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C-cc-Can u please help me *

underline all the adjectives in

?the paragraph below

Mr.Grasshopper and his family loves to
go to an old lady’s garden everyday, because they can
.enjoy the green plants all they want

They usually cross a busy road to get

there. Sometimes they meet and her little
family on the way. Sometimes a 9 year-old boy gives
yummy corns to Mr.grasshopper, which makes him very

When they arrive at the old lady’s little

cottage, she always welcomes them to her beautiful
garden with a broad smile. The entire family of
grasshoppers chew on green leaves, eat the fresh
strawberries and play hide-and-seek behind the coconut
.palms until the sun sets
Wiseleaners.Tuition. Centre Abdulla Nabih (Tutor) English

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