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Writing coursework, especially on a complex topic like A2 History American Civil Rights, can be a

challenging and time-consuming task. It requires in-depth research, critical analysis, and a thorough
understanding of historical events and their implications. Students often find themselves grappling
with extensive reading, data gathering, and the synthesis of information into a coherent and well-
structured paper.

The American Civil Rights Movement is a multifaceted subject that involves examining social,
political, and cultural aspects. Crafting a coursework essay requires the ability to connect historical
events, interpret primary sources, and present a nuanced argument. The meticulous attention to detail
and the need for proper citation and referencing further contribute to the difficulty of the task.

For those who find themselves overwhelmed with the complexity of the A2 History American Civil
Rights coursework, seeking assistance can be a viable option. One such avenue is ⇒ ⇔, a site that specializes in providing academic support. Professional writers at ⇒ ⇔ can offer expertise and guidance, ensuring that your coursework meets the
required standards and demonstrates a deep understanding of the subject matter.

However, it's essential to approach external help with caution. While assistance can be valuable, it's
crucial to maintain academic integrity. Use external support as a supplement to your own efforts,
ensuring that the final work reflects your understanding and unique perspective.

In conclusion, writing A2 History American Civil Rights coursework can be challenging due to the
complexity of the topic. For those seeking additional support, ⇒ ⇔ can be a
resource to consider, offering assistance in navigating the intricacies of historical analysis and essay
composition. Remember to use such services responsibly and in accordance with academic guidelines.
Therefore, I would definitely recommend buying these products if you would like to attain similar
success. However, the percentage of black people below the poverty line is 56%, showing over half
of blacks are below this poverty line, and most of them would probably have been poor anyway,
most of them just above this line. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's
good to leave some feedback. Along with this, I used my knowledge and understanding I gained
from the revision guide, to do practice papers as well. For a while, nuclear warheads, which were
powerful enough to blow up the world, were being pointed at America and Russia respectively,
while Kennedy and Krushchev tried to bargain with each other. This is because the photo could have
been cut down to focus in on Eckland when something relevant could have been happening outside
the frame. She was impressed by Dylan and this shows he has a definite impact on people through
his song writing. It also meant that more pressure was put on the government to change laws to stop
blacks being racially assaulted, and to also sort out their police force. I am forced to ask, did the
newspaper cut out a pro-black section from the whole caption of text. Using all the sources and your
own knowledge, how far do you agree with this interpretation of the changes in the lives of
American Blacks. The resource requires students to complete research on a chosen event. She would
be the most likely candidate to know Dylan’s motives because she was so close to him but she would
also be most likely to be biased against him because their relationship failed. They were more
prepared to change now and would accept new ideas much more than they would have done 4 years
earlier because so much had happened over those four years. It contains 47 questions from a great
history website and includes questions that cover the major. Would it have been to curry up support
or more readers? (Black readers). Source C also backs up source B, as it shows ordinarily dressed
people acting in an extraordinary way and acting hysterically, shouting at these black children - their
crime. It has the views of his ex-girlfriend, Joan Baez, Bernice Reagan, a black student activist from
Albany and Patrick Humphries, author of numerous books on Dylan. It contains 18 questions from
the website. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect
your happiness. In situations of desperation, desolation or depression humans may become ca. It was
free publicity for King and X and everyone saw the pictures, read about it in the newspaper, or heard
about the movement in someway or another, so many more people who believed in the cause could
send their support. I am forced to ask, did the newspaper cut out a pro-black section from the whole
caption of text. This man objects to the supreme court ruling and the involvement of the Federal
Government. We also cannot be sure if the people behind her are shouting abuse or support still
expressions are usually very difficult to interpret, like these. It is part of my full History (option HR)
document (revision guide) that is on my shop, which contains 6 full topics. Even though Elizabeth
Eckford is clearly being verbally abused and treated unfairly she puts her head up high, she doesn't
seem to show anyone that she is afraid, she acts extremely composed for someone in such a
dangerous situation, I believe that source A shows that she is extremely brave. The date however,
does not make this source useful as it was written before the height of his career. White Anglo-Saxon
Protestants take up most of the Southern states. She says she was the politically involved one of the
couple while Dylan was simply in search of fame. Although there are a larger number in total of
white people below the line, 28,500,000, that it still only 11% of the white population.
