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The influence of Pink Floyd on the political culture of England.

How did Pink Floyd’s album “The Dark Side Of The Moon” influence the socio political

culture of England during the 1970s?

Extended Essay in Language Acquisition: Category 2B

Class of May 2024


Table of Content





For the English B Extended Essay, the discussion will be based on a central question. Which
is: How did Pink Floyd’s album “The Dark Side Of The Moon” influence the socio-political
culture of England during the 1970’s? The objective of this Extended Essay is to analyze the
impact of Pink Floyd in England and how its album had a big impact on society caused by the
backstory messages that are being captured inside the songs. In England, the impact that
Pink Floyd’s album had was huge because it came out during a time in which England was
going through a change in its culture and it was very influenced by the music of this era. The
country changed from a hippie and peaceful society to a rebellious and different society due
to the impact of Pink Floyd. The reason for the selection of the time was mainly because it
was the specific time when the band released the album and when society was changing.
Also, this topic was selected because it is really interesting to analyze how musicians try to
transmit messages through their songs and how they make an impact on society. The
messages of the songs are going to be analyzed very deeply, as most of them reflect on
teenagers and kids during the decade of the 70’s. Therefore, this topic was selected with the
main objective of analyzing the impact of music on society. The album had a huge impact on
England, mainly because it came out during an era when the culture was changing from a
hippie-controlled society to a more rebellious culture in which the beliefs that existed in this
culture were very manipulative and persuasive because of what the English society heard or
received from the media. Most importantly, what the music from this era transmitted
specifically to an audience, with topics such as existential reflections, critiques of society, and
mental health diffusion to English society and culture. This essay argues how “The Dark Side
Of The Moon” not only reflected the socio-political climate during the 1970s in England but
also insisted on showing it in the real world. All of this done by the exploration of themes
such as alienation, materialism, economical problems, and mental health. This album helped
as a powerful commentary on how the society had several struggles which weren’t shown
before, all of this done behind own experiences and thoughts shared by the members of the
band. The analysis of the messages of the songs will delve into their profound implications,
particularly as they resonate with teenagers and children of the 1970s. The album’s
monumental impact on England is emphasized by its release during an epoch characterized
by a shift from a hippie-influenced society to a one more rebellious, where previous beliefs
were persuasive due to the media’s influence. Importantly, the music of this era conveyed
existential reflections, societal critiques and promoted awareness of mental health issues,
leaving a mark on English society and culture. This essay argues that “The Dark Side of the
Moon” not only portrays the socio-political climate of 1970s England but also attempts to
manifest it in physical reality. This can be seen by the exploration of themes such as
alienation, materialism, economic challenges, and mental health, all of which work as a
commentary on the struggles seen within society.
Chapter 1
Pink Floyd is one of the most influential bands in the history of music because of all the
themes that appear in their songs. This was evidenced in their albums since all of them
include messages that are aimed at the youth society of England. The band is formed by:
Roger Waters, David Gilmour, Syd Barret, Richard Wright, Nick Mason, and Bob Klose.
“The band stood out as a cultural force, openly fighting for equality, ardently against war and
critical of the advances of modern society.” (Tran, 2023) (Even though Pink Floyd has had
some changes in their objective as a band, they have always aimed to make an impact on
society.) This shows the main objective of the band which was trying to make an impact on
English society by giving out messages against the government of the moment. Before we go
further in analyzing the songs of the album, we are going to look at the background of the
name of the album and its meaning. The album “Dark Side Of The Moon” was released in
1973 and since then it has been influential in music history as it has messages that impact the
listeners. Its name itself is a clear demonstration of what the objective of the album really is;
showing the dark side of a “perfect country”.“The album was recorded during a period of
significant social and political unrest during the 1970’s” (Reed, 2023) England was going
through a significant change mainly because during this decade, the society was going
through a cultural, social and political change. This could be seen as England was changing
from a hippie society into a very different one; in which people were more rebellious which
caused several changes and consequences in the society. The album belongs to the
progressive rock genre. This genre has been important since it embraced the main idea that
Pink Floyd had with its album. “Progressive rock is an expression of the optimistic, utopian,
and transformative spirit of the 60s. It is a genre of music that emerged in the mid-60s and
reached its biggest impact during the first half of the 1970s.” (Stefanoni, 2013) The album
has been influential on England’s culture and society because of all the messages that have
been promoted in every song. Most of the songs try to give out a message in which they
portray the difficulties that many people in England face throughout their lives, cases like
mental health issues, alienation, and human experiences which represent the “dark side” of
the society in England during the 1970s. According to the band members; “The album’s title,
“The Dark Side Of The Moon”, is not a reference to science fiction, but a metaphor about
madness, about everything capable of driving people crazy.” (Libro Pink Floyd, 2018) “That
is, the evils of the modern world (repetitive work, lack of communication, greed, success,
etc.) and what has always tormented human beings (the passage of time, which leads
inexorably to death).” (Libro Pink Floyd, 2018) This makes us understand that the true
meaning of the album is to go beyond the usual, entering an alternate reality and
demonstrating a less bright side of the moon where people have problems and do not have a
full life; this is why problems such as mental health, alienation, depression, etc. are shown.
Also, according to Roger Waters; one of the co-founders of the band; his appreciation of the
meaning of the album came out in this quote that he said on an interview for a British
newspaper; “In reality, the album is a metaphor that describes an inner journey towards the
confines of madness, not towards outer space, as one might imagine due to the allusion to
astral elements such as the moon and eclipses.” (Root, 2021) Roger Waters’ perspective of
the album was a very profound one because it made the listeners realize the real meaning of
the album which was representing a travel through the subconscious of people connecting it
with the harsh reality of several citizens in England by showing a fight against obstacles that
life itself presents to them. This album refers to the harsh reality of living with psychological
problems and that is why this is shown within the album with its multiple messages. Even
before making it, the band members were clear about what they wanted to show in future
projects. In their minds, they had an idea of the themes they wanted to showcase on the
album. “The themes of the general concept were broken down as Nick Mason says: Delivery
deadlines, travel, the phobia of flying, the attraction of money, the fear of death, the mental
instability problems that can lead to madness” (Libro Pink Floyd, 2018) This portrays that the
backstory of the album was connected to the reality that the band members had before
releasing it. We can see that the experiences of the members are reflected in the album, as
many of them have had struggles with multiple problems, like psychological problems,
personal issues, etc. This shows why “The Dark Side Of The Moon” has been influential in
the history of music, mainly because it connects to a different reality or a less pleasant life
that involves having problems like mental health issues, economic problems, craziness,
depression, etc. or even problems related to unhappiness with the government as the album
portrays problems generated by greedy people in the government who control the money and
the economy of the country. It is important to point out that as the album belongs to the
progressive rock genre, it tries to show the progress that the society has made and is going to
make for future generations. Just as the members said; “His way of approaching science and
technology and the way of communicating human decline in a context of advancement and
development, made this work a reference to the dark side that, in the first instance, the moon
could possess, but that sought to make us understand how fragile and delicate our nature is in
those moments in history.” (Barboza, 2019) This analysis highlights the significance of Pink
Floyd, especially their album “Dark Side of the Moon”, with the context of societal change
and the personal experiences of the members of the band. The paragraph emphasizes the
band’s role as a cultural force, as they address issues such as equality, and political struggles.
Through the sources it was possible to see how it enters into the metaphorical meaning of the
album’s title, explaining that it represents an exploration of madness and the darker aspects of
human existence. Roger Waters’ perspective adds depth to the interpretation, emphasizing the
album’s metaphorical journey through the subconscious and the struggles of individuals in
England during the 1970s. Waters’ quote provides insight into the profound nature of the
album’s meaning.

