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Writing coursework, especially on a complex topic like A2 History Coursework on Ireland, can be a

challenging and time-consuming task. It requires in-depth research, critical analysis, and a
comprehensive understanding of historical events and contexts. Students often face difficulties in
managing their time effectively, gathering relevant sources, and structuring their coursework in a
coherent manner.

The A2 History Coursework on Ireland demands a thorough examination of historical events,

political dynamics, and social changes, which can be overwhelming for students. Additionally, the
need for proper citation, adherence to academic guidelines, and the pressure to produce original and
insightful content further contribute to the difficulty level.

Considering the challenges involved, seeking assistance from professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a viable option. These services often have experienced writers with
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However, it's crucial to approach such services with caution. While they can offer valuable support,
it's important to verify the credibility of the service and ensure that the work provided is original and
free from plagiarism. Students should use these services responsibly and as a supplementary resource
to enhance their understanding of the topic.

In conclusion, writing A2 History Coursework on Ireland can be a formidable task, and seeking
assistance from reputable writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a helpful option for
students facing challenges. Nevertheless, it's essential for students to maintain academic integrity and
use such services responsibly.
We can see this source is reliable as it is a photograph so the sequence of events had to have
happened but we do not know what happened before and after the picture as it shows only a
snapshot of time. In 1921 Ireland was partitioned against the wishes of the Irish catholic population.
The first attack was by the Celts, then the Vikings and the the third by the Normans. The moment
England took over the ruling of Ireland, the problems arose and the conflict began. The Civil Rights
Movement was a group of Catholics who were opposing the mistreatment of the Irish nationalists.
The following factors are all equally important reasons for the continuing. However Ireland stayed a
country that was ruled by Roman Catholics. It is a real life snap shot so it is reliable for the time but
we do not know what happened before or after. This physical division still exists and therefore this is
a short term factor of the conflict. Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) this is the Catholics
answer to the UUP. Wounded, dying and unable to stand, Connolly was sat down on a chair in the
center on Dublin and executed. Year 13 Curriculum Booklet - Chigwell School17 Mar 2016
Economics; Geography; Religious Studies; History; Government and There are no A2 module
examinations in January of Year 13. After Cromwell had crushed the rebellion he paid his soldiers
with land taken form the Irish Catholics. After 1921 the majority of police (80%) in Northern Ireland
were Protestants. Lord Widgery was part of the Establishment and the government, his Enquiry
started on the 31 st January 1972 and finished on 17 th April 1972. So we can see that this was a
turning point for the two hostile communities and as a result there was no more fighting for a period
of time. If the decided to and Business at 10 with you in future. The paramilitary groups that had
been set up in response to the civil rights marches began a war against each other, with many
ordinary Nationalists and Unionists joining in on each side. Plantation The unrest in Ireland
continued throughout the reign of Henry VIII and into the reign of Elizabeth I his daughter. On the
27th of May, the Executive and others resigned, and Northern Ireland was once again under Direct
Rule. Protestants retaliated by burning down catholic houses. The Prime minister, John Major and the
tioisarch, Albert Reynolds, shook on this. The violence increased hugely in response to this viewed
outrage. Then of course the English got involved so they ended up sending their army in who start
getting angry and locking Irish Catholics up without out trial, known as internment. However,
instead of solving the Northern Irish problem, his moderate compromises actually heightened tension
and hatred in Northern Ireland. One example of the effects that were felt because of it was an
increase in the activity of paramilitary groups. However, the consequences of the Easter Rising
proved to reach much further into the Irish conflict than anyone could have imagined. However, it
was a propaganda victory for the Republicans. Both articles agree that the peace lines and
segregation within the two communities in Ireland is not a good idea and is holding the two
communities apart, away from any sort of peace arrangement. As well as having contrasting beliefs,
the two communities have, in general, different religions.
