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Subject Grade Date Block week Unit/Lesson/Topic Classwork

English L. 8 18/02/2024 4 5 Block 4 – Dictation 4 1 out of 1

Objective: Write the word that matches the definition
Student Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class 8A

Block 4 – Dictation 4 SCORE

Write the suitable word next to its definition: (5 minutes – 11 marks)

1 greatly desired

2 weird; mysterious; strange and frightening

3 an unpleasant, cramped, and dilapidated place to live

4 covered with clouds; dull

5 small pieces of wood that hold thread

6 fall suddenly and steeply

7 sanctuary, shelter, place of refuge

8 worn out from stress or strain

9 a large group or crowd, especially one on the move

10 (adj.) unpleasantly damp or wet

Synonyms: clammy, moist, soggy
Antonyms: dry, arid, parched, desiccated
11 Straighten or cause to straighten from a coiled or curled position

Prepared by Ms. Fatimah ElSaman worksheet no. 47

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