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Department of Foreign Languages and Literature

Na$onal Sun Yat-sen University

Introduc)on to the English Linguis)cs

Wri4en Proposal for Final Project

Word Count: Less than 2,500 words

Due Date

Week Day Time and Format

Before Midnight
3 Copies:
17 12/25 A. Hard Copy (Selim’s Mailbox)
B. Electronic Copy (Selim’s Email)
C.Electronic Copy (TurniDn)

Notes on Final Proposal

This paper should consist of a proposal projec$ng a study you would like to perform. The
paper should be less than 2,500 words excluding bibliography, appendices, etc. Some
sec$ons that may be included in this proposal include but are not limited to an introduc$on,
background, research focus, research ques$ons, hypothesis, methodology, and proposed
analysis. A short literature review needs to be included in this proposal. In case par$cipants
opt for a group submission, this paper should be co-wriPen with, at the end of the paper, a
detailed but short sec$on (in the appendix) lis$ng what each member contributed to the

The final project is due in week 17 of classes.

Late Assignments

Late assignments will not be accepted.

Language Style for Proposal

For all wriPen work, students should use the APA stylesheet consistently. It is assumed that
students are familiar with the basic requirements of language use in the academic domain.

Academic Honesty and Plagiarism

APen$on is drawn to university policy and regula$ons on honesty in academic work and to
the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to such policy and regula$on breaches.

Details may be found at hPps://

The teacher will not grade assignments not submi4ed on Turni)n.

Only the final version of the assignment should be submiPed via Turni$n.

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