This cartoon was made about 100 years before The Troubles broke out and it may have been along
time before it all started, but it maybe more accurate than information for 400 years before. They
made this source to teach young people to understand the troubles. This shows that the peace lines
are not such a good idea, as relations between the two communities are getting worse. In the end
only 15 of the ringleaders were actually executed, they became republican martyrs and their example
is admired and remembered by extreme Nationalists today. She looks imprisoned and out of control
of her life. As you can imagine, this then tuned into terrible, murderous and bloody riots. The general
idea was to get all the Catholics on their side, so they could just have a say in what happened, so that
would weaken support with violent groups, like the IRA, to lessen violence. Many Protestants resent
this and fear similar catholic laws in a united Ireland. It’s the peaceful side to the Catholics political
parties. However, the violence related to the civil rights movement was about to hit its peak, in one
of the most famous Irish conflicts of all time. All relations between Catholics and Protestants outside
of Belfast however, are improving slowly, whereas relations in Belfast are getting worse. On the 1 st
January 1969, the People’s Democracy march erupted into violence. Business Studies, Economics,
Statistics, Art, Sports Science, History. After the incident the Protestants took a more hard line stance
to the Catholics and the number of troops on the streets increased. The Irish people, both Protestants
and Catholics, were crying out for help. Also it was painted by a Protestant artist so this could infer
that it was painted to make the Catholics look bad. War soon broke out. A year later in 1689 James’s
army laid siege to the city of Londonderry, in Ulster, and trapped over 35,000 protestants. But by
1649 the English Civil War was over and Oliver Cromwell was sent to Ireland to stop the rebellion
and the Catholic rebels, he did this very harshly cruelly killing both Catholic men and women. This
happened because English rulers became more interested in Ireland as England had become a
protestant country after the Reformation. Often, they would march through largely Protestant areas
in order to provoke a fight. Menu The early life specification times of michael jordan Conflict
specification plan Business writing seminars cleveland oh. This physical division still exists and
therefore this is a short term factor of the conflict. Wounded, dying and unable to stand, Connolly
was sat down on a chair in the center on Dublin and executed. Some Ulster Protestants believe today,
as their ancestors and in the 17 th century, that the Catholic Church is a wicked organisation that
wants to take over the rest of the world. The government of Ireland act allowed six out of nine
countries of Ulster to remain part of Britain and to have their own parliament in Belfast. In your
introduction really focus on the historic event you are assessing, make explicit reference to it,
supporting with statistics or relevant historic policies. I feel this is the most important cause as
everything else has built up from this point, F or example the short term causes such as segregation
in schools and housing areas. Bloody Sunday saw the death of 13 innocent civilian Catholics; they
were shot by the British troops, who said they were shot upon by the Catholics. In 1854, Ned Kelly
was born into an Irish family at Beverage. In the 1550’s many of the Irish Catholic Lords rebelled
against Protestantism and English rule.
The Irish MP’s who believed this, were called the”Home rule party”. The civil rights movement had a
large impact one the history of conflict in Northern Ireland. A civil war resulted as angry catholic
nationalists fought against the British army in their quest for freedom for all 32 countries as elections
in the form of referendum were promised throughout the 32 countries but were never held. The
moment England took over the ruling of Ireland, the problems arose and the conflict began. The
Prime minister, John Major and the tioisarch, Albert Reynolds, shook on this. It isn’t accurate because
things have most probably changed between one hundred years, although, there could have been
things that happened in the nineteenth century that have lead to reasons for why the troubles broke
out. This in turn finally gave the Catholics an excuse to re-establish the IRA in order to defend
themselves from the RUC and B-Specials. The two I believe are the most important are Bloody
Sunday and The Easter rising. The course will be delivered by experienced teachers. Unionists are
already wary of Catholics, because of the experiences they had during events like The Easter Rising,
where some were killed innocently, by the paramilitaries. Also it was painted by a Protestant artist so
this could infer that it was painted to make the Catholics look bad. There is often no reason ever to
visit the other side’s district. However, there could be some difficulty doing so as some of these
sources can be biased and written from one person’s point of view and this must be taken into
account when looking at the sources. By using this website, you agree to the use of cookies as
outlined in our Privacy Policy. Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) this is the Catholics
answer to the UUP. Ocr physics Started by Sign in writing a critical discussion essay Dont add me to
the active users list. Worried by the threat of invasion from foreign Catholics who could use Ireland
as a base, Henry decided to extend England’s control over the Irish, most of the Irish had remained
loyal to the Catholic Church when Henry become protestant. In 1921 Ireland was partitioned against
the wishes of the Irish catholic population. When the other Irish Catholics found out about the events
that were taking place they took the Catholics side and then started marching with them. There was
also a massive increase in sympathy for the Nationalists and IRA funding from America was boosted
to incredible levels. On the 1 st January 1969, the People’s Democracy march erupted into violence.