Chapter 2
The band explores a variety of themes and messages in the songs of the album. Making use of
topics such as mental health, disease, etc. There are topics that were common during the
1970’s in England. This album stands out for its underlying message. The band wanted to
explore themes such as madness, death, wealth and poverty, and human life in general.
(“Pink Floyd”, 2020) This makes us understand their main objective of picking specific
themes for each song. This is why we are capable of knowing why the album was so
influential to English society. Mainly because the album gave out key messages that reflected
several struggles that the citizens had, like having mental health problems, poverty,
procrastination, etc. “Despite its reputation, it is not a concept album, although its themes
explore aspects of life that we all know: birth, fear, money, greed, mental health, mortality,
and more.” (Spelling, 2023). "The album is made based on several themes particularly born
from the mind of Roger Waters and the other members of the band. Themes such as madness,
isolation, alienation, sadness." (“The Story of the Dark Side of the Moon”, 2023) This helps
us to understand the main topics of the songs which reflect the complex life that many people
in English society had during the 70s with themes of great impact. The album “Dark Side Of
The Moon” reflected such topics that were seen during the 1970’s in England, and in their
songs we are capable of understanding these themes. Even though there are many songs in
the album, there are some that have more importance than others because they show themes
of huge impact. For example, songs like Breathe, Time, Money, Brain Damage, and Us And
Them. In Breath, we see the theme of “sentimental calisthenics for the reflections that are
about to arrive in the form of melodies.” In Time we can see that it talks about “speaks of the
desperate need to leave a personal and universal mark in the ephemeral passage through life.”
(Ballesta, 2023) In Money, “the song addresses the superficialities and emptiness hidden
behind the constant ambition for material fortune.” (Ballesta, 2023) “The song Brain Damage
shows the sanity hidden behind dementia; “touches on paranoia and mental illness.”
(Ballesta, 2023) And the song Us And Them, “the band laments the anomie and
irreconcilable differences between human beings; “It criticizes violence and social
Darwinism from a nostalgic and, in a certain way, desperate vision.”” (Ballesta, 2023) After
having seen the most important themes in the songs on the album "Dark Side of the Moon"
we can see how the band represented a despicable side of English society since themes like
those previously mentioned, give us an idea that Even though England in the 70s was seen as
a good society without problems; They always hid the harsh reality that a large part of society
experienced. Furthermore, with this album, Pink Floyd wanted to demonstrate and give face
to those who were going through situations as bad as those presented within the album; by
showing and impacting those who identified with the album and who in a certain way felt it
as therapy for the difficult situations they were experiencing. For example, "Pink Floyd was
very specific in demonstrating the reality and the different situations that arise within the
nation. "His way of approaching science and technology and the way of communicating
human decay in a context of advancement and development , made this work a reference to
the dark side that, in the first instance, the moon could possess, but that sought to make us
understand how fragile and delicate our nature is in those decisive moments in history.”
(Barboza, 2019) Therefore, this gives us the understanding that Pink Floyd wanted to show
the harsh reality that they lived in certain parts of England by showing such recurring themes
for these people. By saying, "understanding how fragile and delicate our nature is" we mean
that each moment that occurred or occurred made those who suffered from problems, such as
mental problems, much more fragile and vulnerable. “The message is as valid then as it is
now. It talks about the alienation of modern man. The concept is life, and that never goes out
of style. It's also important because it's not an overly complicated album. It can be enjoyed as
a collection of songs because they are very good” (Marcos, “Cincuenta Años de “the Dark
Side of the Moon”: La Tragedia Moderna Donde Comenzó El Cisma En Pink Floyd”, 2023)
This quote is key since it makes us understand that the album does not aim at complexity but
rather at simplicity and being realistic with what it wants to expose. It is key to understand
that as the quote says "the concept is life" which gives us to understand that instead of
seeking popularity with the album and the songs, what was sought was to bring up issues of
everyday life and problems that people lived and still live. "In the case of "The Dark Side of
the Moon", the band wanted to capture life in a modern world, where intolerance, greed and
