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8/1/23, 3:31 PM Adnan Rashid - Unveiling the Muslim Civilisation #2


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Unveiling the Muslim Civilisation #2

Date: 20 September 2020

Channel: Adnan Rashid

Series: Adnan Rashid – Unveiling the Muslim Civilisation

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Episode Notes

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8/1/23, 3:31 PM Adnan Rashid - Unveiling the Muslim Civilisation #2

Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu

was Salam O Allah carterville ambia for cL mursalin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Allah oral my
amin for mantova homebase signing Elijah Medina. I'm about rubellite Samia Li Min ash
shaytani r rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim from La, La La, La La La me, brothers and
sisters, I am live again today with another episode of unveiling the Muslim civilization.

Today we will be discussing some very important points to do with this topic and I have

I have

come up with four points to be discussed in this particular episode. Those four points are
number one, because we have discussed the legacy and the life of the Prophet. We have

some of the issues people raised about the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam In the
previous episode, I want you to go back to the previous episode on either live Dean,
Facebook account or my YouTube channel. If you YouTube My name Adnan Rashid, you
will see my channel and I'm going to upload all of these episodes on my YouTube channel.
Also. In that episode, I talked about the Prophet sallallahu sallam, how he behaved
towards non Muslims, what he taught about non Muslims. And what was he a violent
man? Okay, why did he marry Aisha at such a young age? Okay, all these issues, people
usually raise about the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam were addressed in that

particular episode, that previous episode. Today, we will move on to the Caleb's the four
caliphs after the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Then we will talk about the expansion of
Islam the early Islamic conquest. And we will also talk about the dummies and jizya

these are the topics I will be addressing. Okay, and another issue I would like to address is
the golden chain of events. And when I address it, you will see exactly what I mean. So
inshallah before I move on to the 4k lives today, in this episode of unveiling the Muslim
civilization, in this particular series, we are going to address a lot of questions to do with 2/30
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the Muslim civilization. And primarily, these episodes will be aired live on live Dean,
Facebook account. Many people are joining us live on live in Facebook account, and
people can post a question in the comment section and I will address your questions in
the comment section in sha Allah. So brothers sisters,

before I move on to four killers I would like to about I would like to talk about the advent of
Islam the prophet of Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam was born in
570. Some people say 571 and he passed away in 632. He became a prophet of God, he
was given the revelation when he was about 14 years old. And for 23 years, he was put
through a lot of difficulty because of the preaching of Islam. He preached Islam to his
people. He preached Islam to wider

Arabia, Arabian tribes, he also preached Islam, to external entities, powers outside of
Arabia, for example, he sent letters to the kings of Persia,

the king of for example, or the emperor of Rome, of Byzantium. At the time he was
heraclius, then the governor, the Byzantine governor of Egypt, Cyrus, also known as
mockus, in the Arabic language, so the professor sallam, he sent letters to the Persian
king to the Byzantine King, to the Egyptian governor. All these people invited them to
Islam. Many people, they heard about Islam within the Arabian Peninsula and they
accepted Islam, others did not. Others are reluctant. And within the life of the Prophet
sallallahu sallam, he became the ruler of Arabia.

Almost all of Arabia was taken within the life of the Prophet sallallahu taala. Now the
question arises, what happened after the demise after the passing of the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam? This is a very important question.

And before the Prophet passed away, salallahu alaihe salam in 630 to see

The Islamic year was 11 hijiri, before the Prophet passed away, what did he tell his
companions about the future? He told them that after I go, if you live long enough, you will 3/30
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see that you will conquer Persia. You will also conquer Rome, which was Byzantium, at the
time, and you will conquer the the Arabs. This was said by the prophet, or this particular
statement, or similar statements were made by the prophet on a number of occasions. For
example, he was walking around once with one of his companions, called Adi been

I'd even heard him was a companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He, at the

you know, had become Muslim, previously was a Christian, but he had embraced Islam
with the prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So after
accepting Islam, he was walking around with the Prophet and the security situation of
Arabia was very much disturbing. So the Prophet spoke to Adi and he said he, you are
worried about the security situation of Arabia. But remember, if you live long enough, they
will come a time Adi, that you will open the treasures of kisara the treasures of kisara.

Also, you will,

you will open the treasures of Giza,

you will open the treasures of kisara. You will also

you will also see a woman come on her own

travel on a beast, she will make the tawaf around the Kaaba, and she will go back to region
without being disturbed.

So, in other words, in other words,

the prophet was telling, I'd even heard him, that you will conquer Persia, you will conquer
Persia, and Persian territory will become your 4/30
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basically it will become your possession.

Also, the prophet had said in this Hadees, that if you live long enough, you will see that
there will be many people with a lot of money but but hardly anyone to claim charity or to
demand zakat. So, brothers and sisters, in this Hadith, the prophet effectively foretold the
conquest of Persia. Likewise, at the Battle of the ditch, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam was

he was effectively

fighting a coalition of armies. This coalition had come to destroy the Prophet sallallahu
wasallam and his community. So these people were besieged in the city of Medina. And
the Prophet had ordered to dig a ditch around Medina to protect the community. This
battle was called the Battle of ditch. It was also called the Battle of armies in the Arabic
language, as was what will Azov It was also called the Battle of armies. So the ditch was
being dug, and there was a rock that wasn't breaking, it wasn't breaking, no one could
break it. So they asked the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, to come and break the rock. So
the Prophet came, and he struck the rock three times, and each time there was

a spark, there was, you know, a big, huge Spark. And the prophet SAW Selim seeing the
spark, he would say, Allahu Akbar, three times. So the companion is asking, why did you
say Allahu Akbar, each time there was a spark, the prophet said, a lot, foretold. A lot told
me about a victory over the Romans.