Everyone around at that time new what a lie it was. They are chasing a 15 year old girl away from a
school just because of her colour, something that if Elizabeth had been born white, she would never
have had to experience. This was a huge step forward for civil rights and it proves that the movement
was a success, because otherwise it probably would never have happened. He wanted to be able to
work with the current system, possibly to change it to make things fair, but nothing as drastic as
Malcolm X. Source K shows the percentage of blacks on the voting lists in some southern states in
the years 1964 and 1968. Also, she says he risked his career and that he was a power with a voice.
She would have felt very afraid because everyone around her shouted abuse at her, 'Lynch her.
Would it have been to please the main readers who share the view of the newspaper. He could have
changed his tone further on in the speech for all we know. This is mainly because the source only
talks about one of the factors in M.L.K.’s method, integration, and why Malcolm X rejected it. Using
all the sources and your own knowledge, how far do you agree with this interpretation of the
changes in the lives of American Blacks. One could predict that a lot of whites had this same view or
one could also predict that the students at Little Rock were the only racists in America at the time.
Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. It
contains 47 questions from a great history website and includes questions that cover the major. These
achievements however do not prove that economical and social equality exists. Muhammed Ali was
stripped from his title when he was asked to go to Vietnam and fight and he refused. They had been
released from the shackles of segregation and had achieved legal equality by the four civil rights acts
passed in the 1960's -. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants take up most of the Southern states. Contrary
to this statement, Baez also states that he put his principles before profit. It shows the depth of
racism, that people would want to kill a 15 year old girl because all they see of her is her skin colour.
The Civil Rights Movement was not withheld from the influence of religion, particularly Christianity
and. Because the evidence is biased and some sources contradict others it is made very hard to
conclude with this evidence. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our
reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us
know if it violates our terms and conditions. He wanted integration, to be a part of white society and
be an equal part of white society. The date however, does not make this source useful as it was
written before the height of his career. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is
required to reflect your happiness. For an optimal experience, please switch to the latest version of
Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox. If a caption were included in this
image, then it would convey a different image than it does captionless. This is due to the voting
rights and civil rights acts, which are a success in themselves. Also, Tommie Smith and John Carlos
were Malcolm X supporters and athletes in the 1968 Mexico Olympics.
This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have
downloaded this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms
and conditions. This meant that he got public sympathy and it put pressure on the government to sort
out the police force. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your
happiness. He wanted a totally separate state to white America, as is shown in his view of people
who wanted to be white society, such as Martin Luther King. This song could be useful to a civil
rights supporter like Bernice Reagan because it could be used, as evidence against racists and it
would be a popular support for their case. The offending crowds in both photographs portray
accurately the views of bigoted whites at the time and the victims in each photograph demonstrate
the view of liberal Whites. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to
leave some feedback. It is possible it was taken for a neutral source, as there is no caption. Most
blacks could only get jobs concerning menial manual labour. She seems to be alone in the mob, she
has no-one around her to support her, 'I tried to see a friendly face in the mob', this statement shows
that she didn't know anyone there at all, she must have been very lonely. He could have changed his
tone further on in the speech for all we know. This meant that by 1963 his methods could have
changed and he could have a lot more supporters. This is because the photo could have been cut
down to focus in on Eckland when something relevant could have been happening outside the frame.