They believed that since there were more Catholics than protestants living in the whole of Ireland
that they would be outnumbered and discriminated against and denied their freedoms if Ireland was
to become independent. In Northern Ireland, the almost wholly Protestant government consolidated
its power through underhand tactics, such as Gerry Mandering, making sure that it won every
election, allowing it to continue discriminating against the Catholic minority. See other similar
resources ?7.99 5.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. But
the public attitude soon changed once they heard that 77 of the rebels had been sentenced to death,
the Irish Catholics were horrified. Year 13 Curriculum Booklet - Chigwell School17 Mar 2016
Economics; Geography; Religious Studies; History; Government and There are no A2 module
examinations in January of Year 13. The students do coursework of experienced help with to their
own writings not too bad after all. They were told that WW1 would only last 4 months or there
about, when it was clear that the war was going to last longer the English began recruiting troops
from Northern Ireland but only the Protestants, this angered the Catholics even more. In my opinion,
religious differences and different beliefs also have a part to do with there still being conflict in
Ireland. Although it failed, some MP’s in London believed that Ireland should no longer be ruled by
Sinn Fein refused to go to London at set up its own government, this lead to the partition of Ireland
into “Ulster” and “The Irish Free State”. The paramilitary groups that had been set up in response to
the civil rights marches began a war against each other, with many ordinary Nationalists and
Unionists joining in on each side. We can see this source is reliable as it is a photograph so the
sequence of events had to have happened but we do not know what happened before and after the
picture as it shows only a snapshot of time. Within 48 hours the Irish republicans were outnumbered
20 to 1 by English troops. I feel that the only solution to the segregation is education. Today, Ireland
is partitioned into two parts; the southern part, Southern Ireland also known as EIRE or the Irish
Republic, and the Northern part, Northern Ireland also known as ULSTER, which is governed by
London and is part of the United Kingdom. Problems that still need to be tackled are the trust
between Catholics, especially paramilitary groups, and the governments, and the violence that is still
breaking out. The subject of Bloody Sunday would be one that would still be around 26 years later,
when Tony Blair launched a new inquiry into the events. This is different from how they felt in 1500
as they had rights then and they were in power, now they have lost all power and had only the basic
rights. But by 1649 the English Civil War was over and Oliver Cromwell was sent to Ireland to stop
the rebellion and the Catholic rebels, he did this very harshly cruelly killing both Catholic men and
women. Furthermore, Catholics and Protestants cannot agree on the best future political solution. It
isn’t accurate because things have most probably changed between one hundred years, although,
there could have been things that happened in the nineteenth century that have lead to reasons for
why the troubles broke out. The IRA attacked the RIC for a variety of reasons: To gain access to the
IRC’s weapons or weapons that they may be guarding; to destroy the British intelligence network,
and to discourage any form of collaboration with the British. This one incident was not the only
violent reaction to the civil rights marches. Catholics were not treated fairly- even today the R.U.C is
almost totally Protestant. The Irish Catholics thought this would be a good time to rebel against
Protestantism and English rule. The moment England took over the ruling of Ireland, the problems
arose and the conflict began. War soon broke out. A year later in 1689 James’s army laid siege to the
city of Londonderry, in Ulster, and trapped over 35,000 protestants. Stick to your word limit, its
2000 words for a reason. The British have built many “peace lines” in Belfast between Catholic and
Protestant areas to stop fighting and attacks. A Levels were introduced in 1951 as a standardised
school-leaving qualification, replacing the Higher School Certificate. It is also very useful because it
was created at the correct time period and it explained why the Catholics felt they did not have equal
rights but could not change anything because of the voting system. Sinn Fein on the other hand are
the extreme side to the Catholics political parties, they also wish to end links with Brittan but are
linked with paramilitary organisations EG. IRA. This is one of the main differences between
Republicans. As a result of this he took his Catholics and moved to the south, but strangely the
Tudors let this happen. His Enquiry started January 1998 and is due to finish in 2009; this second
Enquiry was needed because Tony Blair thought that Lord Widgery had missed out lots and lots of
witnesses also Lord Widgery did not interview any of the injured people involved and thirdly there
were three more types of new evidence 1. While this incident did not cause the modern day problems
in Ireland, it certainly laid the foundations for it. Hugh O’Neil, a Catholic, formed an army and tried
to make himself King Of Ireland but as England was better in many ways and had a stronger and
more powerful Army and Navy, O’Neil was defeated. Some Ulster Protestants believe today, as their
ancestors and in the 17 th century, that the Catholic Church is a wicked organisation that wants to
take over the rest of the world. The source is useful as again it was taken at the right time and show s
another reason why the Catholics were scared of the Protestants, even the right to peaceful protest
was being blocked. The map showed the unfairness of the election in 1966.There are no problems
with the source as it is more facts than opinions, This source was created by a school textbook
Consequently, what really annoyed the Catholics was that, although the Catholics had more
population than the Protestants, the Protestants always won the election. The Irish nationalists,
enraged that the Irish problem was being ignored in favour of World War II, decided to strike back at
the British government and bring the Irish problem into the public spotlight. Sinn Fein, and other
violence-orientated groups lost support, and political groups like SDLP who were in on the
agreement started getting more popular and more votes, from both Catholics and Protestants. By
1921, the war had reached a point where both sides were in a stalemate. A country whose problems
reach deep into the roots of history. Although peace efforts have been made, the anger and
resentment is so deep rooted that no clear ending to the conflict can be seen. James and his army
continued to attack more Protestant towns causing anger in Britain. Thirteen protesters, apparently
unarmed, were shot and killed. At first most of the Irish were shocked and angry at the rebels, many
thought that the violence was wrong. Hugh O’Neil, a Catholic, formed an army and tried to make
himself King Of Ireland but as England was better in many ways and had a stronger and more
powerful Army and Navy, O’Neil was defeated. This source helps us try and solve out the troubles
because it shows us why young catholic people got involved in the civil rights March’s etc however it
does not explain the final answer. This is because the conflict continues as the Catholics wish for
Ireland to be re-united once again whereas Protestants wish to remain as part of the United
Kingdom. Northern Ireland’s problems began as far back as the early 16 th century, when English
settlers wished to control Ireland. The violence increased hugely in response to this viewed outrage.