And then another Spark, a lot told me of a victory over the Persian, a lot also told me about
a victory over the Arabs. And this was a gesture of encouragement,

a gesture of motivation, and to boost the morale of the army that was with the Prophet,
which which was, which were very few people, very, very few people who were there at the
time. So now ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, think about it, okay. He's being
besieged. He doesn't know what's going to happen the next day or the day after, whether 5/30
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they will even survive this particular battle, the Battle of the ditch. Despite that, he is telling
his companions, you will conquer pleasure, you will conquer Rome, and you will also
conquer Arabia, even though the the Arabs are besieging, besieging the Prophet and his
his community

and what happened

And amazingly this particular prophecy was actually even put in the Quran by Allah in
chapter 24. So to know, verse 55, Allah subhanaw taala told the Muslims, the believers,
primarily the Prophet and his companions, that it is a promise of a lot with those who
believe among you.

That Allah will give you succession in the land. Okay, so long as you do not ascribe
partners with a lot. Allah will grant you succession in the land, like Allah gave it to those
who came before you. What are the La La? Vina mahnomen calm, who do Billahi min ash
shaytani r rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem y de Laval la Vina Armando min come while
I'm in la sala hard layer stuff live unknown Ville camasta la la Vina min and probably him.
So this verse can be found in chapter 24, verse 55. So the Prophet before he passed away,
he had categorically told his companions, you will defeat the Persians, you will defeat the
Romans. And not only that, before you do that, you will defeat the

Arabs. And the Arabs are indeed defeated within the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam,
and now was the turn of the Persians and the Romans, and why was the Prophet telling
his companions this, you will defeat them? Because the Prophet knew, because Allah had
told the Prophet that these empires, two empires were very, very oppressive. They were
tyrannical, and people were suffering daily at the hands. Right? So Allah had revealed in
the Quran to the Prophet chapter 21. So total ambia verse 107, where Allah said, I will be
relying upon the regime, or ma or sanaka ihlara mattala amin, Muhammad salatu salam
we sent you not accept a mercy except as a mercy for the words. So the 6/30
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Prophet came as a mercy for the words, this mercy could only be manifested for the
people. Once Persians and the Romans had been defeated. So long as the Persians and
the Romans lasted, so long as they had power,

they would continue to spread mischeif in the land, which is exactly what they were doing.
Persians and the Romans had fought each other, repeatedly, for centuries, for centuries,
even to this day. If you go and see

an inscription called nakshi, Rustom, Nakia. Rustom, is an inscription on a mountain in

Iran, current day Iran.

In this particular inscription, you see the Persian Emperor sharp or

and you see the Roman Emperor, if I'm not mistaken, valentinian bowing to him in defeat.
So the Persian Emperor, sharp or is on the horse is sitting on his horse, in his lavish dress
with the crown on his head, and the Roman Emperor. I don't know if it was Valerian or
valentinian, one of these two, who is bowing, who is kneeling, rather kneeling in front of
the Emperor, and this happened almost almost more than 200 years before the Prophet
was born.

So the Persians or the Romans are fighting each other

since the beginning, for for a long time for centuries, right. And because of this fighting,
many people are suffering in Persia and in Roman territory. So Allah had revealed to the
Prophet salallahu salam, Omar sanaka, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah mean, all Mohammed, we
have sent you not accept as a mercy for the words, you will now give Vivek, you will be
given the task to neutralize these two powers to neutralize these two powers.


this is exactly what happened. The Prophet was told in the Quran, that so long as you
believe, and do righteous deeds, and do not ascribe partners with the law, you will be 7/30
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granted succession in the land. In other words, you will definitely defeat the Persians. And
the Romans, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.


the prophet, had given the Quran to the Muslims, they believed in it, they knew that they
will take the word

and then he had told the prophet or told them in his own words, that you will defeat the
Persians. And that the Romans, and when you do when you do B just do not do injustice,
to the Roman subjects to the Persian subjects, and this

Exactly occurred in the time of the four caves. And this is why I had to introduce the topic
to you in this way. I hope it is now clear why the Muslims went out fighting the Persians
and the Romans, because they were given a task. They were given a plan by a law that
these two powers primarily necessarily because they were the closest powers, to Arabia,
them in particular, and others in general, they will have to surrender to the order of a law,
they will have to surrender to the Justice which God had promised the world, centuries
before the prophet of Islam was born.

In the previous episode I talked about prophecies about the Messenger of Allah sallallahu
Sallam in the book of Isaiah, chapter 20, Chapter 42, verse,

verse number 11, in particular, Isaiah 42, verse 11. That's where the prophecy is. The whole
chapter is about the prophet of Islam. The whole chapter talks about the coming of an
Arabian prophet. The whole chapter talks about coming off an Arabian profit, and that
profit Allahu Akbar, came from Arabia. So when you read the book of Isaiah, Isaiah lived in
the eighth century BC, somewhere around the eighth century BC, okay, when you actually
look at the book of Isaiah, you will see in chapter 42, that it is talking about the coming of
a prophet, a Masonic King, a king, who will be a Masonic figure, and he will also be a ruler,
who will put justice on the land. He will, his law will be 8/30
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spread throughout the world. He will fight idol worshippers, he will take people out of
darkness and bring them to light. Okay, all of these things are stated in this chapter,
chapter 42, of the book of Isaiah, he lives somewhere around Isaiah Prophet Isaiah lived in
the eighth century BC. And the Prophet was born, of course, in 571. So you're talking about
almost a difference of 1000 1300 years before the prophet Isaiah, and the advent of the
Prophet of Islam.

