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Pepsi Zero and Seven Up

Zero in Pakistan: A Market

Explore the market presence and consumer perception of Pepsi Zero and
Seven Up Zero in Pakistan through secondary research.
Background on Pepsi Zero and
Seven Up Zero in Pakistan
Pepsi Zero and Seven Up Zero are zero-calorie alternatives to their
respective beverages that cater to health-conscious consumers in Pakistan.
Purpose of the Presentation
This presentation aims to provide a comprehensive market analysis of
Pepsi Zero and Seven Up Zero in Pakistan based on secondary research.
Market Analysis of Pepsi Zero
in Pakistan

Enhanced Pepsi Zero/7upzero Sugar introduced in Pakistan for an

upgraded taste experience.

Up to 10 million FREE Pepsi Zero Sugars offered during key cricket

events like PSL.

New formula features a refreshing and bolder taste profile with a

revamped sweetener system.

Consumer preference testing in Pakistan indicates higher ratings in

overall liking, taste, and purchase intent.

Todd Kaplan, CMO of brand Pepsi: "Best zero sugar cola we've ever
SUGAR (Perspective):
Positive Receptions: Early feedback from Pakistani consumers has been overwhelmingly positive,
with many expressing delight in the enhanced taste and refreshing qualities of the new Pepsi Zero

Preference for Boldness: Consumers appreciate the bolder taste profile, noting a distinctive cola
flavor that stands out in the zero-sugar category.

Versatility Recognized: Feedback highlights the smoothness of the new formula and its versatility,
making it a suitable companion for various food pairings, aligning with local culinary preferences.

Social Media Buzz: Engaged discussions on social media platforms showcase consumers sharing
their positive experiences with the new Pepsi Zero Sugar, contributing to a growing buzz around the

Anticipation for Giveaway: The prospect of the Pepsi/7up Zero Sugar giveaway during cricket events
has generated excitement, with consumers eager to try the product for themselves and share their

Growing Adoption: Early indicators suggest a growing adoption of Pepsi/7up Zero Sugar among
consumers who have traditionally favored sugared alternatives, showcasing the potential for the
product to appeal to a wide audience.
SUGAR (Perspective):
Increased Shelf Appeal: Pepsi Zero/ 7up zero Sugar's updated packaging and prominent displays
attract more shopper attention.

Positive Sales Trends: Early sales data indicates a surge in demand, translating to increased sales
and foot traffic for retailers.

Collaborative Promotions: Retailers appreciate mutually beneficial promotional campaigns,

including exclusive deals and discounts.

Consumer Inquiries: Retailers report a rise in customer queries about Pepsi/7up Zero Sugar,
showing heightened interest.

Strategic Placement: Placing Pepsi Zero Sugar alongside cricket-related items during key events
effectively aligns with consumer interests.

Positive Word of Mouth: Satisfied customers actively recommend Pepsi Zero/ 7up zero Sugar to
others, contributing to the product's popularity.
Television Commercial: New ads in English and Urdu during major cricket events celebrate
improved taste.

Cricket Tournament Partnerships: Integration into cricket culture during significant tournaments.

Digital Campaigns: Engaging Pakistani consumers through social media and digital channels.

Retail Promotions: In-store displays, exclusive deals, and discounts at local retailers.

Pepsi/7up Zero Sugar Giveaway: Consumers participate by texting keywords during cricket events.

Focus on aligning with local preferences, especially the passion for cricket.

Strategic blend of marketing elements and free giveaway to establish Pepsi/7up Zero Sugar in the
Pakistani market.
In brief, the launch of Pepsi Zero Sugar and its companion, 7UP Zero, in Pakistan has received positive
responses from consumers and retailers alike. The enhanced taste profile, known for its boldness and
versatility, has resonated well with consumers, and the anticipation surrounding a free giveaway during
cricket events signals a strong potential for trial and adoption. Retailers report increased shelf appeal and
positive sales trends, showcasing effective collaboration between Pepsi, 7UP, and retail partners. These
early indicators suggest a promising start for both zero-sugar beverages in the Pakistani market,
highlighting the brands' ability to align with consumer preferences and succeed in the local retail

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