She may be bitter towards Dylan because the relationship did not work out or she may be biased
against him for the same reason. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in
touch. ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW
Save for later Last updated 2 July 2017 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share
through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest Osauwese's Shop 2.75 8 reviews
Not the right resource. This is to do with the fact that few blacks can afford to go to college, due to
them not having not very much money, because of poor jobs, and everything goes around in a
viscious circle. It is possible it was taken for a neutral source, as there is no caption. A sobering
thought, when you think of all the things they did, and the criticism they faced, to get civil rights
into the position they are in now, and they still couldn’t please everyone, so much so that someone
killed them. See other similar resources ?30.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not
quite what you were looking for. He also implies that he is not only in it for a good image and that he
is sincere. This source lacks an essential item-Dylan’s own view. Source A suggests that the people in
Little Rock were all racist and believed strongly in segregation, it suggests that the crowd were
extremely angry that a black girl was being sent to their school. Racial problems had not been
publicised yet, so most people would have been oblivious to the fact that anything was going on.
When she tried to gain access to the school, along with about 8 other black children, a crowd
surrounded her and stopped her from getting in. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure
quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this
resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Source J shows the number of people
below the poverty line in the USA. She was impressed by Dylan and this shows he has a definite
impact on people through his song writing. It contains 18 questions from the website. A
lot more work needs to be done i.e. attitudes of racists white towards blacks and those of blacks
towards racist whites etc. The evening before she was to go to the school, the governor of Arkansas
announced that with black children in the school, it would be impossible to keep law and order.
His motives were more than likely for financial gain, to become famous and to convey his message
to all his fans. Source J shows the number of people below the poverty line in the USA. I agree to
the extent that I think Dylan used the influences of folk artists but not their worl itself. I think that
there were definitely more positive aspects than negative and if the positive aspects hadn’t taken
place, the negative ones would still have been there, but the black person’s position on civil rights
wouldn’t have moved at all since there would not have been publicised because no progress would
have been made, and maybe the whole process would have gone backwards. Cuba had just become
a communist country, and Russia, which was already a communist country, tried to take over nuclear
bombs. Thurgood Marshall Rosa Parks Cesar Chavez Lyndon B. She was impressed by Dylan and
this shows he has a definite impact on people through his song writing. Everyone around at that time
new what a lie it was. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only
customers who have downloaded this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it
violates our terms and conditions. We cannot tell for sure whether the helmeted guard is stopping
Eckford from entering Little Rock or clearing whites from her path. Elizabeth Eckford is only trying
to get into school and she is being abused and mistreated, she has done nothing to deserve how they
are treating her. Using all the sources and your own knowledge, how far do you agree with this
interpretation of the changes in the lives of American Blacks. I made this by using many sources: I
used my lesson notes from school, CGP revision guides, and other online sources. From Source A we
can tell that the people in Little Rock hated the fact that a black girl was attending their school, we
can tell this because alot of hostility is shown in Source A. The offending crowds in both
photographs portray accurately the views of bigoted whites at the time and the victims in each
photograph demonstrate the view of liberal Whites. Photographers are sometimes biased and they
might zoom in on a particular section or area in the photo that has a lesser importance than others etc.
She would be the most likely candidate to know Dylan’s motives because she was so close to him
but she would also be most likely to be biased against him because their relationship failed. In source
5 we are told that a black woman is killed simply because she spilt a drink over a white man.
Johnson Montgomery Bus Boycott March on Washington Brown vs. Martin Luther King tries to
persuade fellow Black Americans that if they do things the legal way they will gain support. Source
G shows that in 1963, people started thinking about racial problems, and this was partly brought
about by televisions publicising the movement. The answer is more than likely no because the
conversation recorded seems only to last a few seconds. It is a photograph, which is hard to tamper
with, almost impossible in 1957, so this is rock-solid evidence that what Elizabeth Eckford and the
reporter from the New York Times said was correct. He could have changed his tone further on in the
speech for all we know. I would gamble that Eastland did not even believe the words he said during
that speech. For an optimal experience, please switch to the latest version of Google Chrome,
Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox. Also, concerning personal interpretation it all
depends on the attitude of the historian and attitudes will change undoubtedly over the next decade
or so and will probably continue to change until the end of that historian’s life. Martin Luther King
used peace to show who was really in the wrong, even if a white used violence on him, he would not
retaliate, whereas Malcolm X would retaliate. This is mainly because the source only talks about one
of the factors in M.L.K.’s method, integration, and why Malcolm X rejected it. He also implies that
Dylan is temporarily involved in politics.