And verse 11, in particular, in chapter 42, talks about someone coming from Arabia,

from the wilderness of Qaeda, where k dollar Qaeda was the second son of his mind, and
he specifically mentioned the spot seller. Salah is a mountain in the city of Medina. So
now, this was foretold 13 centuries before the Prophet was born, that a prophet will come,
he will have something to do with Arabia, he will put justice on the land, he will take people
out of darkness and put them to light, bring them to light. And also, he will put idol
worshipers to shame. So brothers and sisters in this we learn that what the prophet was
doing, he was simply delivering the message that was given to him, by Allah, by God
Almighty. The message was that you will defeat the Persians, you

will defeat the Romans, you will defeat the Arabs. For what, what purpose. The purpose
was, of course, to spread justice on the land, which was foretold 1300 years before the
prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad wa salam was born.

So now brothers and sisters,

the prophet had passed away, so the lightest element 630 to see, he passed away.

And then, after him, his successes came, who his successes, his successes, there were
four rightly guided successes in particular, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he
said that my rightly guided successes will govern for 30 years.

30 years after me, and this report can be found in Muslim Ahmed and it is authentic. The
Prophet said, My rightly guided kale, it's pallava men body, okay, will be for 30 years. Okay. 9/30
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So who were these people who govern for 30 years number one was Abu Bakar, who
govern for

about two years. Then came Omar bin Katara, viola one who governed for nearly 10 years.
Then came or Salman bin Alphonse rhodiola Juan, who governed for nearly 12 years. And
Ali bin Abu Talib was the fourth. Okay, so there are four people four in total

Okay, number one, Abu Bakar number two, Omar number three of man number four Ali
Baba Vitaly. And amazingly all four of them. All four of them were directly related to the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abu Bakar was,

the father in law of the Prophet armor, was also a father in law of the Prophet of the man
was the son in law of the Prophet twice, then I live in avatar live was also a son in law of
the Prophet. They were closely related these people, they all came from the tribe of
Quraysh. And the reason why only Qureshi were chosen to be the case of the prophet or
the successors of the prophet to govern the Muslims and the affairs is because the
Prophet himself categorically stated, in mataman Quraysh, the leaders for the Muslims are
from Quraysh, they are to be from Quraysh. This was to honor the prophet of Islam
because he himself came from the tribe of courage. So for that reason, in that way,

the tribe of grace is honored by a law of leadership, legitimate leadership, Islamic

leadership, or Caliphate, for that matter, will remain in place in the tribe of Quraysh. So
legitimate Islamic caliphate, whenever it comes about, it remains within the tribe of
Croatia, the leaders will have to be from Quraysh and this is based upon a Hadith of the
Prophet. That's why when the Prophet passed away, there was a slight confusion. The
unsought, the people of Medina, who were not courageous, wanted Saad bin or baba to be
the leader. Okay, so I've been about to be the leader of the Muslims. On the other hand, the
Pharisees, who were also in a state of confusion, because the prophets of the

lives of them had passed away in the year 630 to see 11 Hijri 12th of robiola while the
property had passed away, and this was the greatest catastrophe to befall the Muslims. 10/30
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So now what do we do?

Who is the leader now? Who is going to be the leader? So these people, the followers of
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in the city of Medina, they got together in a place called
suceava. But he saw EDA, suceava when he saw that when they got together,

the unsolved the people of Medina, they had chosen Sabino Baba, potentially, to be the
leader of the Muslims. Now, when the Qureshi is heard about that, they immediately
rushed to sa p for benissa. And they saw that there was a confusion. There is a very long
Hadith in Bukhari, say sorry, Al Bukhari, there is a very long report, which is very, very, very
highly authentic. And it is narrated by Omar bin photog who is narrating what happened
after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed away. And he the rates that we came to this
place called Akiva minisite. And we saw that the anzar have already gathered there. So the
Qureshi is also gathered there. So there was some confusion who is going to

be deleted now. So Omar, when he saw the confusion, he could see that if this confusion is
not neutralized, very, very soon, then it might cause problems. It might cause division, it
might cause confusion, more confusion. So Omar immediately took the hand of Abu
Bakar, the man he thought to be the best person to succeed the Prophet from the tribe of
koresh, because Abu Bakar at that point had said already, before being chosen, Abu Bakar
said, I'm mataman Quraysh. Remember all the believers, all the followers of Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

the leaders are from kurush. So when everyone heard this, they became very relaxed, okay.
This much is now established, that the leader will be from Christ. The leader cannot be
from another tribe. That leader cannot be from us, or cosmic. And abubaker everyone
knew is acidic. And this had been heard by many others from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam having clarified that, when confusion was growing, Omar quickly took the hand
of a walker and he raised his hand and he said, I give Dr. I give my pledge of allegiance to 11/30
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a walker. Walker is the best person to succeed the profits on the lights on them. So when
amaris such a strong man, who was held in a very, very high regard, did this, everyone
followed him and everyone gave by our tobacco. Abubakar had a very difficult task in his
hands now. He had been

chosen. He didn't want to. He didn't want to be chosen particularly, you know, he knew
what comes with caliphate. He knew what comes with this particular duty this