dehumanization constitute the threads that weave the relationships between people, their
environment and themselves." (Pink Floyd: Su Impacto Cultural) Waters himself considered
the album to be “an expression of political, philosophical, humanitarian empathy that was
desperate to get out” (Lakatošová, 2020) After taking a look at these quotes, we can see that
Pink Floyd released the album with the objective of it being an expression of empathy with
the people that had struggles and reflect on the problems that they have gone through. “In this
work they change the way of approaching the pieces with long atmospheric content to take on
themes carried through relatively short songs: aging, conflict, greed, the same mental illness
of their first leader Syd Barret, who split in two the history of the band.” (Barboza, 2019) The
album tried to give out signs that topics like this should be discussed mainly because they are
the cause for the struggles that many people had, so, through this album, people were able to
open up about these issues and be able to express themselves freely and show their
disagreement with the injustice of people not seeing the bad life they have and the poverty in
which they live, which is what they want to demonstrate within the album. “The Dark Side of
the Moon” stands as a monumental work not only for its musical brilliance but also for its
profound impact on societal discourse. Pink Floyd’s intentional exploration of themes goes
beyond artistic expression since it becomes an incentive for societal reflection and change.
The album’s enduring relevance and the band’s commitment to authenticity make it a
timeless masterpiece that continues to resonate, inspiring generations to engage with the
complexity of life and society.
The essay argues that Pink Floyd’s album “The Dark Side of the Moon” had a clear influence
on socio-political culture of England during the 1970s. The album, which was released during
a time of significant social and political unrest, played a crucial role in reflecting and shaping
the changing cultural view of England. This essay highlights the change from a hippie society
to a more rebellious one, thanks to the impact of Pink Floyd’s album. As we were able to see,
the band delves into different themes and messages that can be seen in the society,
emphasizing its exploration of topics such as existential reflections, critiques towards society,
and mental health diffusion. The album served as a commentary on the struggles and
challenges faced by society during the 70s, showing issues like alienation, materialism,
economic problems, and mental health. The selection of the progressive rock genre is
discussed as a means of effectively demonstrating the band’s messages about societal
progress and the challenges faced by individuals. Furthermore, the essay explored the
background of the album; its name, indicating that “The Dark Side of the Moon” is a
metaphor for hidden, less perfect aspects of society. The analysis goes beyond by going
through the perspectives band members on the album’s meaning, particularly Roger Waters’
insight into its representation of an inner journey toward the confines of madness. The essay
suggests that the album is a reflection of the band members´personal experiences and
struggles, connecting it to the reality of the English society they wanted to portray. The
inclusion of quotes from band members, such as Roger Waters, provides additional depth to
the argument, offering insights into the band’s intentions and motivations. The essay argues
that Pink Floyd aimed to make a significant impact on English society by addressing issues
like inequality and challenges planted by modern society. This analysis links the album
intimately with the personal experiences and struggles of the band members, effectively
connecting it to the reality of the English society they wanted to portray. As we were able to
see in this essay, “The Dark Side of the Moon” serves as a powerful expression of empathy
with individuals facing challenges, contributing to discussions on life in a modern world. The
album is portrayed as a reflection of the band’s commitment to addressing societal issues and
encouraging open dialogue about the struggles people face. Overall, the essay argues that
Pink Floyd’s album had a lasting influence on the socio-political culture of England during
the 1970s by bringing to light the darker aspects of society and encouraging reflection on
these issues. This essay portrays “The Dark Side of the Moon” as more than just a musical
compilation; it is portrayed as a potent expression of empathy with individuals navigating
challenges in a modern world. Pink Floyd, as it was argued, aimed to contribute meaningfully
to societal discussions, offering a platform for open dialogue about multifaceted struggles
people faced. The essay suggests that the album left an enduring impression on the
socio-political culture of England during the 1970s by bringing to light the obscured and
challenging facets of society.