The formation of ghettos of blacks was encouraged and this shows discrimination in housing.
Because the evidence is biased and some sources contradict others it is made very hard to conclude
with this evidence. We only have evidence that this represents one southern senator. We also find
that airport facilities were segregated along with seating and betting when concerned with sport. If
so, who was this witness and if not then how long afterwards was this account written and how
accurate are the words in the text. This song could be useful to a civil rights supporter like Bernice
Reagan because it could be used, as evidence against racists and it would be a popular support for
their case. I have put in large amounts of time and effort into making the document. She may be
bitter towards Dylan because the relationship did not work out or she may be biased against him for
the same reason. The crowd were extreme about the situation, 'women cried hysterically' this shows
that situation matters immensly to the crowd and they were very dramatic. They were more prepared
to change now and would accept new ideas much more than they would have done 4 years earlier
because so much had happened over those four years. But no Dylan. However this does not affect
reliability. He wanted integration, to be a part of white society and be an equal part of white society.
Sarah Emma Edmonds was one of about 400 women who managed to enlist in the. White Anglo-
Saxon Protestants take up most of the Southern states. This definitely does not suggest peaceful
methods. and he. This source lacks an essential item-Dylan's own view. He wanted a totally separate
state to white America, as is shown in his view of people who wanted to be white society, such as
Martin Luther King. Source 1 states “you would eat in a separate place and use a drinking fountain
labelled coloured” and in source 2 we see visual evidence of this happening. Would it have been to
please the main readers who share the view of the newspaper. It contains 47 questions from a great
history website and includes questions that cover the major. This was a huge step forward for civil
rights and it proves that the movement was a success, because otherwise it probably would never
have happened. The answer is more than likely no because the conversation recorded seems only to
last a few seconds. This makes it much simpler for a student to learn and understand all different
concepts, as the easily-accessible document is right in the palm of their hands. White Anglo-Saxon
Protestants take up most of the Southern states. This is a huge inequality, and it is reflected in the
other factors to do with poverty. This man objects to the supreme court ruling and the involvement
of the Federal Government. Martin Luther King tries to persuade fellow Black Americans that if
they do things the legal way they will gain support. This is because the photo could have been cut
down to focus in on Eckland when something relevant could have been happening outside the frame.
It contains 42 questions from a great history website.Your students will learn about the history. This
is due to the voting rights and civil rights acts, which are a success in themselves.
The check up on the reliability of this source, check out sources 7 and 8. 7 tells us that the whites
disapproved of the black girl going into the school and 8 proves to us that Eckford was going into
Little Rock, Arkansas with a crowd of whites and a guard present. I agree to the extent that I think
Dylan used the influences of folk artists but not their worl itself. This is to do with the fact that few
blacks can afford to go to college, due to them not having not very much money, because of poor
jobs, and everything goes around in a viscious circle. He didn’t think that blacks would ever be
treated as whites, and wanted a separate black state so he could get away from anything to do with
whites. Also, she says he risked his career and that he was a power with a voice. This meant that
they would have to pay more for things, so this was at the top of their minds. Sources A, E, F, and I
are books, written by Elizabeth Eckford, Malcolm X, and from a school history book, respectively,
source B and D were from magazines and newspapers, sources C and H are photos, which may have
been published in newspapers or magazines, sources G, J and K are statistics from the USA, and
source L is a statement by a network, which may have been read out on television. Write a review
Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. In source 3 we find
that vehicles carrying black passengers had to wear a colour different and contrasting to the whites'.