So abubaker

was chosen cut the long story short, I will work I had a very big task at hand. Firstly, the
JCR Osama, which was prepared by the prophets of Assam to go and confront the
Romans, or the bordering tribes of Arabia, who had allied with the Romans, so that jaysh
are that army, led by Osama bin Zayed was sent. Okay, Bible mocker. And many people
said, Oh, Bill Walker, because the Prophet has had passed away. Many people had real
belief in him. They are now abandoning Islam because they thought Islam is all about
Muhammad. And Muhammad is dead. So therefore Sal, Allahu Allah, solemn, therefore, we
don't need to be Muslim anymore, because the knowledge of Islam was very weak. They

were not very close to the prophet and Islam. They had spent very little time with the
Prophet. They were living in distant lands in Arabia. So the strongest Muslims were within
the city of Medina and in the outskirts and people who had actually spent time with the
Prophet, right, so a lot of these Arabs,

who were Bedouins and amazingly, the Quran alludes to this, even when the Prophet was
alive for Carla del arabo, Amarna. Okay? The Arab the Bedouins they say that we have
believed but Allah says no, you have not yet truly believed rather, you have submitted, you
have only submitted and this came true even this was a prophecy Allahu Akbar. Even this
was a prophecy about the Bedouins that their faith is very, very weak. Allah is saying this in
the Quran, the bedwin their faith is very weak, they have only surrendered. They've only 12/30
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submitted to the power of Islam, which was established in Medina. And when the Prophet
passed away, this particular verse was proved absolutely

right. These are up these bedrooms, they started to announce the apostasy. So aboubaker,
who became the leader of the Muslims knew that this is rebellion. This is going to destroy
the Muslims if firm stern action isn't taken, okay and abubaker of your lawn, he went out of
his way to curtail or to neutralize this threat. And he fought the mortar been the apostates
at that time to protect the community and Medina because a lot of these people were
threatening politically, militarily, they were threatening the people of Medina, the
community in Medina. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

had left this community behind, which was under threat. So abubaker For this reason, to
put fear in the hearts of these people who were planning to attack Medina, he sent out the
jaysh of Osama, he simply complied with the desire, or with the command of the prophets,
Allah sallam, he sent the army of Osama and when the army of Osama left Medina, it left a
very deep mark on the minds of the people who saw the army passed their regions, they
could see that this huge army or this considerably or this significant army is passing the
region. That means the Arabs have a good or sorry the Muslims in Medina have still have
good ability to resist. So a lot of these people who are planning to

attack Medina, they held back Okay, and then Abu Bakr sent other expeditions after the
people who refuse to pay zakat with these to give to the prophet and also to fight the
apostates who were planning hostile hostility against Muslims at the time.

So I will boger spent his two years nearly two years in all of this right here, and he even
spent a cent expeditions to the Romans. Okay, under the leadership of yazeed bin Abbey,
Sophia, Abubakar games gave some golden rules of engagement. When Abu Bakr sent an
army towards Bulaga, Sham or the land of greater Syria.

He gave instructions to Jersey been a piece of yarn. Okay, what were these 13/30
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instructions? These instructions can be found in Qatar with jihad. In the book of Mata of
Imam Malik Mata of Imam Malik has a chapter titled kitabi jihad in GitHub. Why do you
find this report where Abu Bakar gave 10 instructions to God been a recipient before
sending this expedition to greater the greater Syria? Okay, what were these 10 instructions
and I will mention some of them. Do not kill women in hostility

War in conflict Do not kill women and these instructions are about specifically about
conflict in a state of conflict okay? Do not kill women do not kill children do not kill elderly
do not destroy crops, do not cut trees, fruit bearing trees in particular, do not burn
beehives, okay, do not destroy buildings do not destroy monasteries and do not kill monks
within these monasteries. In other words, in war, you cannot do all these things. There is
not indiscriminate violence in Islam. Islam cannot warrant terrorism or killing of innocent
people under any circumstances. Full stop. And this is according to the Quran.

The Quran in chapter two verse 190 190 192, Serato, Baccarat 190 292, clearly states,
defend yourself if you are attacked, defend yourself. But when you defend yourself, fight
those who fight you drive those out who drive you out. And in the end, Allah concludes,
wala, todo do not transgress limits, do not go to extremes, do not start doing crazy mad

This is in the Quran. And amazingly, when the scholars of Islam comment on this

you know, part of the Quran or these three verses of the Quran in particular, what did they
bring in to support this report from modify Malik the instructions of abubaker to use it
been abuse of IANA was sent as a general. So aboubaker he set a beautiful precedent,
even when you are defending yourself, even when you are doing a preemptive attack
against the community that's hostile. Remember, these 10 commandments? are not the
10 commandments of Moses. Of course not. These are 10 commandments given by Abu
Bakar as the successor of the Prophet of Islam, as the KDF of Islam, to his general, you
cannot do these 10 things, right. Bob Walker passed away from the lower arm. And 14/30
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after him having gone for two years,

he passed away. And after him, I might have been cut Bob was appointed by Abu Bakar
himself. Before Abu Bakar passed away, he appointed Alma that Amr is going to be the
next leader.

And almost leadership necessarily constituted a strong leadership. Okay, stability, power,
because armor was a very, very powerful figure. This man had come to Islam at the age of
27. And the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam is such a powerful man or was such a strong
character. He was such an important figure he was that the Prophet had specifically
prayed for him and his uncle.

For them to come to Islam, why? They were very, very powerful figures highly influential.
Okay, Mr. Mr. Martinez, he reports in his collection, that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
prayed Allah humma is that Islam be a hobby Roger a bee bee. Bee, bee bee hubiera
Delaney alayka

Allah miser Islam B abierto de la de la, caja b m. b. b

or b Ammerman a sham okay all a lot strengthen Islam by one of these two figures by one
of these two people. Okay, whichever is more beloved to you, whichever is more beloved to
you. One is Omar min. Qatar. Okay, one is Ammerman he Sham Ammerman, he Sham was
Abu Jamal, the prophet prayed for either Abu jahl or American Qatar because these two
personalities are very strong. So Allah accepted armor into the fold of Islam. Omar
accepted Islam there are many stories about him accepting Islam you can go and read a
book. In fact, I will highly recommend a collection of books on four caliphs. Please,
brothers and sisters, read your history. read and learn about it. And when you learn about
it, you

will learn from it and when you learn from it, you will implement it in your lives. an ignorant
man cannot practice something he doesn't know. 15/30
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Or she doesn't know. But my brothers and sisters, all of you I strongly recommend a very

A very important collection of biographies from one of the

one of the strong scholars of Islam.

