be possible to make artificial eyes that can see better than human eyes. We are not re yet, but the idea real cybernetic man} is getting closer and closer to becoming reality Deut ee eee Cee eco Cyborgs can’t experience feelings. Race eC are small devices that help people do things. Ee rer aeeae een ee eee ers ose B_ don’t think it’s possible to create a cyborg, eee OC ee aca Pst econ it eee ere as Coe ee EME ne Deca ers ‘An eyeborg is A. a person with robotic eyes. B an attificial eye. © a small device like a camera. D a robotic eye for blind people. Scientists predict that in the future, people will... A. have microchips as brains. B not need artificial limbs. € be able to have artificial eyes D_ have better eyesight. * Verbs Fill in: become, function, dream, control, connect, develop. The surgeons will . . wires from the man's nerves to an artificial arm so he can touch and even feel. 2 Scientists hope that in the future they will 4 artificial limbs that will just like real ones. far 3 Some people...... of becoming cyborgs. ed 4 Amicrochi| the brain will ... . his two robotic arms. S Will the idea of a cybernetic man ever a reality? © Word formation Read the theory and the examples. Complete the sentences with the correct noun derived from the adjectives in brackets. Forming abstract nouns from adjectives | We use these sufixes to form abstract nouns from adjectives -ness (happy — happiness), -ity (complex - complexity), 70%), half of (50%), some of (<40%), a thir PCN tl et Aah alae Danian enealinl Cer aeons Peer eer ee oS ea surf the Net, do research for homework, go on social networki PCN ee A eM Pe listen to music, text friends - to make sentences. 1000020400000 ga ea ae pres ee Peet coe ey Pe ceo a ee nd Cea eee too much time fooking at their TV, eee ed : a} : : SSSI) 2EPCE p i et ee oa oa eee em te fi ees 4 1 a gical help virtual on ® boot camp treatment rule Morell La POOL CU eee cd (275%), most of (>70%), half of (50%), some of (<40%), a third of (33%), a few of (<20%), very few (<5%) - to make sentences. MS rsa aL ee a ered DR Se ass tee ea surf the Net, do research for homework, go on social networking Re Me a mA Om Teme re ee a ee ea ae Reading CRU eco cay SEL Se tee erat have eye problems from reading eat ee ae ee TS ie 10 ag iam eR Re Leu ee Bees Pa en ae reed ERO Dene

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