● Tran, Paterson. “Tran: 50 Years of “the Dark Side of the Moon” and Pink Floyd’s
Everlasting Legacy - the Heights.” The Heights, 19 Mar. 2023,
Accessed 23 Aug. 2023.
● Spelling, Ian. “50 Years Ago, One Flawless Rock Album Changed Everything.”
Fatherly, 1 Mar. 2023,
● Stefanoni, Juan Carlos Cortés. “El Rock Progresivo Y La Contracultura.” Analéctica,
vol. 0, no. 0, 2013, pp. 28–36,
ock%20progresivo%20se%20entiende. Accessed 28 Aug. 2023.
Impact of Pink Floyd’s Music on British Society and Their Influence on Dream
Theater. 2020.
● Cincuenta Años de “The Dark Side of the Moon”. La Tragedia Moderna Donde
Comenzó El Cisma en Pink Floyd. “El País, 19 de Mar, 2023,
● Ballesta, Juan Carlos. “The Dark Side of the Moon: Un Viaje Galáctico a Bordo de
Pink Floyd.” Revista Ladosis, 28 Feb. 2023, Consultado el 7 de
septiembre. 2023.
● “Pink Floyd.” Us & Them, 2020,
Consultado el 8 de septiembre. 2023
● Barboza, Alvaro José. “El Lado Oscuro Del Diamante Loco.” Revistas. EL
HERALDO, Mayo 3 2019, Consultado el
8 de septiembre. 2023.
● “The Story of the Dark Side of the Moon.”, 25 Mar.
2023, Accessed 4 May 2023.
● Reed, Kevin . “Why Pink Floyd’s the Dark Side of the Moon Continues to Resonate
after 50 Years.” World Socialist Web Site, 6 Mar. 2023, Accessed 23 Aug. 2023.
● Pareles, Jon. “After Half a Century, “the Dark Side of the Moon” Still Reverberates.”
The New York Times, 28 Feb. 2023,
● Pink Floyd: la historia detrás de sus 179 canciones / Jean Michel Guesdon, Philippe
Margotin ; traducción Carolina Bastida Serra, Laura Collet Texidó, Teresa Jarrín
Rodríguez. Guesdon, Jean Michel.; Bastida Serra, Carolina, traductora.; Collet
Texidó, Laura, traductora.; Jarrín Rodríguez, Teresa, traductora.; Gaidon, Flavie,
editora.; Delourme, Léa, editora.; Pouhet, Charlotte, editor.; Margotin, Philippe. 2018

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