This one,

one of the scholars of Islam, his name is Salafi. Okay, Chef, Dr. Ali Mohammed, the salami.
Okay. This is an overview translation of his biography of Osman. Bina have fun. Okay. It's
published by darussalam. Press, I strongly recommend for those who read or do okay.
Now having said that, okay, you can see the name Dr. Ali, Ali, Mohammed, the Salafi Dr. Ali,
Mohammed, the Salafi. And Dr. Ali, Mohammed, the Salafi has written biographies of all
four Caleb's. He has also written a life of the Prophet. He has also written books on the
Ottoman Empire. He has also written a book on manomaya. He has also written a book on
Hassan and Hussein radi Allahu Anima. He has also written a book on

mahaya. Okay, so he has written many, many, many, many great books, collecting
authentic history from Islamic sources, modern scholarship, from a Muslim perspective,
trustworthy, authentic stuff, okay? Please get hold of these biographies. So number one,

Abu Bakar number two or number three, of man number four, olive in a victaulic for
biographies written by Dr. Ali, Mohammed, the Salafi and you will find them in the Arabic
language, in the oral language and in the English language. Choose Your Language,
language of your preference and read these four biographies and you will be blown away
with detail Allahu Akbar. So Omar, how he became Muslim is in this particular biography of
Omar McLeod written by Dr. Muhammad Ali a Salafi or alima famila Salafi. Okay.

And you need to get hold of these books and read insha Allah. Okay, so I'm Marvin Khattab
came to power, okay, and aboubaker had appointed him. So when he came to power, the
law one, he was some kind of law, he inherited some of these issues from aboubaker. And 16/30
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he consolidated them. And then he sent expeditions led by Khalid bin Walid and Abu
Zubaydah in JIRA, to Syria and Persia, okay. The details again, can be read in his
biography, okay. The details can be read in his biography, and if you want to specifically
read about the conquest of Persia, okay.

And the conquest of, for example, Egypt and the conquest of North Africa, then there is a
very, very good scholar who has written

in the English language on these conquests. Okay. And he has also written a book on
Khalid mindvalley raga law. Okay? If I'm not mistaken, the scholar is I crown okay. I Ikram
for I. Accra. Okay, I will quickly quickly Google it and I'll find for you Okay, conquest of

I will quickly give you the reference, so that you can go and find these books

by crom for

once second, yes AI occur, the author is a AI Accra Okay, the the conquest of Persia by a AI
Akram and he has also written other books, he has written a book on harlot been relieved,
he has also written on the conquest of North Africa conquest of Egypt. So the works of ay
ay occur on early Islamic conquest. And then you can of course read Western academic
perspective for during the reign of amendments upon a lot of this land was taken. So with
the kailis, on discussing the lands that were conquered in the time, right, and I'm also
recommending sources at the same time, so that you can actually go and look into these
sources, right. So when Omar came to power, Persia, and the

bison territory, a lot of it was taken, okay. I will keep it very short.

Persia or the the capital of the Persian, the sassanid emperors was stessi phone, it was
called stessi phone and in the Arabic language, it was called muda. In Okay, that was
conquered. In the time of urban fog, the leader of the army was Saad bin Abu Bakar. So
but your loved one 17/30
8/1/23, 3:31 PM Adnan Rashid - Unveiling the Muslim Civilisation #2

Okay, under his leadership, the Battle of the CEA was fought in this battle, there were
12,000 Muslims. And also on the other side, the Persian side. They were, they were close
to 100,000, Persians, well equipped, one of the most powerful armies in the world. And
this army was defeated by the Muslims, mostly Arabs, in this particular battle called the
Battle of qadisiya. And as a result, the Persian capital was conquered. And the treasure of
kisara was opened by the Muslims exactly how the Prophet had foretold.

For a David Horton, as mentioned in the beginning of this lecture, that I've even had them,
one of the companions of the Prophet Mohammed was told directly by the prophet, that if
you live long enough, you will see the treasures of kisara open and Adi witnessed this
particular conquest. He was there, he witnessed this particular conquest.

And Adi saw it with his own eyes. He saw two of those prophecies fulfilled. And he said, I
am sure the third one will also be fulfilled this Hadees is in severe Buhari, this particular
Hadees where I'd even heard him talks about what the Prophet told him and what was
fulfilled inside al Bukhari. And he said, I saw two things fulfill the conquest of Persia, or the
opening of the Persian Emperor treasure took place in front of my eyes, and the woman
came riding a beast alone, from as far as he drove it in northern Iraq, and she made the
offer on the garbage even back alone. Such was the security in the Arabian Peninsula, a lot
of power because of Islam, the cause of the Islamic law

applied within the life and immediately after the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, okay? And he said, the third will also be fulfilled, if you live long enough, and it was
fulfilled indeed, in the time of Omar bin Abdulaziz, when

a lot had changed, a moment of disease, only governed for two years, but his time was so
prosperous. This was the period ruled of governed by bunu omiya. Okay. And Muslims
became very prosperous, hardly anyone was there to ask for the card or claim the card. If
you have any questions, my brothers and sisters, those who are watching live, please post
them in the comment section because I'm, I'm looking at your comments, I can see your
comments and I will try to answer your question through the comments section. So, 18/30
8/1/23, 3:31 PM Adnan Rashid - Unveiling the Muslim Civilisation #2

please comment your questions and I will address them in 10 minutes from now, this topic
has gone on for longer than I thought because my plan was to cover