The paramilitary groups that had been set up in response to the civil rights marches began a war
against each other, with many ordinary Nationalists and Unionists joining in on each side. The
sympathy from the country, and indeed, the rest of the world, now lay mainly with Sinn Fein and
the Nationalists, so that in 1919, when Sinn Fein declared themselves to be Dail Eireann, or the
government of Ireland, many people supported them, instead of the British government. As a
consequence the English sent Protestants to Ireland in an attempt to plant colonies and win the land
these were called “plantations”. Although many Irish people disagreed with the actions taken by the
rebels they were shocked that the British had sentenced them to death. The Irish Catholics thought
this would be a good time to rebel against Protestantism and English rule. The IRA stated that they
would do nothing of the sort and viewed Direct Rule as Britain seeking to rule a country that they
had no right to. Problems that still need to be tackled are definitely violence and destruction in
Ireland from the paramilitaries, and the trust that they have in the new government, because if they
(paramilitaries) can trust the new reformed peaceful government to make the right decisions for
everyone, then they won’t need their firearms and hostile approaches to get attention and get their
own way. The government of Ireland act allowed six out of nine countries of Ulster to remain part of
Britain and to have their own parliament in Belfast. This was when 13 innocent civil rights marchers
were shot but is this correct. After the incident the Protestants took a more hard line stance to the
Catholics and the number of troops on the streets increased. Some other events not mentioned above,
such as Partition, also played a large role in the conflict in Northern Ireland. On the third day of the
marches, the protesters were ambushed by a Loyalist mob, who threw bottles and stones. The famine
affected everyone, as over a million people died and many more emigrated, with all of Ireland in
uproar how could Britain possibly restore relations with Ireland. A civil war resulted as angry
catholic nationalists fought against the British army in their quest for freedom for all 32 countries as
elections in the form of referendum were promised throughout the 32 countries but were never held.
It created a new power sharing assembly, which makes its decisions about the internal affairs of
Northern Ireland for example schools, housing, police and social policies. Moreover, Catholics found
it more difficult to get decent council houses from the unionist councils from 1921 until 1969.
This is a significant long term cause of the conflict. Catholics were not treated fairly- even today the
R.U.C is almost totally Protestant. Catholics felt that his compromises were not radical enough, and
the Protestant majority felt that they were too radical. The woman symbolises Ireland and she is a
Catholic. Divisions were forming between the nationalists, the Irish were getting fed up with the
conflict and the British government was being crippled by questions about its foreign policies. The
moment England took over the ruling of Ireland, the problems arose and the conflict began. The way
that the finger has been positioned makes it look like he is telling her off. Elizabeth I was scared that
Ireland would ally with England’s Catholic enemies and attack or invade England,so she decided to
take land from the Irish Catholics and give it to Protestants who moved there, land was power and
taking it from the Catholics helped Queen Elizabeth to rule over Ireland firmly. Two other examples
of disputed history A-level coursework, from Tom. Britain’s help came too late, a million people died
in the potato famine. This division causes children to develop prejudices against each other. After the
incident the Protestants took a more hard line stance to the Catholics and the number of troops on
the streets increased. We can still see this discrimination today in terms of housing and employment.
After a week of fierce street fighting and with over 490 dead, including English soldiers, rebels and
civilians, and with 2000 injured the British troops took control and captured many Irish rebels. The
famine affected everyone, as over a million people died and many more emigrated, with all of
Ireland in uproar how could Britain possibly restore relations with Ireland. I think this cartoon was
created to make the Catholics look bad and the Protestants look better. The Protestants living in
Ulster always said they were British and never Irish. The subject of Bloody Sunday would be one
that would still be around 26 years later, when Tony Blair launched a new inquiry into the events.