Source 1 states “you would eat in a separate place and use a drinking fountain labelled coloured”
and in source 2 we see visual evidence of this happening. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating)
Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. The resource requires students to complete research
on a chosen event. The answer is more than likely no because the conversation recorded seems only
to last a few seconds. But no Dylan. However this does not affect reliability. This source is
unreliable because of its obvious bias but it is still useful. This man objects to the supreme court
ruling and the involvement of the Federal Government. We only have evidence that this represents
one southern senator. If they presented a bad image of Eckford then it would make believable
evidence (If collected from a reliable source). Blacks certainly wouldn’t and southern Whites would
see it as an excuse to continue discriminating and justifiably, in their eyes. Write a review Update
existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Source K shows the
percentage of blacks on the voting lists in some southern states in the years 1964 and 1968. It has the
views of his ex-girlfriend, Joan Baez, Bernice Reagan, a black student activist from Albany and
Patrick Humphries, author of numerous books on Dylan. Photographers are sometimes biased and
they might zoom in on a particular section or area in the photo that has a lesser importance than
others etc. The offending crowds in both photographs portray accurately the views of bigoted whites
at the time and the victims in each photograph demonstrate the view of liberal Whites. It is useful
because it shows us how some Whites defend segregation as a good idea. Ultimately, this left me
and my friends prepared to perform well for all our exams. See other similar resources ?0.00 (no
rating) 0 reviews Download Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Scholars can use
them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. He also implies
that he is not only in it for a good image and that he is sincere. We only have evidence that this
represents one southern senator.
A lot more work needs to be done i.e. attitudes of racists white towards blacks and those of blacks
towards racist whites etc. EG: I use titles and sub-titles to split each part of the content when
necessary. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness.
He could have changed his tone further on in the speech for all we know. The fact that the source has
been written seven years after the height of M.L.K.’s career also affects the usefulness of the source
because in these seven years Martin Luther King’s methods could have changed. Blacks do not live
harmoniously with whites in the South. The crowd were extreme about the situation, 'women cried
hysterically' this shows that situation matters immensly to the crowd and they were very dramatic.
Crime rates are higher for blacks than for whites, probably due to the fact that blacks cannot get
decent jobs, because employers are more likely to want to take on a white employee, and also the
fact that blacks have a worse education. Blacks do not live harmoniously with whites in the South.
See other similar resources ?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews Download Save for later Not quite what you
were looking for. Therefore, I would definitely recommend buying these products if you would like
to attain similar success. We also find that airport facilities were segregated along with seating and
betting when concerned with sport. He is even prepared to introduce the states rights issue to win his
argument: ' Free men have the right to send their children to schools of their own choosing, free
from governmental interference.' There is a certain warped kind of logic found in his argument. The
quiz on this website as well as the original author's Socrative account will not be affected by any
changes you make to the copy of this quiz in your own Socrative account. Because the evidence is
biased, either towards or against blacks. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for
our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to
let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your
rating is required to reflect your happiness. This is how I came to this conclusion: The New York
Times is a reputable, famous newspaper. It is possible it was taken for a neutral source, as there is no
caption. The answer is more than likely no because the conversation recorded seems only to last a few
seconds. This source does not necessarily sum up the view of all whites, as only a small minority are
shown. They have the right to vote in both federal and state elections and were protected to vote.
This is how I came to this conclusion: The New York Times is a reputable, famous newspaper. When
asked why they had been turned away, the policeman turned away from him, and then he turned
around and punched Vivian in the face. They have the right to vote in both federal and state elections
and were protected to vote. They wanted to get revenge for the hundreds of years that whites had
been put in front of blacks, with the slave trade which had first brought African blacks to America
and the more recent Jim Crow laws which had hindered blacks for so long. It contains 42 questions
from a great history website.Your students will learn about the history. It contains 25 questions from
the website. Your students will learn about the history and significance of both in the
United. It is useful because it shows us how some Whites defend segregation as a good idea.

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