four points in this particular lecture, but I think I will do so in the next episode, the
remaining points inshallah Tada, the point about jizya and Demi's will be covered in the
next episode and the point about the golden chain of events will also be discussed in the
next episode inshallah, in this I will stick to for Caleb's. And the conquest early Islamic
conquest, so called the car resulted as a as the conquest of

the entirety of Persia. Eventually, a lot of closure was taken, or some part of it was taken
during the time of armor. Then afterwards, in the time of was the man in the 12 years of
Earth man, in the first six years, some more land in Persia was taken. And then finally, after

the death of Earth man, and after the passing of Alabama, we are live, more Avia rhodiola,
who came to power over 20 years, a lot of this land in Persia was taken

and the time of mahavidya In fact, I have coins in my private my personal collection from
the time of Monrovia minted enclosure. Okay, for example, I have a coin from Bishop,
Bishop Paul was a Persian city where this particular coin was minted. I'll try to bring it with
me next week so that I can show it to you in my hand in front of you on the screen in
Charlotte Allah. So in the time of Mojave later on, a lot of this land was taken. Now this
was Persia, coming to the land of greater Syria, or belaga, Sham collectively, Jordan,

currently Syria and Palestine. All of this land these four countries put together collectively
recalled below the Sham or greater Syria also called the want today, okay, this land was
taken by

the Muslims in the year 636 and 637.

And again, you can read the details in the histories I mentioned earlier. Also in the histories
of Dr. 19/30
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Mohammed Ali, Mohammed the Salafi also is histories. They explained what happened in
the Battle of Goddess here and in the Battle of yarmuk. So the Battle of yarmuk very
quickly, I will summarize what happened. I will, I will obey them in Jarrah was sent as a
leader by Ahmed Winnicott bomb

as a leader of the armies on the Western Front, okay, on the Eastern Front, we had leaders

sir had been cast who was one of the one of those who was promised genda by the
prophet. So I was one of the I should amavasya so was Abu Zubaydah bin Jarrah. He was
one of the hashirama bashira people who were directly promised Jana, by the prophet
himself. Okay, can those who were promised Jenna by the prophet so on the Eastern
Front, on the Persian front, the leader of Assad bw cars on the Western Front, the Roman
territory of the baizen territory, the leader of the Muslims, our Muslim armies was abou
Aveda, in JIRA, and Khalid bin Volleyed the sword of Allah say foreign minister, youth in
law, safe and safe women. So youth in law was basically used on both fronts. If

you was needed, needed on the Western Front, he would move to the Western Front if he
was needed on the Eastern Front, he would move to the Eastern Front. In fact, once he had
defeated the Persians, he was immediately wanted on the Western Front and he traveled
through the desert to be in Syria immediately within some days, he was there to support
our beta in JIRA cut the long story short, the city of Damascus was besieged by zbb
soufiane. By a coalition of these generals, US economy soufiane Aveda injera and Khalid
bin relief, okay, and

the city was besieged and the Muslims were trying to negotiate with the Christians of the
city to surrender and have peace, just surrender, don't fight. And they won't be any
problem. Because these Christians in the city of Damascus had never seen the Arabs
come this far. And, of course, when these people came from the desert, they looked
scruffy, they were looked very rough. And the Byzantines, or the Greek speaking Christians 20/30
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in the city of Damascus who were ruling and the Orthodox population of Damascus, at the
time, who wasn't ruling, they were very iffy about the Arabs, or the Muslims.

And the Muslims at the time were called Salah scenes of the people of the desert, or the
Kadar Ian's are the children of Qaeda or the children of Ishmael. This is all the Christians
knew them. So when they besieged them, so when the the people of Damascus looked at
these people, they didn't know what to do, shall we let them in? And these barbarians
scruffy looking people are rough looking people, what are they going to do to us? How do
we know if they're going to treat us justly? So the Muslims waited, but when the doors are
not being opened, the Muslims attacked, attacked, because the city of Damascus was
strategically important. It had to be taken for the Byzantines lose territory. Right.

So long story short, the city of Damascus


the city of Damascus was besieged from three sides if not more, and

if not more, and because of the siege, many of these

Christians, many of these Christians were in a state of confusion. Right. So Islamic law at
the time, basically ruled that

if a city is taken by treaty, then there is peace for the inhabitants. Whatever they possess,
cannot be touched. The churches, the homes, the properties, the belongings, that
businesses are to be protected under the treaty, a treaty of peace. But if the Muslims had
to fight their way in there to force their way away in then anything that is within the city,
belongs to the Muslims, they possess it they are the conquerors and the conquerors are
keepers, as they say Finders keepers. The rule at that time was the conquerors The
Conqueror conquered our keepers, basically. So from one side, the city surrendered
because a bishop or a priest in the city could see that the wall of the city had 21/30
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fallen from one front, if I'm not mistaken, the Eastern Front, which was being fought, which
was being basically, you know, led by, or the assault and that on that side was being led by

I'm in Georgia. And we are the front was called it's been really. So this Bishop or this priest
came running to college to negotiate terms from the top of the wall because he could see
the The city has fallen from one side. So if they come in they will take the entire city by
force. So, they knew that these Muslims because the impression or the

the news had reached these people of the city of Damascus, these people keep their word.
So he came to college and he said we surrender by treaty and treaty the terms are agreed
and the city surrendered. College entered

still had an abortion Zubaydah Brr entered underwater and what that means by force, I will
better enter the city by force from one side, Khalid enter the city on the other side, Sol Han
and both armies met in the middle of the city in the middle square of the city of
Damascus. Now, the issue was do we consider the city taken by force and take everything
all the positions are ours or is it taken by treaty Hollywood insisting it is taken by treaty
therefore, give them respect the city should be given respect of obey double saying no, I
forced my way in so the city was taken by force. And then it was decided and determined
that half the city was surrendered by treaty. The other half