Breakthroughs which this agreement made are getting united support for a government, from both
Catholics, Protestants. In response to the attacks on their troops, the British government sent over
hundreds of new soldiers in an effort to restore law and order now that the police and remaining
troops there had lost control of the situation. But by 1649 the English Civil War was over and Oliver
Cromwell was sent to Ireland to stop the rebellion and the Catholic rebels, he did this very harshly
cruelly killing both Catholic men and women. Londonderry. A huge protest march, defying the ban
on marches of any kind, gathered in the center of the town. On the 1 st January 1969, the People’s
Democracy march erupted into violence. These marches cause a lot of friction in Ireland as they pass
through Catholic areas and celebrate the Protestants’ victory over the Catholics. History is a long-
term cause of the conflict between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. The assembly plan
to continue their work in Belfast as soon as the political parties such as Sinn Fein persuade the IRA
to hand over some of its weapons. However, many of the marches were successful, and O’Neill, the
Prime Minister, was forced to make some compromises on the Catholic’s behalf, such as abolishing
Gerry Mandering, allowing Catholic seats in the Northern Irish government and commissioning an
enquiry into the behaviour of the RUC and B-Specials. This cartoon was made about 100 years
before The Troubles broke out and it may have been along time before it all started, but it maybe
more accurate than information for 400 years before. Write a review Update existing review Submit
review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. In total, the riots and violence caused by or related
to the Civil Rights Marches caused: 10 deaths, 154 gunshot wounds and 754 other injuries.
Every time Ireland was invaded the settlers merged together and inter-married. The Rising was
suppressed after seven days of fighting, and its leaders were court-martialled and executed. Write a
review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. This shows
us that the English attitude still holds us a lot of hatred and distrust and that the English government
are prepared to lie. Then of course the English got involved so they ended up sending their army in
who start getting angry and locking Irish Catholics up without out trial, known as internment. James
Connolly’s Citizen Army and about 1200 IRB volunteers marched into the center of Dublin and took
over various strategic positions, such as many train stations, the College of Surgeons, and the GPO.
She looks imprisoned and out of control of her life. King James I who succeeded Elizabeth
continued to do this throughout his reign too. The government would have probably have hired an
English protestant artist to convey this picture and it wanted people to see things form a certain point
of view. Menu The early life specification times of michael jordan Conflict specification plan
Business writing seminars cleveland oh. The IRA attacked the RIC for a variety of reasons: To gain
access to the IRC’s weapons or weapons that they may be guarding; to destroy the British
intelligence network, and to discourage any form of collaboration with the British. The population in
Derry was 30,379 of which 20000 was Catholics and the rest were Protestants. In 1921 Ireland was
partitioned against the wishes of the Irish catholic population. The Protestant and nationalist majority
saw the Civil Rights Movement as a front for the IRA, so decided to violently break up the marches.
This conflict began in 1169 when King Henry the second conquered Ireland. This was bound to make
the Catholic Irish nationalists resentful as the English Protestants were stealing their land, simply
because they were Catholics. Protestants, because of this, accepted the agreement, hoping for peace
and no more onslaught from paramilitary groups, as they were getting stamped out if they continued
to use such methods. The general idea was to get all the Catholics on their side, so they could just
have a say in what happened, so that would weaken support with violent groups, like the IRA, to
lessen violence. The source may not be correct because it’s more likely the artist was not an eye
witness and was probably painted by an image given from another written source. Cromwell had
callously ordered the killing of nearly 3000 innocent Irish Catholics including women and showed no
mercy in doing so, and then stole their land to pay English soldiers that did this. I believe the
partition is the most important cause of the conflict as the division of the country has resulted in
Catholics and Protestants to hate each other, and this hatred is being passed down through the
generations. By continuing to writer based on their quality paper by the community. The subject of
Bloody Sunday would be one that would still be around 26 years later, when Tony Blair launched a
new inquiry into the events. Often, they would march through largely Protestant areas in order to
provoke a fight. These marches cause a lot of friction in Ireland as they pass through Catholic areas
and celebrate the Protestants’ victory over the Catholics. Sinn Fein refused to go to London at set up
its own government, this lead to the partition of Ireland into “Ulster” and “The Irish Free State”.
Around the areas that there were many marches there was widespread violence. When the other Irish
Catholics found out about the events that were taking place they took the Catholics side and then
started marching with them. Possibly the most significant consequence was the establishment of
Direct Rule in Northern Ireland, which was a last-ditch attempt to bring peace to the country.

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