was taken by force. Therefore, the half that was taken by force belongs to the Muslims.
Okay. It is their possession and the half that was taken by treaty, it is treated as taken
under treaty. So nothing in that half can be touched. So half the city of Damascus was
taken, and the other half was treated as if it was taken under treaty. So for that reason, the
great church of St. JOHN, which is currently currently the Omega the mosque in the city of
Damascus, one of the oldest mosque standing in the world, the Umayyad mosque was
previously the temple of Jupiter. And when the Christians took the city, after the time of
Constantine the Great, the Christians turned the temple of Jupiter in to 22/30
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the mosque, or sorry, into the church of St. JOHN, St. JOHN of Damascus. So not john of
Damascus or St. JOHN, john the baptist, okay. And then after the Muslims to get half by
treaty, half by force. So, this particular giant structure was split into half, one half was
given to the Christians, for them to worship in it the other half because half the city was
taken by force goes to the Muslims. Okay, so this is how the people of those lands were
treated those who surrendered by treating Allahu Akbar. And this was impossible if
another civilization or if another army had taken this land because the Persians had
indeed taken Damascus. They had indeed taken Jerusalem and even some parts

of Egypt from the Byzantines not long ago, less than 2030 years ago, Persians had come
so far, and they destroyed everything. There devastated the cities. And those people who
were still alive who had this Persian conquest in the memory when the saddam Muslims,

keeping to the word, keeping the law, and being that civilized with them, they could not
believe it. Now, very quickly, the last point and the remaining part of the conquest will be
addressed in the next episode. The last point, the Emperor heraclius, was absolutely
devastated when he lost the land of Damascus.

And he lost the land of Damascus land, probably the best part of Syria. He wanted to take
it back. So he mustered a giant army, a huge army to take the land back from the Muslims.
So the Muslims had been informed by spies that Irakli is is

collecting an army a great on some estimates paid 200,000 Some say 300,000 men, he
will raise any will come and take the land of Syria back from the Arabs and the Muslims,
once and for all. So I will be live in JIRA had two choices either either to fight a siege battle
from within the city, which is very difficult to sustain in the presence of such a large army,
or the other option was to leave the city for strategic reasons and fight an open pitch
battle near the Arabian desert. So that if the battle is lost, they can be brought to the
desert to come back later. So our beta decided that we will fight an open pit battle and
leave the 23/30
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City of Damascus for the strategic reason for strategic reasons. So when the Muslims are

the city of Damascus, led by a board of injera.

He ordered his Treasurer to return the jizya appoint which I will address in detail. In the
next episode, brothers and sisters, you will be shocked to hear what happened when
Aveda ordered the return of jizya to the Christians who have given this visa for their
protection to the Muslims, because the Muslims had come to power in Damascus. The
Muslims are charging its tax from the Christians to protect the Christians. So after after

jizya was returned to the Christian What happened? To find out what the next episode and
I will continue from this very point. brothers sisters, I will end this particular episode of
unveiling the Muslim civilization here and remaining points on the Muslim conquest and
the golden chain of events, so called and

jizya and the demeaned status of non Muslims will be addressed in sha Allah in detail in
the next episode, which will be if I'm not mistaken, the third episode or the fourth episode
of this particular series. Until then, I thank you all for listening for Salam alaykum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, Afro Donna, and in handling layerable alameen. If there are
any questions, please post them in the comment section. And I will respond to them as
soon as possible. I will wait for 30 seconds, maybe for one minute for your questions to
come through in the comment section. And then I will do my best to answer.

If there are any questions, please comment them on live, Dean. live feed. Okay, you might
be posting them on my Facebook channel. Instead of doing that go on the live DNP page.
Click live in page where the live is being broadcasted. And comment your questions in the
comments section there in Sharla and other try my best

to answer a world there are so many questions in front of me and see them. Okay, very
quickly. I will answer. 24/30
8/1/23, 3:31 PM Adnan Rashid - Unveiling the Muslim Civilisation #2

Can you please explain us testimonial evidence? I don't know what you mean by that
question. Can you explain your question? testimonial evidence in Islam? Yes, of course.

for different things, there are different requirements. Okay. What if, for example, a
testimony to proves dinner you need for you need four witnesses for male witnesses to
testify to Xena. For example. For a financial transaction, you need two male witnesses,
okay, or one male or two female witnesses. Right. Okay. And the list goes on. Okay. So
testimonial evidence is quite a detailed

topic. Okay. Can you please explain the evidence of believing in testimony? Sometimes it
gets skeptical. Okay. This topic will be addressed. Okay. Can we believe testimony? The
epistemology of Islam or the science or the the notion of sorry, the

epistemology in Islam. Okay, how do we address the science of Hades? Is it trustworthy?

Can we accept testimony? Okay. Testimony has been a valid source of information from
time immemorial, from the very beginning. And I will explain this in more detail when time
comes inshallah we can address it later on.

Thank you very much for your

encouraging comments, brothers and sisters, may Allah reward you for you for those who
are making the army Allah reward you.

Okay, someone said, I think I can recall the Holy Prophet actually holding up the arm of
Alabama with all of his cousin to announce him as the successor.

Never did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam appoint anyone as his successor, I
repeat, never did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam appoint anyone as his successor.
He made.

He made. For example, He alluded to aboubaker Okay, when people use the hadith of Allah
de or home, when people use the hadith of Olivia home to claim that in this particular 25/30
8/1/23, 3:31 PM Adnan Rashid - Unveiling the Muslim Civilisation #2

study, so in this particular incident, the prophet was raising the hand of Alabama bizarrely
to announce him as the successor. If that was the case, then all of those 100

2000 companions of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam would never on pain of
death, they would never accept aboubaker as the Caleb never. In suceava bernisa not one
of them said, Hold on a second. Hold on a second.

The Prophet raised the hand of Ali at

the home and said he is the successor.

Why are you making a Booker? Okay, let's find Sadhguru Baba is not from Croatia. Fine.
He's not from Quraysh. Okay, he's from Medina is from the unsought. Okay, you are saying
ally, mataman Quraysh, no problem. But Ali is from Croatia, he is the one who was
appointed by the prophet. As Caleb, did anyone say that

100,000 companions heard the Prophet making that declaration. And in suceava, when he
saw that none of them had the guts, or the gut, or the courage or the acumen, to come
forward and say, hold on, you guys are a bunch of liars, you are doing injustice to eliminate
the pilot. They never understood that

the incident of whether your home was a specific response to a specific problem.

And very quickly, I'll explain the context and you can go and read again. The biography
written by Dr. Ali Mohammed has a lobby, read, please read his biography of Alabama with
Taliban. He goes into detail. He talks about the home. He's an Arab. He wrote his
biography in the Arabic language. And he collected all the sources on the matter. In fact,
the very report itself explains what it's talking about. So some people came complaining to
the prophets Allah Allah Allah, Allah subhanaw taala Okay, this is the long story short, they
came complaining to the Prophet about Alibaba victaulic saying, Ali is doing this and he's
doing that and the details can be read in books. And the Prophet became 26/30
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very angry because he loved Ali daily. And we as Muslims, we believe anyone who hates
Ali is a Mona afic. Anyone who loves Ali, okay. And that doesn't mean loving Ali at the
expense of Islam. I'm not I don't mean that. I don't mean that you love Ali and you leave
Islam No, no, no, no, no. Anyone who is a believer in Islam follows the Sunnah of the
Prophet salallahu alayhi Salaam loves the prophet and an enlightened messenger loves
Islam and then loves it been regarded as a sign of Eman like the promises elements al
Bukhari is reported to have said I attorney FARC bodoland sar are I utterly man, hold on
sorry. Okay. The sign of hypocrisy in the fog is that you will hate on sod. And the

sign of a man face is that you will love and fraud for example. So likewise,

anyone who hates art even if it bothers me,

and anyone who loves him with Iman is a movement. Allahu Akbar. Okay. Now that doesn't
mean that loving Alabama without it doesn't mean that we attribute things to him that
never belonged to him. Okay. So when people complain to the professor salon at home, he
stood up and he said to them, am I not before you? Am I not more important than you?
Okay according to the Quran and Allah will not meaning okay well as Raja Maha. Okay, so
they said Bala jasola. You are over us. You are beyond us. You are above us lower than the
province of Lyceum said, Man come to Mola



Mola, Allahu Murali Manuel, ah, y de mundo de la Cava. So anyone who would have me as
his ally, as his friend, then Ali is also his friend.

Okay, Oh Allah, you be the friend of the one who is his friend, and you be the enemy of the
one who is his enemy. This is gonna be your home. This is exactly what the prophet
meant. Nowhere did he announced that Ali is going to be the successor of the Khalifa
after him. If he did sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one lie we, the Muslims, the believers, the 27/30
8/1/23, 3:31 PM Adnan Rashid - Unveiling the Muslim Civilisation #2

others are not evil Jamaat, we would accept Olive in Vitaly, but where's the problem? Why
would he accept Him as as number four and not as number one, what's the problem?
What's the problem? Why would he Why would we even insist for when evidence is
imposed upon history? We have to clarify. Okay, another question.

Okay, some people want me to accept the friend request brothers and sisters, if I don't
accept your friend request doesn't mean I don't like you is because my account is full. So
please follow my page. I have a page,

a public figure page, you can follow that you can also follow me on my private personal
Facebook account in sha Allah. May Allah bless you may Allah reward you for your love
and your compassion. May Allah accept your doors

and May Allah Allah mela Unitas Hall in general because I mean inshallah, okay.

Okay, so I'm gonna go Will you be live every Saturday 7pm Park time? Yes, yes, I will be live
in sha Allah every Saturday 7pm Park time I will be live I will be going through this series
called unveiling the Muslim civilization. If there is a break for some reason, we will let you
know we will announce beforehand that there is a break this week or this week. We cannot
make it for whatever reason if I'm traveling if I'm doing some perform on a mission
somewhere for example, our mission then of course, it would be difficult but every
Saturday unless announced otherwise. 7pm Pakistan time I will be live on live Deen page
to go through unveiling the Muslim civilization series where

we will be discussing a lot of these questions. Interesting question. You're all welcome to
ask these questions live on live stream page and I will answer them in sha Allah.

Okay, I think I guess there are no more questions brothers and sisters. It is more than an
hour now. We have been going on and May Allah bless you brother, sisters, may Allah
reward you, thank you for listening. And I will see you next Saturday in sha Allah, Allah,
Allah accept from us Zakouma la Heron and those of you who want to watch it later on. It 28/30
8/1/23, 3:31 PM Adnan Rashid - Unveiling the Muslim Civilisation #2

will be available on Facebook as well as my YouTube channel and continue to watch the
series you will inshallah, by the grace of Allah by the help of Allah you will take a lot of
information and some of it may be beneficial. And finally, before I go very quickly, again to
announce this or to recommend this.

The biographies series of Dr. Ali Mohammed the salami he has written many many
beautiful biographies of for Caleb's. For example, Abubakar Omar Osman and Holly, get
hold of them they are available in Urdu in Arabic and in English. And he has written other
words, get hold of them. They are amazing works. Thank you so much for listening. Well
handwritten letter bellami Hanukkah llamada en la ilaha illa eurocon oberliga Salam
alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu hoo.


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